Romney had it of course the Dems call foul!

Romney was comically wrong.

He said ALL of the 47% of support Obama is currently getting in the polls comes from the 47% of Americans who don't pay taxes.

That is absurd. Period.

Indeed, since most of the people not paying taxes are senior citizens.
I notice everyone is ignoring the list of states where these voters come from that don't pay.

Florida is one of them, and they are full of old people. Poor people on fixed budgets.
Romrom was stupid to state it in the way he did
I guess that comes down to how much of the 47% are only on government assistance because this Administration has done so little to deal with a lack of jobs in the Private Sector? If I'm on food stamps because I can't get a job that I desperately want and need them to feed my family then who am I going to vote for...the guy that hasn't done anything to help me find a job because I'm not in a union or work for the government....or the guy that promises he WILL help people like me get back to work? What you progressives fail to take into account is that for MANY people who are on food stamps and unemployment, what they want more then any handout is to be back working again. What reason would someone like THAT have to vote for Barack Obama?

Mitt Romney promised, so it's obviously going to happen. :lol:

When has Mitt Romney not delivered on his promises? Romney actually "is" gifted. Obama and his adoring fans just "think" he is.
I guess that comes down to how much of the 47% are only on government assistance because this Administration has done so little to deal with a lack of jobs in the Private Sector? If I'm on food stamps because I can't get a job that I desperately want and need them to feed my family then who am I going to vote for...the guy that hasn't done anything to help me find a job because I'm not in a union or work for the government....or the guy that promises he WILL help people like me get back to work? What you progressives fail to take into account is that for MANY people who are on food stamps and unemployment, what they want more then any handout is to be back working again. What reason would someone like THAT have to vote for Barack Obama?

Mitt Romney promised, so it's obviously going to happen. :lol:

When has Mitt Romney not delivered on his promises? Romney actually "is" gifted. Obama and his adoring fans just "think" he is.

If you think Romney can be taken at his word you don't know much about him.
Romney got a big boost from the release of that tape. He's eliminated obama's lead and taken the lead himself.



Don't pay any attention to katzdog. She's the least intelligent conservative poster on this board.

How do I know that? Because I've yet to hear one conservative poster dispute it.

She's one of the most intelligent conservative posters on this board.

She posted that to needle the Dems. Nice to see that it worked. :lol:
I guess that comes down to how much of the 47% are only on government assistance because this Administration has done so little to deal with a lack of jobs in the Private Sector? If I'm on food stamps because I can't get a job that I desperately want and need them to feed my family then who am I going to vote for...the guy that hasn't done anything to help me find a job because I'm not in a union or work for the government....or the guy that promises he WILL help people like me get back to work? What you progressives fail to take into account is that for MANY people who are on food stamps and unemployment, what they want more then any handout is to be back working again. What reason would someone like THAT have to vote for Barack Obama?

There's a guy running that won't help someone find a job because they already have a job (because, you know, that's definitional to be a unionized worker or a public sector employee)?
I guess that comes down to how much of the 47% are only on government assistance because this Administration has done so little to deal with a lack of jobs in the Private Sector? If I'm on food stamps because I can't get a job that I desperately want and need them to feed my family then who am I going to vote for...the guy that hasn't done anything to help me find a job because I'm not in a union or work for the government....or the guy that promises he WILL help people like me get back to work? What you progressives fail to take into account is that for MANY people who are on food stamps and unemployment, what they want more then any handout is to be back working again. What reason would someone like THAT have to vote for Barack Obama?

There's a guy running that won't help someone find a job because they already have a job (because, you know, that's definitional to be a unionized worker or a public sector employee)?

I have no idea what that statement is supposed to mean...
When has Mitt Romney not delivered on his promises? Romney actually "is" gifted. Obama and his adoring fans just "think" he is.

If you think Romney can be taken at his word you don't know much about him.

I judge people on what they "do" not what they "say". Barack Obama promises much...yet delivers little.

That's not true, you've already judged Romney to be a better choice than Obama and he hasn't done anything but talk.
I guess that comes down to how much of the 47% are only on government assistance because this Administration has done so little to deal with a lack of jobs in the Private Sector? If I'm on food stamps because I can't get a job that I desperately want and need them to feed my family then who am I going to vote for...the guy that hasn't done anything to help me find a job because I'm not in a union or work for the government....or the guy that promises he WILL help people like me get back to work? What you progressives fail to take into account is that for MANY people who are on food stamps and unemployment, what they want more then any handout is to be back working again. What reason would someone like THAT have to vote for Barack Obama?

There's a guy running that won't help someone find a job because they already have a job (because, you know, that's definitional to be a unionized worker or a public sector employee)?

I have no idea what that statement is supposed to mean...

He won't help you find a job because "I'm not in a union or work for the government". Except that if you wee in either of those categories, you'd already have a job. Why would anyone be helping people with a job look for a job?
See the problem here is not the facts. The problem comes in when Romney says "it's not my job to worry about those people" News flash Mr. Romney.... It most certainly is your job to worry about those people. There are plenty of Republicans that work every day and pay no taxes and that receive some sort of government help. It's not just "Them"

Mitt Romney's "it's not my job to worry about those people" is the antithesis of great Presidents like Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy.

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy
Romney was comically wrong.

He said ALL of the 47% of support Obama is currently getting in the polls comes from the 47% of Americans who don't pay taxes.

That is absurd. Period.

The only thing that is absurd is that he didn't say that.
Romney's fixers won't be able to fix this mess, his goose is cooked....

What mess? The fact that he had the balls to say that many Americans are lazy welfare slackers?

Restating a Rovian Bennetish myth isn't ballsy is stupid. Doubling down on it once it has hit the media is mind blowing stupid.

Ya maybe a handfull of tea party wackadoodles would like to hear thier nonsense talking points amplified.

The problem is that first it is not true. Secondly it's lie is cast on half of the voters in the country.

The humorous aspect of this whole MESS is that our USMB newGOPer hacks just keep doubling and trippling down like nothing bad has happened. They say GREAT!

Only a brainwashed Romneyzombie doesn't see that this is crushing Mittens hopes for a presidency.

Keep it up zombies... you couldn't be working any harder for Obama if he was paying you.
Romney's fixers won't be able to fix this mess, his goose is cooked....

Was he correct or not?

Tell me, do the following have any impact on your thinking?

1. The desire for equality of income or of wealth is, of course, but one aspect of a more general desire for equality. “The essence of the moral idea of socialism is that human equality is the supreme value in life.”
Martin Malia, “A Fatal Logic,” The National Interest, Spring 1993, pp. 80, 87

2. Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.”
Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179

Talk about dishonest. For those reading, she wants you to think these are quotes from liberals. I'm not familiar with the second author, but the first one is a clip from right-wing publication. Would be just as dishonest as quoting someone at The Nation saying conservatives are brutish as evidence that they are.

1. "Talk about dishonest."

Oh, my....seems you're still smarting over our last clash.
I was I always do....telling the truth.

2. "...she wants you to think..."
And the best you can do is present an argument for me being dishonest..."For those reading"....based in your esteemed ability at clairvoyance!

Crystal ball? Tossing bones? Tarot cards?

Certainly not based on insight...I've seen your work.

3. In actuality, what I sought was a consideration of the ideas presented, rather than who presented them.

Usually, those limited in knowledge and intelligence attack the messenger, rather than the message.

As you did.

4. "Would be just as dishonest as...

As I rarely if ever complain about the source, and am able to argue the points raised....something you seem less than inclined to do....(able to do?) is therefore 'dishonest' of you to suggest that I would do so, e.g., "Would be just as dishonest as quoting someone at The Nation saying conservatives are brutish as evidence that they are."

Have you been thoroughly chastened?
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