Rio Olympics could be a desaster


Nov 14, 2012
While mass media focus on alleged Russian doping, a filthy attempt to ban Russians from the Olympics, little has been reported about the conditions of the Olympic village and the progress of the preparations for the games, as well as other infamous discoveries.

This article tells you all you need to know about this upcoming "Third World Olympics":
Rio Olympics athletes' village is 'uninhabitable'
Water sports have to compete in Rio filth...

Expert to Rio athletes: 'Don't put your head under water'
Aug 1,`16 -- Just days ahead of the Olympic Games the waterways of Rio de Janeiro are as filthy as ever, contaminated with raw human sewage teeming with dangerous viruses and bacteria, according to a 16-month-long study commissioned by The Associated Press.
Not only are some 1,400 athletes at risk of getting violently ill in water competitions, but the AP's tests indicate that tourists also face potentially serious health risks on the golden beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana. The AP's survey of the aquatic Olympic and Paralympic venues has revealed consistent and dangerously high levels of viruses from the pollution, a major black eye on Rio's Olympic project that has set off alarm bells among sailors, rowers and open-water swimmers. In light of the findings, biomedical expert Valerie Harwood had one piece of advice for travelers to Rio: "Don't put your head under water."

The most contaminated points are the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, where Olympic rowing will take place, and the Gloria Marina, the starting point for the sailing races. Sampling at the Lagoon in March 2015 revealed an astounding 1.73 billion adenoviruses per liter. By this June, adenovirus readings were lower but still hair-raising at 248 million adenoviruses per liter. By comparison, in California, viral readings in the thousands per liter set off alarm bells. Despite a project aimed at preventing raw sewage from flowing into the Gloria Marina through storm drains, the waters remain just as contaminated. The first sampling there, in March 2015, showed over 26 million adenoviruses per liter. This June, over 37 million adenoviruses per liter were detected.


Cars drive above sewage flowing from the suburb of Sao Goncalo into Guanabara Bay, across the bay from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Throughout Brazil, sewage treatment has lagged dramatically, meaning that so-called 'black tongues' of fetid, sewage-filled water are common on beaches across the country​

The first results of the AP study published over a year ago showed viral levels at up to 1.7 million times what would be considered worrisome in the United States or Europe. At those concentrations, swimmers and athletes who ingest just three teaspoons of water are almost certain to be infected with viruses that can cause stomach and respiratory illnesses and more rarely heart and brain inflammation - although whether they actually fall ill depends on a series of factors including the strength of the individual's immune system. Since the AP released the initial results last July, athletes have been taking elaborate precautions to prevent illnesses that could potentially knock them out of the competition, including preventatively taking antibiotics, bleaching oars and donning plastic suits and gloves in a bid to limit contact with the water.

But antibiotics combat bacterial infections, not viruses. And the AP investigation found that infectious adenovirus readings - tested with cell cultures and verified with molecular biology protocols - turned up at nearly 90 percent of the test sites over 16 months of testing. "That's a very, very, very high percentage," said Dr. Harwood, chair of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida. "Seeing that level of human pathogenic virus is pretty much unheard of in surface waters in the U.S. You would never, ever see these levels because we treat our waste water. You just would not see this."

A lot of athletes will return home with skin diseases.

Many will return with the Zika virus.

Some may be kidnapped and never return.
I agree with all posts in here. What I want to know is how the heck did Rio get picked for the Olympics to start with...
Zika concerns at the Olympics...

Jeering Brazilian Crowd Chants 'Zika, Zika' at U.S. Women's Soccer Team
August 4, 2016 — Hope Solo wasn't bothered by the chanting. The veteran USA goalie was teased by fans chanting "Zika, Zika" at her as the U.S. women's soccer team defeated New Zealand in its Olympic debut on Wednesday.
The crowd of nearly 10,000 fans at the 60,000-capacity Mineirao Stadium jeered the goalkeeper with references to the virus that has scared many athletes ahead of the Rio Games. "I'm glad the fans had fun," Solo said. "And if they had fun at my expense, more power to them." Solo upset some Brazilians before coming to the Olympics by tweeting a photo of herself wearing a hat with mosquito netting. She also posted a photo of dozens of packs of mosquito repellent that she was packing for her trip to Brazil.

She made amends a few days before the games, blaming the American media for spreading fear about Zika and other problems ahead of the Rio Games. She said the media was being "really tough on people of Brazil." The veteran goalkeeper said she didn't realize during the game that the fans were chanting "Zika," and thought they were only yelling a common slur that local clubs sometimes use against goalkeepers at goal kicks.

Some of the fans were indeed yelling the slur early in the game, but later the majority of the crowd started with the "Zika" chant, which was also repeated after the final whistle. "That's something hopefully they will put behind them and realize that Hope has apologized to the Brazilian people," U.S. coach Jill Ellis said of the fans. "Sometimes mistakes are made. We are used to getting booed in other countries, so that part of it is not foreign. I hope the Brazilian people appreciate what we are trying to do with the ball and move past that."

Jeering Brazilian Crowd Chants 'Zika, Zika' at U.S. Women's Soccer Team

See also:

Peddlers Offer Free Porn to Combat Sexually Transmitted Zika at Olympics
August 4, 2016 | Calling it a “health initiative,” one of the biggest peddlers of pornography is offering free pornography to anyone in Brazil as a way to avoid contracting the Zika virus through sexual contact during the Olympic summer games in Rio de Janeiro.
“Fans and athletes from across the globe will come together for a celebration of sportsmanship, respect and love in the sexiest city on Earth – Rio,” the YouTube video narration said, noting that the city is plagued by the mosquito-born Zika virus. “Because the virus can also be transmitted through sex, health authorities are recommending that people there for the Olympics remain abstinent – a tough ask in a city where hormones flow through the air,” the video said.

The video noted that because of Zika, some people have opted to stay away – a “bad sign” for the success of the games. “So Porn hub’s going to do something about it,” the video said. “We know that when it comes to sports, the best way to avoid injury is by watching from your seat. “That’s why we’ll be giving away Porn hub premium memberships to everyone in Rio during the games to help you avoid temptation as hard as that may be,” the video said.

The video said that when visitors log onto the hardcore pornography site and confirm their location as Rio, they will get “free premium access for the duration of the games.” Calling the games the “Ooolympics,” the video said other content would also be provided for visitors. “On the site you’ll also find helpful information about Zika,” the video said. “Citizens of the world, have a safe and healthy summer games.”

Peddlers Offer Free Porn to Combat Sexually Transmitted Zika at Olympics
It is so repulsively nasty there, I am not even going to watch. Earlier the Australian coach for the swim team had to pull his guys out of the water because it was ''soupy'', and that is ''controlled water''. (pool)
Lots more other stuff reported, but it is so offensive, I am not even going to post it.

Advertising Invincibility

If more attention was given worldwide to American men's college basketball (traditionally considered a televised sport of social esteem in the USA, second only to college football in national attention), then the US Men's National Basketball team at any Summer Games would generate more optimistic cheer rather than, "Oh, is it another Dream Team this year?"

Wake Forest, for example, has boasted a very gem-like history in the NCAA, and its two stand-outs Chris Paul and Randolph Childress were complemented by the successes of Deamon Deacons legend Tim Duncan (before he became a Spurs MVP).

It's all about marketing.

Wake Forest Basketball (Wikipedia)


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The Australian Olympic Committee are among several to have withdrawn their athletes from the Village

With little over a week to go before the opening ceremony for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, the much-maligned Games have suffered yet another setback. It has emerged that the Olympic Village, constructed for Olympic and Paralympic athletes to reside in for the duration of the games, is unfit to be inhabited.In a written statement, Team Australia’s Chef de Mission, Kitty Chiller, said "Problems include blocked toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, darkened stairwells where no lighting has been installed and dirty floors in need of a massive clean”Chiller mentioned that Australia were not the only team that found this an issue. In the statement, she mentioned “….Team GB, New Zealand and others are experiencing the same problems in their accommodation.”


Rio 2016: Olympic Village in bad condition, athletes forced to stay in hotel rooms
Coach K's Dream Team

Europeans have somewhat lifted basketball out of the depths of American bias, and now many countries follow the sport.

In America basketball is very storied. Remember in 1993, when Jason Kidd's Cal team dethroned Bobby Hurley's magical Duke team in the NCAA tourney? The rest of the world has 'stories' like that for sports like soccer, rugby, cricket, and skiing --- not basketball.

The Michael Jordan era Dream Team brought a lot of general hype to Olympics basketball, but Coach K's version of an American 'Dream Team' is comprised of good team-play and hard work and a solid work ethic (and NBA stars too --- e.g., Kevin Durant). This takes the sting out of the criticism that Americans bring a lot of media buzz for sports that they dominate in and endorse, and this creates a lot of anti-Olympics cynicism among TV audiences.

Coach K might be the right anchor for this generation's TV audience. Just a thought!
Kidd's College Highlight Was 1993 Upset of Duke


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