Right Wing extremists have killed more people in US than Muslims since 2002


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
I find it funny right wing moonbats are complaining about ANTIFA violence, when they are more violent than anyone (including Muslims).

"...according to New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead."
As one navigates the many threads on this website, you can see the amount of vitriol right wingers are slinging towards others they disagree with.

These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies.
And it is quite a hoot when they claim they peaceably assemble to exercise their 1st amendment rights.

These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.
Don't believe me? See for yourself. Just look at the threads they've created in just this past week.
Muslims are about one percent of the US population. If half of the people killed in these "attacks" are killed by Muslims, that means Muslims are roughly one hundred times more deadly than everyone else. So why let them in?
I condemn these acts of violence and murder from anyone. Right of left doesn't matter. I am right wing but if there are acts of violence and murder from other right wing people I think it's wrong and I condemn it . Anti fa is wrong for their violent ways period.

You said "right wing moon bats are more violent than anyone"

You proof of this was to say

""...according to New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead."

So you have declared right wingers 60+ million people as the most violent people because of 18 strikes and 48 deaths over the time period of 15 years...

I wouldn't judge Muslims in the US as violent people based off of your statistics either .how can someone confidently state the actions of less than 20 people and 48 murders make a group of millions of people violent. The math does not add up. Just as it doesn't add up for "right winger moon bats"

Not only is your logic to your point terrible and not evidence to your claim it's false!!

Here are the ACTUAL numbers for you Muslims killing in the US since 2002. Not 48 people- 96 people killed. Check your facts before posting them as evidence to a already wrong point.

July 4, 2002, LA airport 2 were shot and killed

June 1, 2009, Little Rock Arkansas drive by shooting 1 killed

November 5, 2009, Fort Hood TX 13 people shot and killed.

September 24, 2014. Oklahoma 1 woman killed by beheading

December 20, 2014. New York 2 shot and killed execution-style

April 15, 2013, Boston Marathon bombing 3 people killed hundreds injured, 16 lost limbs

July 16, 2015. Chattanooga TX, drive by shooting 5 killed

December 14, 2015 San Bernadino 14 shot and killed

June 12, 2016, Orlando FL 49 shot and killed at gay night club Pulse

Total people muslims have killed since 2002in the US= 96

Interesting how you started the count at 2002 and not 2001. Is that because if you were to include 911 your point would be easily destroyed?

So I'm going to add it in for you!

September 11, 2001- 2,996 people killed

Grand total 2001-current = 3,092 dead

I still will not say that Muslims in the US are all violent I am not prejudiced like you are

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