RNC Propaganda Arm Doesn't Cover Obama Announcement


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
The propaganda arm of the RNC didn't cut to the President when he announced the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

More evidence that they are not a news channel.
The propaganda arm of the RNC didn't cut to the President when he announced the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

More evidence that they are not a news channel.

Of course not, it doesn't fit their agenda.

They decide what news you should be reported.

Check how the morning peanut gallery wailed and moaned about their boss who some say, is a criminal:
Fox & Friends Covers News Corp. Scandal ... By Complaining About Media "Piling On" | Media Matters for America
The propaganda arm of the RNC didn't cut to the President when he announced the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

More evidence that they are not a news channel.

Of course not, it doesn't fit their agenda.

They decide what news you should be reported.

Check how the morning peanut gallery wailed and moaned about their boss who some say, is a criminal:
Fox & Friends Covers News Corp. Scandal ... By Complaining About Media "Piling On" | Media Matters for America

Yeah, thanks for that
Those are websites, dave. The OP specifically talks about the cable channel that didn't break away to cover a presidential announcement that will positively affect millions of Americans by making credit card companies clearly spell out conditions instead of hiding things in fine print.

Care to shill again?
Did you get your frilly panties in a wad when MSDNC didn't cover things Bush did?

No, you didn't. You really need to get over your childish hero-worship of Obama.

He's never going to call you, you know.
Jesus Christ, sometimes liberals annoy the shit out of me.

FOX is allowed to show whatever stories they want, just like every other news station. The only people who decided what "news" is are the producers of each show. TV stations are under no obligation as to what they cover - they cover whatever they think will make them the most money.

It's not FOX's responsibility to "inform" their viewers - it's each person's own responsibility to "inform" themselves.
Jesus Christ, sometimes liberals annoy the shit out of me.

FOX is allowed to show whatever stories they want, just like every other news station. The only people who decided what "news" is are the producers of each show. TV stations are under no obligation as to what they cover - they cover whatever they think will make them the most money.

It's not FOX's responsibility to "inform" their viewers - it's each person's own responsibility to "inform" themselves.
Leftists who have to have their opinions spoon-fed to them can't understand that.
Those are websites, dave. The OP specifically talks about the cable channel that didn't break away to cover a presidential announcement that will positively affect millions of Americans by making credit card companies clearly spell out conditions instead of hiding things in fine print.

Care to shill again?
Did you get your frilly panties in a wad when MSDNC didn't cover things Bush did?

No, you didn't. You really need to get over your childish hero-worship of Obama.

He's never going to call you, you know.

They covered everything Bush did.

FAIL - now go back to shilling.
Of course most people get their news from more than one source. that is to say most INFORMED people. There are still too many who get their news from the 30 minutes of local broadcast network news. Those would be the majority and the uninformed.
Those are websites, dave. The OP specifically talks about the cable channel that didn't break away to cover a presidential announcement that will positively affect millions of Americans by making credit card companies clearly spell out conditions instead of hiding things in fine print.

Care to shill again?

oh so they didn't break away? I see:cuckoo:
Those are websites, dave. The OP specifically talks about the cable channel that didn't break away to cover a presidential announcement that will positively affect millions of Americans by making credit card companies clearly spell out conditions instead of hiding things in fine print.

Care to shill again?
Did you get your frilly panties in a wad when MSDNC didn't cover things Bush did?

No, you didn't. You really need to get over your childish hero-worship of Obama.

He's never going to call you, you know.

They covered everything Bush did.
Prove it.
FAIL - now go back to shilling.
Your unproven claims are in no way proof of my failure. Dumbass.
Jesus Christ, sometimes liberals annoy the shit out of me.

FOX is allowed to show whatever stories they want, just like every other news station. The only people who decided what "news" is are the producers of each show. TV stations are under no obligation as to what they cover - they cover whatever they think will make them the most money.

It's not FOX's responsibility to "inform" their viewers - it's each person's own responsibility to "inform" themselves.

Maybe that's why the right are less rabid about news media.... we do inform ourselves - admittedly some more successfully than others.
Jesus Christ, sometimes liberals annoy the shit out of me.

FOX is allowed to show whatever stories they want, just like every other news station. The only people who decided what "news" is are the producers of each show. TV stations are under no obligation as to what they cover - they cover whatever they think will make them the most money.

It's not FOX's responsibility to "inform" their viewers - it's each person's own responsibility to "inform" themselves.

Maybe that's why the right are less rabid about news media.... we do inform ourselves - admittedly some more successfully than others.

There are at least as many hysterical "OH NOES LIBERAL MEDIA" threads as there are "FOX is EVIL" threads.
Jesus Christ, sometimes liberals annoy the shit out of me.

FOX is allowed to show whatever stories they want, just like every other news station. The only people who decided what "news" is are the producers of each show. TV stations are under no obligation as to what they cover - they cover whatever they think will make them the most money.

It's not FOX's responsibility to "inform" their viewers - it's each person's own responsibility to "inform" themselves.

Maybe that's why the right are less rabid about news media.... we do inform ourselves - admittedly some more successfully than others.
You people are so partisan it takes you into the deep recesses of ignorance.

So then who are the people watching FOX then? It IS THE most highest rated "news network" today and has been for many, many years.

We hear every day from rabid RW nutjobs on this boards about how FOX is crushing the other networks in the ratings.

Don't you think it's the same people who are continuing to come back to that infotainment network to "keep themselves informed?"
Well, OK, maybe Fox covered it after all, but they sure didn't cover it the way Synth wanted them too and that's all that matters

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