Rick Perry Just Lost The Southern Vote: Comes Out And Opposes The Confederate Flag

I think it's roughly PAST TIME for "the" South to get over the Confederate Flag.

It's not a matter of actual importance.

Yeah yeah. It has some historical significance to some of the Southern States.

So what?

That was then. Like 1860 or so.

This is now. 150 solid years since that time.

Time marches on.

And nowadays we all have REAL problems to worry about.

Yeah, and libtards say the same thing about the Constitution when they think no one will repeat it.

Not saying that YOU are a libtard, but using their form of 'logic' doesnt help your cause much.

My ancestors were from Indiana and fought against the South. One of my great-great-...uncles fought at Antietem, Fredericksburg, Chancelorsville and other battles in the Indiana 7th infantry regiment. And I do not abide secessionism these days as it is treason, IMO.

But prior to the Civil War, people swore loyalty to their state,not the Federal government, and so the Southerners were being loyal to what they had sworn loyalty to and did not commit treason. They fought for what they thought was their right to leave the political arrangement of the time, much like thier ancestors left the British empire. It was not about slavery.

This issue is important for us today because it is simply one more item on the historical revisionist agenda the left is marching for. To give in to them simply makes it easier for them to then go on to slandering the Founding Fathers, our record of conduct in war and the derision of other national heroes that have fought to defend the freedom you and I have today.

Isnt it better to argue about dead Confederate soldieres than dead American heroes?

I grew up in the South and I can promise you that I and a lot of other Southerners will never forget what those yong boys sacrificed trying to defend their homes back a century and a half ago. Nor will I ever forgive those that spit on the honor of those men for cheap political gain.

Shame on Perry and he has definately lost my vote.


If it came between Perry or Obama you would be that stupid as to vote Obama or stay home????

How much can you defend the South obsessing over a stupid flag that hasn't meant anything in 150 years.

I grew up in the South too.

The only people that obsessed over that flag were Democrats still pissed off they lost on Jim Crowe.

That's one reason I'm a Republican. I grew up seeing what the real Democrat party is like. Remember Wallace? I sure do!

I don't care about the confederate flag. I care about my country getting rid of socialists who want to change this country into Europe.

Socialists like Obama.

Who cares about the Confederate flag in the face of that.
The Republican candidate for Governor (Ohio) was Ken Blackwell.


I think it's a shame he didn't win. I think he would have made a damn good governor. Better than Kasich.

I would like to see Blackwell run for Governor(again) or Senator (and replace Brown)

Was he the same Ken Blackwell that rigged the Ohio election for Bush in 2004?

TomPaine.com - Kerry Won. . .
Yes. Lately he's been trying to get Mississippi to define a fertilized egg as a 'person'. :lol:

Eggs and corporations - Republicans are mentally deficient.

Hey genius! Psssst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What has to happen for your life to even begin?

Oooooo, let me think. These questions are sooooooooooo hard!!!!!!! :eusa_think:

Last time I checked, IT WAS CONCEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When any of you libs can raise your hand and tell me that didn't occur to begin your life cycle, YOU LET ME KNOW.

I pretty much think we all have it in common! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And then liberals tell us it's conservative Christians that are "anti-science" but you want to live in denial over that?

Apparently, libs would all flunk simple biology.


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I just don't see how the South could vote for a Democrat. The Democrats have been hating on the South for years. If it comes down to Perry vs. a Democrat,the South will have to go with Perry. Staying home will only guarantee another Democrat Presidency. That shouldn't be an option.
It's really sad how poor southern whites were duped by plantation owners to fight their war.

No, Southerners fought for what they believed in and I would praise Southerners if I were you for they have sacrificed themselves in large numbers for your freedoms. You see, Southerners make up just 25% of the population yet accounted for 31% of the troops in WW1, 35% in WW2 and Korea, and a whopping 39% in Vietnam. You owe Southerners your gratitude.

What those Southernors believed in fighting for the Confederacy was wrong.

I don't see it as "right" or "wrong". It's just history. Our country came out of the end of the civil war better for it. It's an abysmal mark on our record that we put a race of people in chains for 200 years, but eventually we remedied the problem on our own at the cost 1 million lives.

And our country was fundamentally changed. We went from an agrarian, decentralized nation to an industrial, federal system.

And that would be the model that allowed us to emerge as a superpower.
What a huge political mistake. There are so many compassionate voters who love and adore the Confederate Flag. The Confederate flag is a symbol of the Confederacy. That is what it represents-not slavery, not racism as pandering Perry alleges. To millions of southerners, it is family heritage to them because their not to long ago ancestors fought and died for that flag and now Confederate flag loyalist are fuming mad. Perry committed political suicide today when he came out in opposition of a Confederate Flag license plate for Texans. Believe me, this will truely have consequences for Rick Perry on a massive scale. There is nothing wrong with the Confederate Flag at all and it is not racist. It is a symbol of our southern heritage, pride and traditions.

No, the Confederate flag remains the banner of treason, pure and simple, and those who support it support treason against the flag (against which they fired) and the Constitution on which they spit.

Tens of millions who weren't sure about Perry on many levels do support him on this.

Dixie was driven down and will remain in the grave.
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No, Southerners fought for what they believed in and I would praise Southerners if I were you for they have sacrificed themselves in large numbers for your freedoms. You see, Southerners make up just 25% of the population yet accounted for 31% of the troops in WW1, 35% in WW2 and Korea, and a whopping 39% in Vietnam. You owe Southerners your gratitude.

What those Southernors believed in fighting for the Confederacy was wrong.

I don't see it as "right" or "wrong". It's just history. Our country came out of the end of the civil war better for it. It's an abysmal mark on our record that we put a race of people in chains for 200 years, but eventually we remedied the problem on our own at the cost 1 million lives.

And our country was fundamentally changed. We went from an agrarian, decentralized nation to an industrial, federal system.

And that would be the model that allowed us to emerge as a superpower.
It wasn't 1 million. It was around 620 thousand. Confederate deaths were about 260,000 of which 93,000 were killed in combat, while Union deaths were 360,000 of which 110,000 deaths were in combat. Disease was the major cause of death in the civil war. Out of 620,000 deaths, over 400,000 were from diseases.

In total deaths the American Civil War was the deadliest war in American history (although in combat related deaths, World War II remains the deadliest conflict with 292,000 combat deaths).

Union Casualties : 110,000 killed in action
360,000 total dead
275,200 wounded
Confederate Casualties :93,000 killed in action
260,000 total dead
137,000 wounded

In the South, a huge number of civilian casualties were incurred, as would be expected given the destruction of Southern cities and farms late in the war.
What those Southernors believed in fighting for the Confederacy was wrong.

I don't see it as "right" or "wrong". It's just history. Our country came out of the end of the civil war better for it. It's an abysmal mark on our record that we put a race of people in chains for 200 years, but eventually we remedied the problem on our own at the cost 1 million lives.

And our country was fundamentally changed. We went from an agrarian, decentralized nation to an industrial, federal system.

And that would be the model that allowed us to emerge as a superpower.
It wasn't 1 million. It was around 620 thousand. Confederate deaths were about 260,000 of which 93,000 were killed in combat, while Union deaths were 360,000 of which 110,000 deaths were in combat. Disease was the major cause of death in the civil war. Out of 620,000 deaths, over 400,000 were from diseases.

In total deaths the American Civil War was the deadliest war in American history (although in combat related deaths, World War II remains the deadliest conflict with 292,000 combat deaths).

Union Casualties : 110,000 killed in action
360,000 total dead
275,200 wounded
Confederate Casualties :93,000 killed in action
260,000 total dead
137,000 wounded

In the South, a huge number of civilian casualties were incurred, as would be expected given the destruction of Southern cities and farms late in the war.

1 million includes death from disease and infection, the highest mortality factor behind any conflict before the invention of penicillin.
What a huge political mistake. There are so many compassionate voters who love and adore the Confederate Flag. To millions of southerners, it is family heritage to them because their not to long ago ancestors fought and died for that flag and now Confederate flag loyalist are fuming mad. Perry committed political suicide today when he came out in opposition of a Confederate Flag license plate for Texans. Believe me, this will truely have consequences for Rick Perry on a massive scale. There is nothing wrong with the Confederate Flag at all and it is not racist. It is a symbol of our southern heritage, pride and traditions.

Rick Perry comes out against Confederate flag license plate | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

If an out and out racist like you thinks he made a mistake then it's a sure sign he did the right thing.

Pot meet Kettle
But prior to the Civil War, people swore loyalty to their state,not the Federal government, and so the Southerners were being loyal to what they had sworn loyalty to and did not commit treason.

They swore loyalty to the Confederacy. Yes, it was treason. Yes, it was about slavery.
no it was not treason.....the states should have been allowed to leave the union....that is what the war was about....not slavery....slavery was a minor issue...slavery by mere economics was on the way out....but states rights were tested as states decided to leave an union they no longer cared for or wanted to be part of.

no war is as simple as one issue....never has been never will be
I think it's roughly PAST TIME for "the" South to get over the Confederate Flag.

It's not a matter of actual importance.

Yeah yeah. It has some historical significance to some of the Southern States.

So what?

That was then. Like 1860 or so.

This is now. 150 solid years since that time.

Time marches on.

And nowadays we all have REAL problems to worry about.

I don't support Perry. But I don't oppose him, either. Win or lose, it should be on the merits. Not on some irrelevant NON "issue" like the Confederate Flag.
Spoken like a true New Yorker.

And I invite any of my pals down South of the Mason Dixon line to join us New Yorkers in taking note of the fact that the War Between the States is

States right was the right to own humans, period.

No, the states had no legal right to leave the Union, and when they fired on the Union, those states signed their death warrants, which were executed.
States right was the right to own humans, period.

No, the states had no legal right to leave the Union, and when they fired on the Union, those states signed their death warrants, which were executed.

Thats BS.

But go ahead, post the article that clearly says they could not.
States right was the right to own humans, period.

No, the states had no legal right to leave the Union, and when they fired on the Union, those states signed their death warrants, which were executed.

Thats BS. But go ahead, post the article that clearly says they could not.

As if you would read an "article." What you believe is not constitutional theory.
States right was the right to own humans, period.

No, the states had no legal right to leave the Union, and when they fired on the Union, those states signed their death warrants, which were executed.

States' rights was absolutely NOT something as simple (simplisitic) as the right to own slaves.

Not "period." Not semi-colon. Not hyphen. Not at all.

In short, the Fakey claim is flatly false.

"States' Rights" was about many things, and slavery was part of those things back then. But the latter topic was merely illustrative of the more complex philosophical theory of governmental authority.

It is clearly false to claim that the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery. On the other hand, it is not as clear that if slavery had never existed in this country we ever would have had a civil war.
"It is not safe ... to trust $800 million worth of Negroes in the hands of a power which says that we do not own the property. ... So we must get out ..." — The Daily Constitutionalist, Augusta, Ga., Dec. 1, 1860

"[Northerners] have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery. ... We, therefore, the people of South Carolina ... have solemnly declared that the Union heretofore existing between this State and other States of North America dissolved." — from "Declaration of the Causes of Secession"

"As long as slavery is looked upon by the North with abhorrence ... there can be no satisfactory political union between the two sections." — New Orleans Bee, Dec. 14, 1860

"Our new government is founded upon ... the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race is his natural and moral condition." — Alexander Stephens, vice president of the Confederacy, March 21, 1861

What was the Civil War about? Listen to voices of the Confederacy - Baltimore Sun
States right was the right to own humans, period.

No, the states had no legal right to leave the Union, and when they fired on the Union, those states signed their death warrants, which were executed.

States' rights was absolutely NOT something as simple (simplisitic) as the right to own slaves.

Not "period." Not semi-colon. Not hyphen. Not at all.

In short, the Fakey claim is flatly false.

"States' Rights" was about many things, and slavery was part of those things back then. But the latter topic was merely illustrative of the more complex philosophical theory of governmental authority.

It is clearly false to claim that the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery. On the other hand, it is not as clear that if slavery had never existed in this country we ever would have had a civil war.

No other issue had the emotional impact that slavery did. When Lincoln was elected, the southern news rags (precursor to Fox) stoked the flames that Lincoln would free the blacks, blacks would have the same rights as whites, blacks would be running around raping white women

The fear of a free black man and the fear of loss of free labor for the principle economic crop of the south lead to the treason that was the civil war
What a huge political mistake. There are so many compassionate voters who love and adore the Confederate Flag. The Confederate flag is a symbol of the Confederacy. That is what it represents-not slavery, not racism as pandering Perry alleges. To millions of southerners, it is family heritage to them because their not to long ago ancestors fought and died for that flag and now Confederate flag loyalist are fuming mad. Perry committed political suicide today when he came out in opposition of a Confederate Flag license plate for Texans. Believe me, this will truely have consequences for Rick Perry on a massive scale. There is nothing wrong with the Confederate Flag at all and it is not racist. It is a symbol of our southern heritage, pride and traditions.

Rick Perry comes out against Confederate flag license plate | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

What next? Rick Perry once had sex with a black man?
Was he the same Ken Blackwell that rigged the Ohio election for Bush in 2004?

TomPaine.com - Kerry Won. . .
Yes. Lately he's been trying to get Mississippi to define a fertilized egg as a 'person'. :lol:

Eggs and corporations - Republicans are mentally deficient.

Hey genius! Psssst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What has to happen for your life to even begin?

Oooooo, let me think. These questions are sooooooooooo hard!!!!!!! :eusa_think:

Last time I checked, IT WAS CONCEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But at that point I was not a 'person'. I had the potential to become a person.

Using anti-choice, wingnut logic, a grain of barley is a beer. :lol:
I just don't see how the South could vote for a Democrat. The Democrats have been hating on the South for years. If it comes down to Perry vs. a Democrat,the South will have to go with Perry. Staying home will only guarantee another Democrat Presidency. That shouldn't be an option.
So, what was your previous username again, retread?

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