Restoring what once was our republic

I take it you can't find any pork that Chip Roy has given to any of those donors.

I'm shocked. LMAO :auiqs.jpg:
Wow, you mean a member of the minority party hasn't been able to dole out pork to his corporate masters? And you think he was in a position to do so? I'm shocked that you're so politically naive. Nah...not really. You're quite the moron.
What it actually leads to is what we have now in the house. A fight with the status quo republicans vs the fiscal conservatives. It's taken 40 years for enough people to stand up against slimy creatures like McCarthy & McConnell. But it's happening now on the House floor. Going on vote #7.

If the 20 cave to the lies and false promises of McCarthy, then it's over & done for probably another 40 years. And honestly, because of the way things go in DC and the fact that we're $31 trillion in debt, I doubt the USD can hold out for another 40 years. Maybe not even another 4.

Well, the Republican Party is too big (same as the Democratic Party). The FPTP leads to these uncomfortable alliances. With Proportional Representation this wouldn't be an issue and people would know what they're voting for and people could go off to the party that suits them best.
Right now it's just a shit show of everyone attacking everyone else.
Well, the Republican Party is too big (same as the Democratic Party). The FPTP leads to these uncomfortable alliances. With Proportional Representation this wouldn't be an issue and people would know what they're voting for and people could go off to the party that suits them best.
Right now it's just a shit show of everyone attacking everyone else.

They're not getting enough time to discuss these things while on TV. They do their TV interviews but they don't get to go into much detail.
And tonight, Fox News has been nothing but pro-swamp preaching. Hannity's interview with Boebert pissed me off. He wouldn't shut up and let the woman talk.
Wow, you mean a member of the minority party hasn't been able to dole out pork to his corporate masters? And you think he was in a position to do so? I'm shocked that you're so politically naive. Nah...not really. You're quite the moron.

If he had corporate masters, then you'd be able to find some pork in at least one of his bills. Wouldn't you? Or are you just being a progressive butthole?
I ain't talking about the Trumpbot type patriots. They're morons. I'm talking about those fighting to restore our republic and disband this oligarchy we have in the House & Senate.

These sad, sad Americans act like the grifters and middlings we have in DC are royalty. Needless to say, antithetical to everything we were supposed to stand for.

If they could go back in time and meet, say, the Sons of Liberty they would soil their drawers, cry about "norms", and then immediately join up with the Tories.
They're not getting enough time to discuss these things while on TV. They do their TV interviews but they don't get to go into much detail.
And tonight, Fox News has been nothing but pro-swamp preaching. Hannity's interview with Boebert pissed me off. He wouldn't shut up and let the woman talk.

Why don't they do details? Because details are going to trip you up.
You say "I'm going to make America great", 80% will be "yay"
You say "I'm going to make America great by doing something" and only 45% will be "yay"
You say "I'm going to make America great by doing something, and this is how I'll do it" you're only going to get 5% saying "yay"

I've just finished watching the first season of Newsroom. Kind of pretentious, but comes at politics from the "What if.... we had a decent-ish news program that told the truth and asked the right questions and forced politicians to answer those questions", and even there they come up with the answer that "it doesn't work".

The media is all about making money, and what sells isn't good journalism. We know this, newspapers and other media outlets that try to do reality, are "boring" and most people don't have the attention span that would make a fish look good.
Over the passed few decades, the remaining strands of what was once called our Republic has been snipped. Mostly by democrats, in the name of "democracy." But the GOP hands are just as dirty because of the times that they've had the majority in the House, and failed to enact rules and procedures that made our government a Republic again, and not a democracy or the oligarchy it now is.
The 202 holdouts, IMO are fighting to keep their oligarchy. They've even attempted to use fear mongering as a means to get the 20 patriots back in line. Making up all sorts of lies about what's gone on in those meetings.
For the last 4 decades, some of us have paid attention to some of these rule changes. Chip Roy exposed a couple lately. But the one that I believe was the final straw in what was left of our Republic, was the one that forces all congressmen to put their amendments through a committee before they're introduced on the House floor.
Boehner was the first to reduce the amount of amendments being allowed on the house floor (first) Pelosi was the first to not allow any. Ryan copied and pasted that. Pelosi once again did the same. It's become the norm by now.
But Justin Amash brought this rule to my attention when he left congress. Although, I really didn't realize how important that one rule was to our Republic.

We elect our congressman to represent us. To vote yes or no on bills. To write up the bills and amendments that would benefit those of us in our districts. But this rule abolishes at least part of that. Because if our congressman can't offer bills on the house floor, and get a vote from every other member of congress, this means that only a few people in some committee get to decide. Therefore, the house of representatives, as a whole, aren't the ones making these decisions for us or our Rep. It's the few people in a committee.
And here's where it gets sticky. Who pays for those committee seats? Lobbyist. They dole out the $400,000 to $500,000 per committee seat for their favorite congressman. And all he/she has to do to pay it back is either fund raise, or vote the way the lobbyist/special interest wants them to vote.
So now, we're not even being represented by other members of congress. But by the lobbyist who pay for those committee seats.

This is just one of the rules changes that Chip Roy and the others are calling for. And McCarthy is refusing. I think it's because if the rules get changed, lobbyist won't have such a stranglehold on those committee members.
You’re whistling past the graveyard. The republic died long ago. Tyranny by elite is our existence now.
For one, there are no 'fiscal conservatives' in the House, or in the GOP. They are all porksters and represent clients who buy their services, not 'The Republic; The 'Republic' died in 1861, followed by rule by corporate flunkies ever since. Mass waves of immigration finished it off. If anybody thinks the GOP is going to save anybody, I have these ducks that lay solid gold eggs I'll sell you cheap. This is why we should laugh at the 'Free Markets' morons, since what have is exactly that; whoever has the most bucks runs the govt. already, yet we have these idiots running around babbling laissez faire rubbish as if it we don't have that now. Libertarians are especially hilarious. They can't accept the fact that they've been outbid, is all. ther is no real 'Left' here either, just a motley collection of sicko deviants and narcissists who hate Daddy and Mommy and want to tear it all down and rape kiddies and kill babies in their fits of self-pity. There is nothing to rebuild on. The natural resources are nearly all gone.
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While I do not support the 20, I do support what they are doing. Congress hasn't represented the people in a long time, they have represented the $$$$$$$.

I may disagree with everything they want to pass, but I fully agree they should be able to freely present it for a vote.
While I do not support the 20, I do support what they are doing. Congress hasn't represented the people in a long time, they have represented the $$$$$$$.

I may disagree with everything they want to pass, but I fully agree they should be able to freely present it for a vote.

What are they actually doing?

Why do they hate McCarthy?

What are they actually doing?

Why do they hate McCarthy?

He represents the status quo. The same old, same old.

One of the items I heard that they wanted to accomplish was in not automatically raising the debt ceiling. I'd like to see that happen also.

While that will be a hard thing to accomplish, they could make it very difficult on anyone that simply makes it easy to raise.
He represents the status quo. The same old, same old.

One of the items I heard that they wanted to accomplish was in not automatically raising the debt ceiling. I'd like to see that happen also.

While that will be a hard thing to accomplish, they could make it very difficult on anyone that simply makes it easy to raise.
The debt ceiling?

That’s an authorization to pay existing debts.

Are you as crazy as the crazy wing of the GOP?

That would lead to a default. You think that’s not a big deal?
You’re whistling past the graveyard. The republic died long ago. Tyranny by elite is our existence now.
The country was founded by elite in a way we would now define as tyrannical.
The debt ceiling?

That’s an authorization to pay existing debts.

Are you as crazy as the crazy wing of the GOP?

That would lead to a default. You think that’s not a big deal?

No, it would require us to actually pay for our debts.........kinda like Biden promised he was going to make those who could afford so, do.
No, it would require us to actually pay for our debts.........kinda like Biden promised he was going to make those who could afford so, do.
What would require us to pay our debts is raising the debt ceiling.

How stupid are you?
This is what the Crazies are like...

Everyone thinks they can control the Crazies but just look at them...

Any sense of sanity is considered disloyal... That why they are the crazies..

What on Earth are you babbling about now?

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