rev. jesse jackson retiring


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

who wants to learn anything from this race batter. good now maybe he will be out of the news now. anyone sorry to see him retire? no one yeah i thought so.

who wants to learn anything from this race batter. good now maybe he will be out of the news now. anyone sorry to see him retire? no one yeah i thought so.
I wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with trying to avoid criminal prosecution. Why else would a shake down artist retire?
Now that he's retired, it will free him up to actually help black people instead of manipulate them for the NWO.
Rev Jackson is in good company, you cowards said the same thing about Dr. King, Medgar Evers and any other black man who has stood up for black folks.

Does it ever occur to you that neither Jackson nor Sharpton have done JACK for black people other than line their own pockets with your money making THEMSELVES rich? If they had done anything, why is there still so much unresolved inequity for you to bitch about?

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