Rick Perry's bizarre New Hampshire speech

Perry must be gaining traction if CandyCorn is going to these lengths...

Traction? With a few more million $$$ he may overtake Bachman and poll in double didgits in Iowa...LOL.

Just pointing it out; what always gets me is that Rabbai and Missourian et.al. will be in here (if they haven't been already) defending this bizarre speech as some sort of political science example of how to run for President; message being their boy can't do anything wrong. And of course the gaffes of Biden will be brought up immediately as if Joe Biden is the gold standard of oration.

Any sober observer can admit without reservation that this was not Perry's finest hour. He has very few fine hours apparently. But they will not even do that.

I watched the video, it looked to me like he was being informal with an informal crowd. And the clips are taken out of context.

I think he's trying to adopt Cain's kind of Folksy style, and it isn't natural to him. Just my thought.

I do find it interesting that the Politico seems to do hit pieces on all Romney's adversaries, though.

Informal....oh okay. He looked like he had just took a dance with Mary Jane. The thing with the syrup is too damn funny.

So we should look forward to such informality every single time from now on, right? I mean if that is just Ricky being Ricky, he shouldn't change or be ashamed on this behavior; right?
Informal....oh okay. He looked like he had just took a dance with Mary Jane. The thing with the syrup is too damn funny.

So we should look forward to such informality every single time from now on, right? I mean if that is just Ricky being Ricky, he shouldn't change or be ashamed on this behavior; right?

I think you are reading things that aren't there or that you want to be there.

You know, when I criticize Romney, at least I'm straight up about why I don't like him. what's your beef?
I think it would be usefull to compare a few of Perry's previous speeches with this one. See if there are any marked differences in style and demeanor. If so, is there a logical explaination for the differences?
I think it would be usefull to compare a few of Perry's previous speeches with this one. See if there are any marked differences in style and demeanor. If so, is there a logical explaination for the differences?


No, seriously, why?

Maybe he was tired.

Maybe he was trying a new tact with a crowd that didn't work out all that well on tape. (It sounded like the audience was frequently clapping to me, so he was connecting with that crowd.)

The fact is, guy, you and CandyCorn wouldn't vote for Perry if he had the eloquence of Reagan, no matter how badly Obama has messed up the country.

I'm still keeping an open mind. I think Perry is preferable to Romney, Cain or Gingrich (the only real credible candidates) but I'm willing to be swayed. Except for Romney. that subject is closed.
I think it would be usefull to compare a few of Perry's previous speeches with this one. See if there are any marked differences in style and demeanor. If so, is there a logical explaination for the differences?


No, seriously, why?

Maybe he was tired.

Maybe he was trying a new tact with a crowd that didn't work out all that well on tape. (It sounded like the audience was frequently clapping to me, so he was connecting with that crowd.)

The fact is, guy, you and CandyCorn wouldn't vote for Perry if he had the eloquence of Reagan, no matter how badly Obama has messed up the country.

I'm still keeping an open mind. I think Perry is preferable to Romney, Cain or Gingrich (the only real credible candidates) but I'm willing to be swayed. Except for Romney. that subject is closed.

Why? Isn't it obvious? To learn if he has had speeches like this in the past. To see if this is just Perry being Perry.

And....I am satisfied with Obama's performace as POTUS. I am in favor of him having another term. So....you are correct. I would not vote for Perry.
Why? Isn't it obvious? To learn if he has had speeches like this in the past. To see if this is just Perry being Perry.

And....I am satisfied with Obama's performace as POTUS. I am in favor of him having another term. So....you are correct. I would not vote for Perry.

If you are satisfied with 9% unemployment, 6% inflation, 1.4 trillion dollar debt, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, and a government that is probably the most dysfunctional that I've seen in my lifetime, then I would say you have pretty low standards.

I think on some level, you know Obama is a failure, so you need to find fault with his adversaries, even over the trivial...

The above litany of failure is a lot more serious than whether or not Perry was too folksy in an appearence or if Herman Cain was unclear on what the settlement with a slacker they fired was.
Why? Isn't it obvious? To learn if he has had speeches like this in the past. To see if this is just Perry being Perry.

And....I am satisfied with Obama's performace as POTUS. I am in favor of him having another term. So....you are correct. I would not vote for Perry.

If you are satisfied with 9% unemployment, 6% inflation, 1.4 trillion dollar debt, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, and a government that is probably the most dysfunctional that I've seen in my lifetime, then I would say you have pretty low standards.

I think on some level, you know Obama is a failure, so you need to find fault with his adversaries, even over the trivial...

The above litany of failure is a lot more serious than whether or not Perry was too folksy in an appearence or if Herman Cain was unclear on what the settlement with a slacker they fired was.

I disagree with your assessment. The man has done a fine job. Not liberal enough....but a fine job.
Why? Isn't it obvious? To learn if he has had speeches like this in the past. To see if this is just Perry being Perry.

And....I am satisfied with Obama's performace as POTUS. I am in favor of him having another term. So....you are correct. I would not vote for Perry.

If you are satisfied with 9% unemployment, 6% inflation, 1.4 trillion dollar debt, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, and a government that is probably the most dysfunctional that I've seen in my lifetime, then I would say you have pretty low standards.

I think on some level, you know Obama is a failure, so you need to find fault with his adversaries, even over the trivial...

The above litany of failure is a lot more serious than whether or not Perry was too folksy in an appearence or if Herman Cain was unclear on what the settlement with a slacker they fired was.

I disagree with your assessment. The man has done a fine job. Not liberal enough....but a fine job.

Okay, someone been smoking something here, but I'm reasonably sure it isn't Rick Perry.... :lol:
RP has a conundrum.

Either he was hammered in NH and was normal in the other debates, or he was normal in NH and hammered in the other debates.

He is finished.
Why? Isn't it obvious? To learn if he has had speeches like this in the past. To see if this is just Perry being Perry.

And....I am satisfied with Obama's performace as POTUS. I am in favor of him having another term. So....you are correct. I would not vote for Perry.

If you are satisfied with 9% unemployment, 6% inflation, 1.4 trillion dollar debt, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, and a government that is probably the most dysfunctional that I've seen in my lifetime, then I would say you have pretty low standards.

I think on some level, you know Obama is a failure, so you need to find fault with his adversaries, even over the trivial...

The above litany of failure is a lot more serious than whether or not Perry was too folksy in an appearence or if Herman Cain was unclear on what the settlement with a slacker they fired was.

where obama failed was in thinking that he could work with the "ihopehefails" "he'ssocialistkenyanmuslim" right. he takes some of the blame for not punching the schoolyard bullies in the face. but the right who has blocked every appointment, filibustered every bill and driven our country's credit rating down by playing games with the debt ceiling is more responsible that things aren't better.

and that's not even going into the fact that bush had a surplus when he went into office and blew up the economy

and ultimately, there is not a single person put forth by the repubs who is going to do better. they'll just mess with the court and stick it to the middle class on behalf of corporatists even more.... not to mention the rightwing obsession with passing laws to block everything from reproductive choice to emergency life-saving abortions, to the ability to obtain birth control like in the dark days before Griswold v Connecticut.

and then they'll pretend they're "constitutionalists".
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RP has a conundrum.

Either he was hammered in NH and was normal in the other debates, or he was normal in NH and hammered in the other debates.

He is finished.

You keep telling yourself that, Jake the Fake.

Keep telling yourself that the Weird Mormon Robot is a shoe-in at 20% of the GOP vote.

Keep telling yourself that the 80% who don't want him won't settle on a single choice.

Just keep telling yourself that.
where obama failed was in thinking that he could work with the "ihopehefails" "he'ssocialistkenyanmuslim" right. he takes some of the blame for not punching the schoolyard bullies in the face. but the right who has blocked every appointment, filibustered every bill and driven our country's credit rating down by playing games with the debt ceiling is more responsible that things aren't better.

and that's not even going into the fact that bush had a surplus when he went into office and blew up the economy

and ultimately, there is not a single person put forth by the repubs who is going to do better. they'll just mess with the court and stick it to the middle class on behalf of corporatists even more.... not to mention the rightwing obsession with passing laws to block everything from reproductive choice to emergency life-saving abortions, to the ability to obtain birth control like in the dark days before Griswold v Connecticut.

and then they'll pretend they're "constitutionalists".

Obama had two years where he had both houses of Congress, and he still didn't fix any of the listed problems, and in most cases made them worse. People did not vote the Republicans back in because he was doing a hunky-dorey job.

And given the Dems opposed Bush-43 at every oppurtunity, they don't exactly have the moral high ground.

and frankly, I've been hearing the "We're going to be barefoot and pregnant" screaming for 32 years now. We've had Republican presidents for 20 of those years, and guess what, Abortion is still legal, upheld by Republican appointees, for the most part.
where obama failed was in thinking that he could work with the "ihopehefails" "he'ssocialistkenyanmuslim" right. he takes some of the blame for not punching the schoolyard bullies in the face. but the right who has blocked every appointment, filibustered every bill and driven our country's credit rating down by playing games with the debt ceiling is more responsible that things aren't better.

and that's not even going into the fact that bush had a surplus when he went into office and blew up the economy

and ultimately, there is not a single person put forth by the repubs who is going to do better. they'll just mess with the court and stick it to the middle class on behalf of corporatists even more.... not to mention the rightwing obsession with passing laws to block everything from reproductive choice to emergency life-saving abortions, to the ability to obtain birth control like in the dark days before Griswold v Connecticut.

and then they'll pretend they're "constitutionalists".

Obama had two years where he had both houses of Congress, and he still didn't fix any of the listed problems, and in most cases made them worse. People did not vote the Republicans back in because he was doing a hunky-dorey job.

And given the Dems opposed Bush-43 at every oppurtunity, they don't exactly have the moral high ground.

and frankly, I've been hearing the "We're going to be barefoot and pregnant" screaming for 32 years now. We've had Republican presidents for 20 of those years, and guess what, Abortion is still legal, upheld by Republican appointees, for the most part.

that would be a lie. they weren't filibuster proof.

and i'll direct your attention to the disgusting bills coming out of the tea party 'tards in the House. Do you think if the senate wasn't dem and the president wouldn't veto that those bills wouldn't get passed into law?

try again.
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where obama failed was in thinking that he could work with the "ihopehefails" "he'ssocialistkenyanmuslim" right. he takes some of the blame for not punching the schoolyard bullies in the face. but the right who has blocked every appointment, filibustered every bill and driven our country's credit rating down by playing games with the debt ceiling is more responsible that things aren't better.

and that's not even going into the fact that bush had a surplus when he went into office and blew up the economy

and ultimately, there is not a single person put forth by the repubs who is going to do better. they'll just mess with the court and stick it to the middle class on behalf of corporatists even more.... not to mention the rightwing obsession with passing laws to block everything from reproductive choice to emergency life-saving abortions, to the ability to obtain birth control like in the dark days before Griswold v Connecticut.

and then they'll pretend they're "constitutionalists".

Obama had two years where he had both houses of Congress, and he still didn't fix any of the listed problems, and in most cases made them worse. People did not vote the Republicans back in because he was doing a hunky-dorey job.

And given the Dems opposed Bush-43 at every oppurtunity, they don't exactly have the moral high ground.

and frankly, I've been hearing the "We're going to be barefoot and pregnant" screaming for 32 years now. We've had Republican presidents for 20 of those years, and guess what, Abortion is still legal, upheld by Republican appointees, for the most part.

that would be a lie. they weren't filibuster proof.

and i'll direct your attention to the disgusting bills coming out of the tea party 'tards in the House. Do you think if the senate wasn't dem and the president wouldn't veto that those bills wouldn't get passed into law?

try again.
What "disgusting bills"?
I think it would be usefull to compare a few of Perry's previous speeches with this one. See if there are any marked differences in style and demeanor. If so, is there a logical explaination for the differences?

The only reasonable explanation is that Perry was on drugs

Maybe Republicans should insist on drug tests like they insist on welfare receipients
RP has a conundrum.

Either he was hammered in NH and was normal in the other debates, or he was normal in NH and hammered in the other debates.

He is finished.

You keep telling yourself that, Jake the Fake. Keep telling yourself that the Weird Mormon Robot is a shoe-in at 20% of the GOP vote. Keep telling yourself that the 80% who don't want him won't settle on a single choice. Just keep telling yourself that.

One, look where Romney is in the polls, where he has been steady for months.

Two, look where Perry has been and is now in the polls, with no change in sight.

You have fail with Perry. Get over it, get a move on, and let's work for a GOP victory with Romney.
RP has a conundrum.

Either he was hammered in NH and was normal in the other debates, or he was normal in NH and hammered in the other debates.

He is finished.

You keep telling yourself that, Jake the Fake. Keep telling yourself that the Weird Mormon Robot is a shoe-in at 20% of the GOP vote. Keep telling yourself that the 80% who don't want him won't settle on a single choice. Just keep telling yourself that.

One, look where Romney is in the polls, where he has been steady for months.

Two, look where Perry has been and is now in the polls, with no change in sight.

You have fail with Perry. Get over it, get a move on, and let's work for a GOP victory with Romney.

Romneys poll numbers will remain the same as long as there are eight GOP candidates. Republicans have picked sides and the numbers won't change until people start to drop out

Romney is the only candidate capable of defeating Obama
You keep telling yourself that, Jake the Fake. Keep telling yourself that the Weird Mormon Robot is a shoe-in at 20% of the GOP vote. Keep telling yourself that the 80% who don't want him won't settle on a single choice. Just keep telling yourself that.

One, look where Romney is in the polls, where he has been steady for months.

Two, look where Perry has been and is now in the polls, with no change in sight.

You have fail with Perry. Get over it, get a move on, and let's work for a GOP victory with Romney.

Romneys poll numbers will remain the same as long as there are eight GOP candidates. Republicans have picked sides and the numbers won't change until people start to drop out

Romney is the only candidate capable of defeating Obama

Romney is not going to drop out, and I think Newt is getting financing somewhere that is not transparent. If Newt can hang in there past Florida, the Grinch will be in there to the final primary smack down.
One, look where Romney is in the polls, where he has been steady for months.

Two, look where Perry has been and is now in the polls, with no change in sight.

You have fail with Perry. Get over it, get a move on, and let's work for a GOP victory with Romney.

Romneys poll numbers will remain the same as long as there are eight GOP candidates. Republicans have picked sides and the numbers won't change until people start to drop out

Romney is the only candidate capable of defeating Obama

Romney is not going to drop out, and I think Newt is getting financing somewhere that is not transparent. If Newt can hang in there past Florida, the Grinch will be in there to the final primary smack down.

You have greater faith in Newt than I do.....

His problem? Excess baggage

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