Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians

The people here who work very hard to deny the Palestinians their identity are no different from their ideological opposites who put their energy into denying Jews their unique identity.

It's You moral relativism that erases identities here., because You can't deal with distinction, You need it gray to not deal with reality.
We call things by their name

"PALESTINIAN" aka Caliphate was here IDENTITY=
  • Article Eleven:
This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law)
and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988
No. You do not call them by what they are. You selectively choose what fits to deny them their identity. Just like those who insist on calling Jews in Israel “European invaders”.

For whatever reason you and others can’t see fit to allow the othertheir identity.
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
Netanyahu’s suggestion that they should immigrate to France with anger, stating that they should not have to, they were as French as any Frenchman

That is very true. French Jews shouldn't feel the need for protection from antisemitism. German Jews, Polish Jews, Russian Jews, no Jews at all should feel the need for protection against antisemitism. But, the fact is ... for the past 2,000 years till today, Jews all around the world do need protection from antisemitism.

In a decent world, Israel shouldn't need to exist. But, it is obvious to anyone who understands that Israel must exist. It is existentially imperative that Israel exist. The antisemites and their enablers have made it imperative that it exist.

A French Jews is French. A German Jew is German. A Polish Jew is Polish. A Russian Jew is Russian UNTIL ... those in power in that country decide they aren't and decide to repeat History yet once again.
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that.

WTF? I am not even using genetics!
. French Jews consider themselves French. Jews from Arabicized cultures are considered Arab.

No, no and again NO.
You have just deeply offended 2 groups of people with whom You probably had no prior extensive contact.
You have no idea how offensive this is, Hetzl became a Zionist exactly because of Dreyfus affair.
Don't ever call Jews - Arabs!
Arabs attempt to steal our identity in order to steal our land that they've colonized many times over, once again.
You don't have an idea what it was to NOT be an Arab in Iraq or Yemen, we NEVER were Arabs, we were always made clear we weren't, and they were very creative in inventing such ways - Yellow star for Jews rings a bell?!

I have not offended anyone. But maybe you. I am paraphrasing French Jews angered and upset at an increase in antisemitism in France, reacting to Netanyahu’s suggestion that they should immigrate to France with anger, stating that they should not have to, they were as French as any Frenchman (and the French government reiterated that).

I am also paraphrasing from how the Arab Jews are regarded in Arabs:

Khaled Diab: Like the Palestinians, Middle Eastern Jews have fallen victim to political forces beyond their control
Arab Jews?

Some Arabs have converted to Judaism, yes, but it is not the nearly 1,000,000 Jews who were forced out of Arab conquered lands.

Not one of them is "Arab".

And speaking Arabic, or living in a Arab conquered land, does not make anyone an Arab, unless one was originally from Arabia.


Many American Jews when they first visit Israel state that is the only time they truly feel they are among their own people. The connection is deep.
I don’t disagree. I am not strongly religious. I won’t ever feel the powerful connection each religion has towards its holy places.

Which religion?
They all have holy sites.

Which religion are you?
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
And I will ask again:

What is the Palestinian identity, especially when they built a Museum and managed to put absolutely nothing in it?

Many American Jews when they first visit Israel state that is the only time they truly feel they are among their own people. The connection is deep.
I don’t disagree. I am not strongly religious. I won’t ever feel the powerful connection each religion has towards its holy places.

Which religion?
They all have holy sites.

Which religion are you?
Agnostic I suppose.
Now don't you fall for this "Jews are Europeans" crap and start repeating it.

The common culture the Jewish people have in Israel is the Jewish culture. That's what binds them together and makes them the Jewish people.
I was using that as an example for those here who call for expelling Palestinians to other Arab countries because they are culturally indistinguishable. I could just as easily said let's expell everyone from Oregon, return the land to the natives and transfer the people to Mississippi....because after all they culturslly the same (sarcasm alert). You can make a valid argument that while Jews sharecommon culture based in Judiasm, they are also a diverse population from around the world who share as much if not more in some cases with those cultures than with each other. French Jews consider themselves French. Jews from Arabicized cultures are considered Arab. If you say a Palestinian could be dumped in Syria and no one could tell the difference...then couldn't the same be said of a Jew from France? Jews share a common Jewish identy gained from millinea of shared and as well as diverging cultural development. The same can be said of the Pakestinians though their cultural identity is more recent.

The people here who work very hard to deny the Palestinians their identity are no different from their ideological opposites who put their energy into denying Jews their unique identity.

The question I have to ask is this : why do both sides view this as a zero sum equation where one sides identity has to be demolished in order to "win"?

"Jews share common culture based in Judiasm, they are also a diverse population from around the world who share as much if not more in some cases with those cultures than with each other."

Jew from Yemen (1st temple exiled community) :

Ashkenazi Jew (2n'd Temple excile):

Jew from Yemen:

Ashkenazi Jew :

Jews in Yemen:

Rabbi Kook (Lithuanian Community 1st chief Ashknaz Rabbi and Zionist visionary)

Ashkenaz (Rabbi Rosenboim):

Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak (Yemeni community):

Rabbi Landoy Zt"l (Polish community)

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt'l (Babylon community Chief Mizrahi Rabbi of Israel)

Hofetz Haim Zt"l (Ashknaz sage)

Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu Zt"l (Babylon, Chief Mizrahi Rabbi of Israel)

Shlomo Weizman (Ashknaz)

Tal Barzilay (Morocco)


When Jews from Yemen came to Israel they wore the exact same traditional garbs, same colors even.
Their pronunciation of Hebrew was 85% similar (2 letters pronounced only slightly different). They wore the same sidelocks that made them different from any other nation. And their construction of the scroll was exactly similar. These were 2 furthest communities from their homeland Eretz Yisrael, north Europe and south Arabia, and yet they were strikingly similar.

Now to suggest they had more in common with the locals is to erase the Holocaust and 2000 years of our indescribable genocide. We tried to be like them once in Germany, to the fullest extent - the result is known, yet You suggest we had more in common with Germans than with fellow Jews who were persecuted for their striking difference in every corner of the earth. GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR HEART AND SENSES FAST!

You can search and find pictures showing similarities and select those. But do a search for Jews around the world and along with similarities you see many differences. Search for Jewish cuisine around the world..again, much variety along with common customs.

My question is two:

Why is this a bad thing? It isnt. It is wealth.

And what I am seeing is a reflexive reaction to anything that might imply Judaism is not the same around the world because that feeds into the anti Semitic rhetoric that tries to claim Judaism is not a distinct culture. Diversity within a culture is not absence of a culture.

And yet you can not give the same consideration to Palestinian identity which was forged in conflict and loss...sound familiar ?

Is it like Iraqi Jews eating a lamb head on Passover while Ashkenazi eat a fish head because Europe was poor at the time?

You have zero knowledge on the issue.

Or maybe it's that Yemeni and Ashknaz Jews put their sidelocks and tzitzit outside while Sephardic hide it behind the ears and inside pants because of Spanish inquisition?

If You cared to get beyond Your one liners, and actually read some about a nation with 3500 years of unique culture, that was ALWAYS DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE You'd find out how astonishingly small and irrelevant are Your points.. :cranky:
I am not depending on one liners. Are you?

:eusa_doh: Read again whatYou've just written.
My posts are detailed and extensive, and I don't need to links for that volume, I know my stuff.
On the other hand You base Your whole argument on short assumptions and look for articles to back it up later.

Here's an idea- Jews are people of literacy, READ SOME ORIGINALS before even touching on the subject, I can write a website claiming turtles are from Mars and some idiot will pick it up, to claim turtles are somehow discriminated, rings a bell?
Last edited:
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
And I will ask again:

What is the Palestinian identity, especially when they built a Museum and managed to put absolutely nothing in it?
Who are you to decide whether a people has an identity?

Many American Jews when they first visit Israel state that is the only time they truly feel they are among their own people. The connection is deep.
I don’t disagree. I am not strongly religious. I won’t ever feel the powerful connection each religion has towards its holy places.

Which religion?
They all have holy sites.

Which religion are you?
Agnostic I suppose.

You said you were deeply religious? So you are not or did I misunderstand?
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
And I will ask again:

What is the Palestinian identity, especially when they built a Museum and managed to put absolutely nothing in it?
Who are you to decide whether a people has an identity?
In other words, you cannot tell what the Palestinians identify as?

As eternal refugees (as long as Israel exists) ?
Creators of suicide belts?
People who go around attacking every Jew they find because their education tells them to do so?
Hijackers of planes and ships?
Murderers of Israeli Olympic Athletes?
Martyrs for the cause of Palestine, where bombing buses, Pizza parlors, clubs, etc is viewed as heroic?

That their identity. The one you do not seem to be able to acknowledge.

THEY have decided that THAT is their identity.

I did not. Israel did not.

Their leaders did. From Husseini to Abbas, to Hamas, and the Arab League.

And with only one goal, until they reach it.

Once they do, they will reinvent their identity and will call themselves something else.
I was using that as an example for those here who call for expelling Palestinians to other Arab countries because they are culturally indistinguishable. I could just as easily said let's expell everyone from Oregon, return the land to the natives and transfer the people to Mississippi....because after all they culturslly the same (sarcasm alert). You can make a valid argument that while Jews sharecommon culture based in Judiasm, they are also a diverse population from around the world who share as much if not more in some cases with those cultures than with each other. French Jews consider themselves French. Jews from Arabicized cultures are considered Arab. If you say a Palestinian could be dumped in Syria and no one could tell the difference...then couldn't the same be said of a Jew from France? Jews share a common Jewish identy gained from millinea of shared and as well as diverging cultural development. The same can be said of the Pakestinians though their cultural identity is more recent.

The people here who work very hard to deny the Palestinians their identity are no different from their ideological opposites who put their energy into denying Jews their unique identity.

The question I have to ask is this : why do both sides view this as a zero sum equation where one sides identity has to be demolished in order to "win"?

"Jews share common culture based in Judiasm, they are also a diverse population from around the world who share as much if not more in some cases with those cultures than with each other."

Jew from Yemen (1st temple exiled community) :

Ashkenazi Jew (2n'd Temple excile):

Jew from Yemen:

Ashkenazi Jew :

Jews in Yemen:

Rabbi Kook (Lithuanian Community 1st chief Ashknaz Rabbi and Zionist visionary)

Ashkenaz (Rabbi Rosenboim):

Rabbi Amnon Yitzhak (Yemeni community):

Rabbi Landoy Zt"l (Polish community)

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt'l (Babylon community Chief Mizrahi Rabbi of Israel)

Hofetz Haim Zt"l (Ashknaz sage)

Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu Zt"l (Babylon, Chief Mizrahi Rabbi of Israel)

Shlomo Weizman (Ashknaz)

Tal Barzilay (Morocco)


When Jews from Yemen came to Israel they wore the exact same traditional garbs, same colors even.
Their pronunciation of Hebrew was 85% similar (2 letters pronounced only slightly different). They wore the same sidelocks that made them different from any other nation. And their construction of the scroll was exactly similar. These were 2 furthest communities from their homeland Eretz Yisrael, north Europe and south Arabia, and yet they were strikingly similar.

Now to suggest they had more in common with the locals is to erase the Holocaust and 2000 years of our indescribable genocide. We tried to be like them once in Germany, to the fullest extent - the result is known, yet You suggest we had more in common with Germans than with fellow Jews who were persecuted for their striking difference in every corner of the earth. GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR HEART AND SENSES FAST!

You can search and find pictures showing similarities and select those. But do a search for Jews around the world and along with similarities you see many differences. Search for Jewish cuisine around the world..again, much variety along with common customs.

My question is two:

Why is this a bad thing? It isnt. It is wealth.

And what I am seeing is a reflexive reaction to anything that might imply Judaism is not the same around the world because that feeds into the anti Semitic rhetoric that tries to claim Judaism is not a distinct culture. Diversity within a culture is not absence of a culture.

And yet you can not give the same consideration to Palestinian identity which was forged in conflict and loss...sound familiar ?

Is it like Iraqi Jews eating a lamb head on Passover while Ashkenazi eat a fish head because Europe was poor at the time?

You have zero knowledge on the issue.

Or maybe it's that Yemeni and Ashknaz Jews put their sidelocks and tzitzit outside while Sephardic hide it behind the ears and inside pants because of Spanish inquisition?

If You cared to get beyond Your one liners, and actually read some about a nation with 3500 years of unique culture, that was ALWAYS DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE You'd find out how astonishingly small and irrelevant are Your points.. :cranky:
I am not depending on one liners. Are you?

:eusa_doh: Read again whatYou've just written.
My posts are detailed and extensive, and I don't need to links for that volume, I know my stuff.
On the other hand You base Your whole argument on short assumptions and look for articles to back it up later.

Here's an idea- Jews are people of literacy, READ SOME ORIGINALS before even touching on the subject, I can write a website claiming turtles are from mars and some idiot will pick it up, doesn't take too much brain power.
I use sources to back up what I argue, because that is generally the proper thing to do. You certainly used the Hamas charter as a frequent source. I do not rely on one liners unless I am being deliberately pissy, and I genuinely avoid that with you a few others because though ?I don’t agree, I respect your views.

Here is an idea. Apply the same standards and consideration you demand for Jews, to what constitutes a people to the Palestinians instead of going along with the “Arab Moslems” and “European Invaders” style of categorization.

I don’t disagree. I am not strongly religious. I won’t ever feel the powerful connection each religion has towards its holy places.

Which religion?
They all have holy sites.

Which religion are you?
Agnostic I suppose.

You said you were deeply religious? So you are not or did I misunderstand?
No, I never said I was deeply religious.
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
And I will ask again:

What is the Palestinian identity, especially when they built a Museum and managed to put absolutely nothing in it?
The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.

They're the Caliphate, plain and simple.
Islamic foreign colonizers exactly as in Spain or any other country outside of Arabia.
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
And I will ask again:

What is the Palestinian identity, especially when they built a Museum and managed to put absolutely nothing in it?
Who are you to decide whether a people has an identity?
In other words, you cannot tell what the Palestinians identify as?

As eternal refugees (as long as Israel exists) ?
Creators of suicide belts?
People who go around attacking every Jew they find because their education tells them to do so?
Hijackers of planes and ships?
Murderers of Israeli Olympic Athletes?
Martyrs for the cause of Palestine, where bombing buses, Pizza parlors, clubs, etc is viewed as heroic?

That their identity. The one you do not seem to be able to acknowledge.

THEY have decided that THAT is their identity.

I did not. Israel did not.

Their leaders did. From Husseini to Abbas, to Hamas, and the Arab League.

And with only one goal, until they reach it.

Once they do, they will reinvent their identity and will call themselves something else.
So you do not think the Palestinians are a people? Do you think they have any rights then, since they are not a people in your view?

Which religion?
They all have holy sites.

Which religion are you?
Agnostic I suppose.

You said you were deeply religious? So you are not or did I misunderstand?
No, I never said I was deeply religious.

My bad. You said not. Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam. Not Islamaphobia. It’s FU Radical Islam.
Be'chol Lashon: About: The History of Jewish Diversity

The Jewish experience is built upon foundations of diversity as old as the Jewish people, a reality that may be lost to many Jews who tend to think of other Jews as being only like themselves. The historical home of the Jews lies at the geographic crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Jews are an amalgam of many peoples and Jewish origins include a multitude of languages, nations, tribes, and skin colors.

The essence of the story of the Jewish people is based on the Exodus from Egypt, where Jews sojourned for 400 years. The Exodus story is not only a metaphor for the escape from slavery to freedom; it is also a geographic journey that took the Hebrew people across the Sinai from Asia to Africa and back again. Over time, ancient Judea, Samaria, and Israel were conquered by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Turks, among others. Throughout the centuries, the Hebrews had long and deep connections with Mediterranean, European, Asian and African cultures. Today, Israel is one of the most racially, ethnically, and nationally diverse countries in the world, with immigrants from over 70 countries.

Even at their beginning, Jews were a blend of different groups. As Ephraim Isaac, Ph.D., the Ethiopian-born director of the Institute of Semitic Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, explains:

Over two thousand years ago, the Jews were an ethnic group\but even then not a “perfect” one. Since then, Jews have intermingled with many nations and absorbed many proselytes. [c] The ancient Israelites were not a racial unit but a sacral association, called an amphictyony by some scholars. They were a people bound together by a common language, and common territory, similar historical experience, and common consciousness. The Ark of the Covenant was the main sacred cult object and formed the center of worship. They had a primary unit of social and territorial organization, [c] and extended family that was then patrilineal. [c] It is the centrality of concern for the Torah revealed on Mount Sinai and the great values of our heritage that bind us together as Jews.
The story of the Jewish people is filled with interracial and intercultural mixing. After all, Israel's greatest prophet, Moses, married Zipporah, an Ethiopian. Solomon and David each took wives from Africa. Joseph married an Egyptian-an African. While so much of contemporary Jewish consciousness comes from Eastern and Central Europe, Jews have deep roots in Africa, and later in the Iberian Peninsula.

From their original homes in Asia and Africa, Jews spread across the globe. The World Jewish Congress survey of the Jewish Diaspora indicated that by the mid-16th century, Jewish communities could be found in countries as far-flung as Jamaica, Brazil, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, India, and China, as well as in many countries in Europe. Even today, the World Jewish Congress identifies 120 countries with a Jewish community and it does not include all that we know about.

What is so bad about this?

Genetics used for political purpose is Eugenics.
You and most vile antisemites here have used it too much to be taken as anything other than that. Jews used to get into fights over such issues in every diaspora shithole they were thrown to.
I am sick and tired of you pulling the antisemitism card when someone disagrees. It is like walking on eggshells trying to have a discussion. I use sources, NOT hate sites, that are legitimate. And the ultimate irony.. ? You can’t even bring yourself to grant the Palestinians an identity as a people. :mad:
And I will ask again:

What is the Palestinian identity, especially when they built a Museum and managed to put absolutely nothing in it?
The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force, because during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem generations till the Day of Judgement.

They're the Caliphate, plain and simple.
Islamic foreign colonizers exactly as in Spain or any other country outside of Arabia.

How many times are you going to post the same thing?

Islam foreign colonizers vs European invaders? That is how you are choosing to define this then?

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