Romney Immediately Distances Himself From Ryan Budget

Allow me to point out the obvious here......

Paul Ryan is now the VP pick.
If Romney is elected, what influence does a VP have on the Budget?

In ordinary times it would be obvious to point out that the Budget falls on the shoulders of Congress.
But seeing how THIS Congress hasn't passed a Budget in almost 4 years, these aren't ordinary times.

When we claim some more seats in the Senate, this November, when we win the White House, THEN you can sweat the Budget.

But I'm willing to bet that the next Republican-Passed Budget will have more cuts than increases.
Today's e-mail from the Obama campaign:

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

No, you fucking idiOt, this election is about the economy.

It is about how you feel we need to get the economy back on track and at least in picking Ryan, Romney was offering a clear choice between true Reagan values and Roosevelt era stimulus. Why he walked away from it I have no idea.

Personally, I would side with Obama on that choice not because I think it will work but mostly because it will do less damage than the Romney/Ryan approach. Neither model accounts for todays flat world and international capital markets.

As a side note, Trickle down does work. You only have to go to the streets of Shanghai or Bangalore to see it work. The problem is it enriches the top 2% in the US and the educated class in Singapore, Shanghai, and Bangalore. Meanwhile the US middle class gets destroyed.
Why should we trust anything Lamehota posts?

He's proven to be a liar before. Anyone around here bust some windows in an Obama reelection HQ?


Today's e-mail from the Obama campaign:

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

No, you fucking idiOt, this election is about the economy.

It is about how you feel we need to get the economy back on track and at least in picking Ryan, Romney was offering a clear choice between true Reagan values and Roosevelt era stimulus. Why he walked away from it I have no idea.

Personally, I would side with Obama on that choice not because I think it will work but mostly because it will do less damage than the Romney/Ryan approach. Neither model accounts for todays flat world and international capital markets.

As a side note, Trickle down does work. You only have to go to the streets of Shanghai or Bangalore to see it work. The problem is it enriches the top 2% in the US and the educated class in Singapore, Shanghai, and Bangalore. Meanwhile the US middle class gets destroyed.

What is "it"?

I know you're not talking about a budget Plan because the Dems haven't got one
Today's e-mail from the Obama campaign:

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

No, you fucking idiOt, this election is about the economy.

Today's e-mail from the Obama campaign:

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

No, you fucking idiOt, this election is about the economy.

It is about how you feel we need to get the economy back on track and at least in picking Ryan, Romney was offering a clear choice between true Reagan values and Roosevelt era stimulus. Why he walked away from it I have no idea.

Personally, I would side with Obama on that choice not because I think it will work but mostly because it will do less damage than the Romney/Ryan approach. Neither model accounts for todays flat world and international capital markets.

As a side note, Trickle down does work. You only have to go to the streets of Shanghai or Bangalore to see it work. The problem is it enriches the top 2% in the US and the educated class in Singapore, Shanghai, and Bangalore. Meanwhile the US middle class gets destroyed.

What is "it"?

I know you're not talking about a budget Plan because the Dems haven't got one

It would be the stimulus approach to stimulating the economy versus the individual and capital gains tax cuts to the wealthy offered by Romney/Ryan.

Personally if any candidate would raise capital gains taxes to the level of income taxes and eliminate corporate income taxes, I would vote for them in a heartbeat. Sadly the democrats are at war with business and the republicans favor the wealthy not small business owners.
Today's e-mail from the Obama campaign:

Paul Ryan will be Mitt Romney's running mate.

What you need to know right now: This election is about values, and today Romney doubled down on his commitment to take our country back to the failed policies of the past.

No, you fucking idiOt, this election is about the economy.

It is about how you feel we need to get the economy back on track and at least in picking Ryan, Romney was offering a clear choice between true Reagan values and Roosevelt era stimulus. Why he walked away from it I have no idea.

Personally, I would side with Obama on that choice not because I think it will work but mostly because it will do less damage than the Romney/Ryan approach. Neither model accounts for todays flat world and international capital markets.

As a side note, Trickle down does work. You only have to go to the streets of Shanghai or Bangalore to see it work. The problem is it enriches the top 2% in the US and the educated class in Singapore, Shanghai, and Bangalore. Meanwhile the US middle class gets destroyed.

What is "it"?

I know you're not talking about a budget Plan because the Dems haven't got one

It would be the stimulus approach to stimulating the economy versus the individual and capital gains tax cuts to the wealthy offered by Romney/Ryan.

Personally if any candidate would raise capital gains taxes to the level of income taxes and eliminate corporate income taxes, I would vote for them in a heartbeat. Sadly the democrats are at war with business and the republicans favor the wealthy not small business owners.

So you're in favor of double taxation.

I'm sure you've probably heard this before, but raising taxes won't solve anything.
We need to cut spending.
Hate to break it to ya, but that includes stimulus spending.
Fundamentally change Medicare

The left tries to stay away from those 2 words

Actually I believe Obama was willing to fundamentally change Medicare if the Republicans had been willing to raise taxes on the wealthy. It was the Republicans who walked away from the deal curtesy of Grover Nordquist who even Alan Simpson thinks is a moron.

Those making over 1M have one of the lightest tax loads they have ever had historically. In my mind the blame for not getting a budget deal sits squarely in the lap of the Republicans.
The Huffington Post reported a Romney press release. Don't shoot the messenger. Sheesh!

show us the press release outside from the Hufferpost..

many here won't go there...for good reasons

we'll wait

Romney distancing himself from the Ryan budget.


Romney camp prepares Medicare defense after Ryan pick – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


Internal Talking Points: Romney Will Push His 'Own' Budget Proposal, Not Paul Ryan's Plan - Yahoo! News


Mitt Romney campaign talking points on handling the Paul Ryan pick -

Happy Reading.
Fundamentally change Medicare

The left tries to stay away from those 2 words

Actually I believe Obama was willing to fundamentally change Medicare if the Republicans had been willing to raise taxes on the wealthy. It was the Republicans who walked away from the deal curtesy of Grover Nordquist who even Alan Simpson thinks is a moron.

Those making over 1M have one of the lightest tax loads they have ever had historically. In my mind the blame for not getting a budget deal sits squarely in the lap of the Republicans.

Because they paid their "fair share" on their way to that million dollar mark.

Why do you hate success?
Fundamentally change Medicare

The left tries to stay away from those 2 words

What's your point? "Fundamentally change" means changing the base or foundation? Damn, don't you have a dictionary?

Obama made the statement that he was going to "fundamentally change America".

Ryan's plan calls for a fundamental change in the way Medicare is structured.

Translation for the passengers of the short bus:
Obama's "fundamental change" = Good
Ryan's "fundamental change" = Bad

Hypocrite much?

Ryan's plan calls for, instead of the federal government handing seniors Medicare, giving them the equivalent cash to go purchase private health care.
And here's the catch:
It's NOT Mandated.


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