Rick Perry: Debunking the lie.

Boy, just what the country needs, a Texas governor that thinks secession is an option, food safety, minimum wages, bans on child labor, environmental protection and Medicare are unconstitutional. Couple that with his stand on global warming and evolution and we have a candidate that will really fire up the democrats.
Boy, just what the country needs, a Texas governor that thinks secession is an option, food safety, minimum wages, bans on child labor, environmental protection and Medicare are unconstitutional. Couple that with his stand on global warming and evolution and we have a candidate that will really fire up the democrats.

It's funny, isn't it?

I am old enough to remember when the Republican Party actually used to stand for something.

Now they are completely insane.
Boy, just what the country needs, a Texas governor that thinks secession is an option, food safety, minimum wages, bans on child labor, environmental protection and Medicare are unconstitutional. Couple that with his stand on global warming and evolution and we have a candidate that will really fire up the democrats.

If that were true, they wouldn't be attacking him...would they?

Do you have a link?

Perry's stance on global warming AND evolution are in complete sync with the majority of Americans...and my own...if the Democrats are dumb enough to make issue of it, I would welcome that.
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Boy, just what the country needs, a Texas governor that thinks secession is an option, food safety, minimum wages, bans on child labor, environmental protection and Medicare are unconstitutional. Couple that with his stand on global warming and evolution and we have a candidate that will really fire up the democrats.

If that were true, they wouldn't be attacking him...would they?

Do you have a link?

Perry's stance on global warming AND evolution are in complete sync with the majority of Americans...if the Democrats are dumb enough to make issue of it, I would welcome that.

Here are the links...from Gallup...in the event you doubt me.

im not going to vote for someone that thinks liberalism is a mental disorder,

if thats your bet, be my guest, butt

remember, all bets are final.

He wasn't pandering to secessionist...he was sending a message to Washington.

Obama and his super majority were trying to ram through a single payer healthcare system AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

There was no way at the time to stop them...except protest at the top of our lungs.

Thank God it worked...it bought just enough time for Scott Brown to be elected in protest.

Show me where in his reply he said that

This great country has a long established procedure for what you do when you are disatisfied with your elected officials....you vote them out

Perrys, pandering and dancing around a threat of secession was disgraceful for any American who loves this country

When asked if Obama loves this country, Perry sneered...You would have to ask him

Obama never threatened to support secession if he didn't get his way

“You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attentionPerry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that?

That's the largest font we've got...I can't make it any clearer for you.

I understand why you are so attached to this lie.

It's all you've got.

And now you don't even have that anymore.

My sympathies. :(
It doesn't matter.
Lieberroidal libtards like Nutwinger will continue to repeat this particular distortion as long as they think they can still get traction out of it.
The truth of it doesn't matter. It's what they can get away with.

He wasn't pandering to secessionist...he was sending a message to Washington.

Obama and his super majority were trying to ram through a single payer healthcare system AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

There was no way at the time to stop them...except protest at the top of our lungs.

Thank God it worked...it bought just enough time for Scott Brown to be elected in protest.

Show me where in his reply he said that

This great country has a long established procedure for what you do when you are disatisfied with your elected officials....you vote them out

Perrys, pandering and dancing around a threat of secession was disgraceful for any American who loves this country

When asked if Obama loves this country, Perry sneered...You would have to ask him

Obama never threatened to support secession if he didn't get his way

“You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attentionPerry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that?

That's the largest font we've got...I can't make it any clearer for you.

I understand why you are so attached to this lie.

It's all you've got.

And now you don't even have that anymore.

My sympathies. :(

Wow....impressive use of fonts

Is that was passes as a logical response with conservatives? If Perry had ended his argument with "there is absolutely no reason to dissolve it" he would have been in good standing.

Then he added "But" and fucked everything up

We expect our presidents to stand up for the country when people threaten to secede. Perry should not have pandered to those assholes
Boy, just what the country needs, a Texas governor that thinks secession is an option, food safety, minimum wages, bans on child labor, environmental protection and Medicare are unconstitutional. Couple that with his stand on global warming and evolution and we have a candidate that will really fire up the democrats.

It's funny, isn't it?

I am old enough to remember when the Republican Party actually used to stand for something.

Now they are completely insane.

Insulting the insane is not cool Chris.

That's the trouble with right wing assholes, they never know when to shut their mouth as Perry has so aptly demonstrated.


You liberals will have to do better than this nonsense if you expect your man Obama to win in 2012.

Lord knows he can't win on his record.
You liberals will have to do better than this nonsense if you expect your man Obama to win in 2012.

Lord knows he can't win on his record.

Oh yea????

Obama is going to kick Perrys butt all the way back to Mexico
Besides, Obama only has 1 suspicious association with lunatic preachers.

Rick Perry has SEVERAL. Check out who was at his prayer rally the week before he announced.
Besides, Obama only has 1 suspicious association with lunatic preachers.

Rick Perry has SEVERAL. Check out who was at his prayer rally the week before he announced.

More importantly, look who protested it.

There is a lot of annoyed clergy over that little hoedown.
Houston Clergy Council

We believe in a healthy boundary between church and state. Out of respect for the state, we believe that it should represent all citizens equally and without preference for religious or philosophical tradition. Out of respect for religious communities, we believe that they should foster faithful ways of living without favoring one political party over another. Keeping the church and state separate allows each to thrive and upholds our proud national tradition of empowering citizens to worship freely and vote conscientiously. We are concerned that our governor has crossed the line by organizing and leading a religious event rather than focusing on the people’s business in Austin.

We also express concern that the day of prayer and fasting at Reliant Stadium is not an inclusive event. As clergy leaders in the nation’s fourth largest city, we take pride in Houston’s vibrant and diverse religious landscape. Our religious communities include Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Unitarian Universalists, and many other faith traditions. Our city is also home to committed agnostics and atheists, with whom we share common cause as fellow Houstonians. Houston has long been known as a “live and let live” city, where all are respected and welcomed. It troubles us that the governor’s prayer event is not open to everyone. In the publicized materials, the governor has made it clear that only Christians of a particular kind are welcome to pray in a certain way. We feel that such an exclusive event does not reflect the rich tapestry of our city.

Our deepest concern, however, lies in the fact that funding for this event appears to come from the American Family Association, an organization labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The American Family Association and its leadership have a long track record of anti-gay speech and have actively worked to discriminate against the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. The American Family Association and its leadership have also been stridently anti-Muslim, going so far as to question the rights of Muslim Americans to freely organize and practice their faith. We believe it is inappropriate for our governor to organize a religious event funded by a group known for its discriminatory stances.

As religious leaders, we commit to join with all Houstonians in working to make our city a better place. We will lead our communities in prayer, meditation, and spiritual practice. We ask that Rick Perry leave the ministry to us and refocus his energy on the work of governing our state.

Rev. Dr. Jeremy Rutledge, Minister, Covenant Church, Alliance of Baptists/American Baptist Churches
Rev. Douglas Anders, Conference Minister, South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ
Rev. Paul Beedle, Unitarian Universalist
Rev. Dr. Ginny Brown Daniel, Minister, Plymouth United Church, UCC
Rev. Beth Ellen Cooper-Davis, Minister, Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Michael Diaz, Director of Connections, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Dr. Millard Eiland, Alliance of Baptists
Rev. Pat Farnan, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Lura Groen, Pastor, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rev. Teddy Hardy, Minister, St. John United Church of Christ
Rev. Lori Keaton, United Church of Christ
Rev. Harry Knox, Senior Pastor, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Janice Ladd, Executive Pastor, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Dr. Becky Edmiston-Lange, Co-Minister, Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Mark Edmiston-Lange, Co-Minister, Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Dr. Margie Latham, Minister of Administration, Covenant Church, Alliance of Baptists/American Baptist Churches
Rev. Mona Lopez, Volunteer Staff Clergy, Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
Rev. Laura Mayo, Minister, Covenant Church, Alliance of Baptists/American Baptist Churches
Rev. Dr. Daniel O’Connell, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. David Pantermuehl, Grace United Church of Christ
Rev. Adam Robinson, Assistant Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Ken Richter, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church, UCC
Rev. Bill Royster, United Church of Christ
Rev. Sam Schaal, Transition Minister, Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Robert Tucker, Executive Director, Foundation for Contemporary Theology
Rev. Ernie Turney, Pastor, Bering United Methodist Church
Rev. Bonnie Vegiard, Unitarian Universalist
Rev. Philip Douglas, Pastor, Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi
Dr. Russell K. Elleven, Minister, Westside UU Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Kathleen Ellis, Minister, Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church, Cedar Park, TX
Brian Ferguson, Minister, San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Rev. Katherine Fox, Christ United Church of Christ, Garland, TX
Rev. Chuck Freeman, Minister, Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church, Cedar Park, TX
Leif Hatlen, Board Member, Houston Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
Rev. Jennifer Innis, Consulting Minister, First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church, Fort Worth, TX
David John Lawrence, Deacon, East Dallas Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
Rev. Robin Lunn, Executive Director, The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
Rev. Barry Lynn, Executive Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Teri A. Massengale, Minister, Unitarian Universlist Church of the Brazos Valley
Rev. Marjorie Montgomery, Fort Worth, TX
Michael Pardee, Executive Director, Boniuk Center for Religious Tolerance at Rice University
Dr. Linda Piper Price, Houston, TX
Rev. Dr. Stephen Sprinkle, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Brite Divinity School, TCU
Rev. Tim Tutt, Senior Pastor, United Christian Church, Austin, TX
Rev. Paul Walley, National Campus Ministry Association
Rev. Pamela Wat, Minister, Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Rev. Aaron White, Associate Minister, First Unitarian Church of Dallas
Rev. Kevin Young, Pastor, Linden United Methodist Church, Linden, TX

Houston Clergy Council
You liberals will have to do better than this nonsense if you expect your man Obama to win in 2012.

Lord knows he can't win on his record.

Oh yea????

Obama is going to kick Perrys butt all the way back to Mexico

Perry may not be the nominee you dumbass!

Again you idiots wil have to do a hell of a lot better smearing the opposition if you want your numbnutted president to win re-election.

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