Rick Perry- where did it all go wrong?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Today, Rick Perry dropped out, and I had to dig down five pages on USMB to find a thread on it. Not even a gloating thread by CandyCorn. I'm so disappointed.

Ahh, so sad, really. I had high hopes that Perry would be the guy who could bridge the divide between the TEA Party and the GOP establishment. But it never came to pass.

First, the Establishment has it's heart set on Romney. If they have to lie, cheat, steal or do whatever, that's what they'll do. And they'll blame us when Romney loses.

But Perry made mistakes. Much like Fred Thompson four years ago, you simply can't do these things on the fly. You have to build an organization, you have to get used to stumping, you have to get supporters lined up. You have to participate in the early debates with the fringe characters to find your voice and your little corner to base yourself in.

I think that there will be people who will declare the TEA Party dead. I don't think so. The thing is, the TEA Movement hasn't really been around long enough to establish solid leaders. It took 16 years between Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan for the modern conservative movement to take hold.

After Romney loses, Perry might well be able to take another shot at it. But he should take his time and spend more time introducing himself to the American public.
Today, Rick Perry dropped out, and I had to dig down five pages on USMB to find a thread on it. Not even a gloating thread by CandyCorn. I'm so disappointed.

Ahh, so sad, really. I had high hopes that Perry would be the guy who could bridge the divide between the TEA Party and the GOP establishment. But it never came to pass.

First, the Establishment has it's heart set on Romney. If they have to lie, cheat, steal or do whatever, that's what they'll do. And they'll blame us when Romney loses.

But Perry made mistakes. Much like Fred Thompson four years ago, you simply can't do these things on the fly. You have to build an organization, you have to get used to stumping, you have to get supporters lined up. You have to participate in the early debates with the fringe characters to find your voice and your little corner to base yourself in.

I think that there will be people who will declare the TEA Party dead. I don't think so. The thing is, the TEA Movement hasn't really been around long enough to establish solid leaders. It took 16 years between Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan for the modern conservative movement to take hold.

After Romney loses, Perry might well be able to take another shot at it. But he should take his time and spend more time introducing himself to the American public.

it went wrong when he decided to run......the guys a jerk....
People in Texas told me he wasn't that bright.

They turned out to be correct.

Yeah, me too. With the sting of George W. Bush still in my mouth, I thought they were wrong.

They weren't.

He's a clown. Not only did he spike his chance for this race, he spiked his chances for any other future race.
From the onset. It was clear he wasn't serious about being president. Serious meaning that he didn't take the time to prepare for the race.

I think he thought it would be easy. He was told that most Republicans didn't like Mittens for all the obvious reasons and everyone else was a joke.

Obviously someone lied to him.
From the onset. It was clear he wasn't serious about being president. Serious meaning that he didn't take the time to prepare for the race.

I think he thought it would be easy. He was told that most Republicans didn't like Mittens for all the obvious reasons and everyone else was a joke.

I agree with that. All for the best though. The process self selects in a way. Perry obviously wasn't serious enough in his attempt. He thought he was going to "Good Ol' Boy" his way to the White House, and now he is heading home.

His train didn't just derail, it derailed, caught fire, and exploded.
He stumbled badly in the first debate and never recovered. It takes a lot more than slogans and platitudes to win over conservatives. They are smart and they research issues, they want substantive answers. Perry couldn't answer the questions in depth and it showed.

If Perry was a Democrat, he'd be their candidate - liberals will buy anything....Hope and Change anyone?
From the onset. It was clear he wasn't serious about being president. Serious meaning that he didn't take the time to prepare for the race.

I think he thought it would be easy. He was told that most Republicans didn't like Mittens for all the obvious reasons and everyone else was a joke.

Obviously someone lied to him.

I'd call those both accurate statements.

Mittens is a frontrunner who only has about 30% support in a four man race. That's just kind of sad when you think about it.

And sorry. Most of the other candidates were a joke. When you had people looking at Cardboard Pizza Man seriously, there was a problem with the quality of candidates.
I believe several things hurt Rick Perry. He did have surgery, and the effects of anaesthesia can last a long time. Perry entered the race too late, he also just for whatever reason was not himself. Unfortunately for Rick Perry, by the time he started doing really good in the debates, it was too late. If Rick Perry had started the debates they way he did his last two debates, he would most likely have the nomination locked up.

It is sad that Perry started off as bad as he did, he was the only candidate that stood up for and defended the Marines who pissed on the bodies of the Taliban.
I think he thought it would be easy. He was told that most Republicans didn't like Mittens for all the obvious reasons and everyone else was a joke.

Obviously someone lied to him.

I'd call those both accurate statements.

Mittens is a frontrunner who only has about 30% support in a four man race. That's just kind of sad when you think about it.

And sorry. Most of the other candidates were a joke. When you had people looking at Cardboard Pizza Man seriously, there was a problem with the quality of candidates.

Having the support of a third of the electorate in a four person race is pretty darn good.

If having 30% of the electorate is kind of sad, what does that say about your candidate who doesnt have close to that much?
You know what. I won't call anyone of these candidates a joke or a flake. They've all had very respectable careers.

And I'm sorry. Running as a Republican candidate means you get the shit kicked out of you, your family, your friends and your kindergarten teacher and your dog by the left wing media arm of the White House on a day to day basis.

It takes balls to run. Kudos to Perry for trying.
What went wrong is that Perry is an idiot.

All of Texas is in mourning tonight because their village is getting their idiot back.

Repubs should not despair though -

We still have the fat serial womanizer/liar, the slash and dash with the cash 1 percenter and the holier than thou, outlaw anything that is fun or fattening. And, the crazy old guy.

Plenty of comedian fodder still on that stage tonight.

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