RESTORATION AMERICA-my plan for 2016.

There will be purity of the peoples collective voice.
no more electoral college,every selection,at each and every level of government jurisdiction,will be implemented by COLLECTIVE MAJORITY VOTE at each and every level of government,local,coynty,state,and federal. Complete opposite of socialism.

In other words, no more Republic.

Ill pass.
We gut the fed altogether,no pork,no foreign aid,discretionary spending,etc.
that profits,based on current numbers,the us citizens,$1,050,000,000,000.00

Now,useless government enslavement agency#2
the SSA.
eliminate the general fund.and its administration.
that adds $75,000,000,000.00 to the till.
social security will become and evolve,from an imposition entitlement,to a responsible,elective program
We need COMPLETE DEMOCRACY to survive,as a totally free nation. Avatar,do you need a nanny state,to tell you what to do,at each and every level or area of your life?no.
its not an end to law,or certain guidelines,its law,unser the constitution,by the people,for the people,of the people. Dont be afraid of evolution.complete democracy means appointed and elected officials will be purely bound to represent,and act,only on the collective majority vote of the people.
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We gut the fed altogether,no pork,no foreign aid,discretionary spending,etc.
that profits,based on current numbers,the us citizens,$1,050,000,000,000.00

Now,useless government enslavement agency#2
the SSA.
eliminate the general fund.and its administration.
that adds $75,000,000,000.00 to the till.
social security will become and evolve,from an imposition entitlement,to a responsible,elective program
Read this. Seriously.
Now,this till that grew and expanded by the elimination of these items...

Simply now is at over $1 1/2 trillion dollars.
now,what was government imposed social security will become the citizen future government investment fund.
Mine went through a process too, Brother. Mine too....

None of mind did. Scots-Irish in the Appalachians, here prior to the revolution. New Amsterdam Dutch. Last arrivals, Germans from Prussia, went to Canada, then crossed into Wisconsin.

On my wife's side, Hunkpapa Lakota, French, here in the 1600's, and Volga Deusch, they did go through the routine.

And of course, many that I don't know about. Hunting down the inlaws and outlaws in the family gets real interesting.:lol:
At the age of 18,each us citizen,based on their social security number,rather than a general enforced fund,will have created a future investment account held by the us treasuury.
We need COMPLETE DEMOCRACY to survive,as a totally free nation. Avatar,do you need a nanny state,to tell you what to do,at each and every level or area of your life?no.
its not an end to law,or certain guidelines,its law,unser the constitution,by the people,for the people,of the people. Dont be afraid of evolution.complete democracy means appointed and elected officials will be purely bound to represent,and act,only on the collective majority vote of the people.

No. We need to Restore the REPUBLIC. If we were meant to be a Democracy, the Founders would have made us a Democracy. But they chose to create a Republic because of the inherent flaws of Democracy.

Democracy means mob rule. Our Founders, in their wisdom, put checks and balances in place to prevent mob rule so we could be a nation of Liberty and Justice.

It's human nature to abuse power. So power was spread out between the Federal Government, States, and Individual people. Federal Government power was further spread among three Separate, but equal Branches of government.

Eliminating the checks shifts power. For example, the Progressives passed the 17th amendment shifting power away from the States, supposedly towards the people. However, it's only the Federal Government that has gotten more power. We they people have been screwed by it.
At this time,the SSN# will be the citizen account number,held by the us treasury,as a money market account,federal. Each citizen can elect to vest,not vest,frequency tumes,amounts,mannwrs,stop,start,and restart. The incentive to invest is a 3% APY on each account,can withdeaw after five years,and at 65,can rwceive mobthly draw off investment account without limitation to privately earned income,as control us by each and every citizen investor,with complete control of each citizebs fiscal future being up to the citizen,not the government. Us treasury simply holds and manages the accounts.
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Avatar,what my systems do,is create these levels of power,spread out,but by mandate of the people,for the people,and by the people,not government imposed power,but true demicratic representation of the collective majority vote of the people.
Back to the CITIZEN FUTURE INVESTMENT FUND,it provides,citizen,not government cobtrol,over ones future.true leadership represents the collective majority voice and vote of the people.
No offense,but to a degree,the founding fathers screwed up,or made an intentional,concerning the powers of taxation,etc,certain remodeling of structures that we broke away from,with the similarities to a degree,of parliamentarian government,so the leaders have certain discretion....and control..
but,as we see with liberals and the socialust influx,this is a variable that can be easily abused to serve the interest of the architect or group behind such self serving mandates.
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Understand this a little better,avatar,its not like federal,state,county,and local laws and jurisdictions wont stop supersession or hierarchal authority of legislative guidance or oversight,just that these levels of government now are by the people,of the people,for the people,with leaders acting on the citizen collective voice at each level of government,not legislators and leaders working on their own accord.
Figure this,it will be more responsible,valuable,and fruitful and profitable being a united states citizen,at all levels of government.
To be a totally free nation,we need to become a free market capitalist democracy.
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Now,with the citizen future investment fund,people can withdraw after 5 years,reinvest and change anything it.
We need COMPLETE DEMOCRACY to survive,as a totally free nation. Avatar,do you need a nanny state,to tell you what to do,at each and every level or area of your life?no.
its not an end to law,or certain guidelines,its law,unser the constitution,by the people,for the people,of the people. Dont be afraid of evolution.complete democracy means appointed and elected officials will be purely bound to represent,and act,only on the collective majority vote of the people.

No. We need to Restore the REPUBLIC. If we were meant to be a Democracy, the Founders would have made us a Democracy. But they chose to create a Republic because of the inherent flaws of Democracy.

Democracy means mob rule. Our Founders, in their wisdom, put checks and balances in place to prevent mob rule so we could be a nation of Liberty and Justice.

It's human nature to abuse power. So power was spread out between the Federal Government, States, and Individual people. Federal Government power was further spread among three Separate, but equal Branches of government.

Eliminating the checks shifts power. For example, the Progressives passed the 17th amendment shifting power away from the States, supposedly towards the people. However, it's only the Federal Government that has gotten more power. We they people have been screwed by it.

Have to agree with you on this Avatar. The American electorate is so volatile to begin with. With direct Democracy, the US would almost certainly become a much more socialist state. It would only be a matter of time. That might not be such a bad thing, but I'm afraid it would go too far, especially if in more difficult times.

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