Rev. Al Sharpton eulogizes Jordan Neely: ‘Jordan, you didn’t die for nothing’

Even the death of a schizphrenic bum who threatened people on a subway has value for propaganda.
he certainly had value, his life certainly did. Sadly rhe dems living and running NYC didn’t care about his life, and are now only using his death for political gain.

it’s tragic
1st post
Yawn, racists out in full force on this one.
A civilized society should not support what happened in the case of Jordan Neely.
Al was spot on in the eulogy.

Well, you fake negroes certainly need something to do on a Saturday evening. We're doing you a great service by giving you something to whine about and a forum to do it in.

Otherwise you'd just be out stealing bikes from pregnant women.

What is amazing is MarathonMike and OhPleaseJustQuit gave this one a "Fake News"

Well, let me tell you the eulogy was real and Jordan Neely is dead. Nothing fake about that whatsoever.
Article brought a tear of sorrow and a smile at the same time. Jordan's death is sad, but I know that the person that did this is going to pay for it :p
(I am praying 15 year full term, no parole, teach that bastard a lesson :badgrin:) AND this will also stimulate change in the system to help the Homeless and the mentally ill. :11:
Sharpton delivered the same tub of racist shit he always does and offers up more hatred and more divisive speech. That you have a tear in your eye for Neely, a career criminal, says a lot about you.
Wherever Al can grind his ax of victimhood at the expense of the safety of law abiding citizens, that's where you're gonna find him, churning the muck and mire of a false racist narrative.
Yawn, racists out in full force on this one.
A civilized society should not support what happened in the case of Jordan Neely.
Al was spot on in the eulogy.
A civilized society does not demonize a brave Marine for protecting innocent passengers from death threats. That the criminal died was likely to do the drug abuse of his own body.
It’s sad folks like Al didn’t care about this man when he was alive…maybe he would of been able to get mental health treatment and a home…..but big Al comes in a day late…to make money off his death
Wow, tell us boot licker what did you do to help this man? How much money have you given to Neely's gofundme page? How much money have you given to Penny's gofundme page?
Hmmm, so why is it that a black man has never won the republican nomination for POTUS?

Let's see how far Uncle Tim and Uncle Larry do in the Republican primaries this year.
because not that many black people have ever run for president

why isn’t only one that is half white ever won the dem nomination? oh wait we know why, your plantation boss joey xiden told us “the first main steam articulate…”
because not that many black people have ever run for president

why isn’t only one that is half white ever won the dem nomination? oh wait we know why, your plantation boss joey xiden told us “the first main steam articulate…”
Nice excuse, the republican party has had plenty of black men run for POTUS. Funny how none seem to get over the top, Pres. Obama identifies as black that is why white republicans hate him so much. Tell me how is that the party of the Klan, Jim Crow, etc. elected a black man before the party of inclusion.
What have you ever done for any black man? I pretty sure you have done plenty for a whole lot of white men.
A black man? or one that is in need like this man was?

Most black men i know aren’t needy…well other then you..

as far as homeless men or women, i donate my time and money to civic organizations in my community to help them find shelter snd food

i know those are foreign concepts to someone that waits for table scraps from their plantation boss

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