Republicans true Feelings exposed

I wonder how many republicans drive German cars considering in Germany college education is free. Rush Limbaugh through his auto purchases pays for education in Germany, but then calls Americans entitled. Oh the irony. Below is a perfect example of republican values and their genuine feelings towards our veterans and our citizens.

“I don’t think veterans should necessarily have to work two or three jobs just to be able to afford to live while we’re going to school,” Blessinger says. “I don’t have time to study. Some days, it’s quite tough.”

Blessinger says he dreams of a career in education reform, “working with state governments, the federal government, to rewrite policy to make state higher education more accessible and more equitable.” He planned to apply to a joint law and PhD program after finishing his MA — but given his onerous debt, he’s been reconsidering his options.

The three students thought that Ward, a conservative who is rumored to be considering a primary challenge to Senator John McCain, might be sympathetic to the plight of a struggling veteran. That’s not how the meeting turned out, however. “She actually was pretty rude to him,” recalls Brooks, a fifth-year PhD student in second-language acquisition. According to all three students, Ward called Blessinger “entitled” and told him, “If you don’t like being here, other states have different programs for vets, and maybe you should go there.”

“She called me an entitled little prick,” says Blessinger, admittedly paraphrasing. “I work three jobs, plus I go to graduate school. I’m not sure how much more biting the bullet she wants me to do.” (Ward, after initially agreeing to talk, didn’t respond to follow-up e-mails.)

Now it looks like Blessinger will have to bite the bullet even harder. When the legislature finally passed a budget, it didn’t cut $75 million—it cut $99 million, including $28 million from the University of Arizona. Bruce Wheeler, assistant minority leader in Arizona’s House of Representatives, believes that the Republicans would like to do away with public education altogether. “I’m absolutely convinced that’s their agenda,” he says. “At every level of public education, the Republican majority is undertaking to defund and privatize.”

This Is What Happens When You Slash Funding for Public Universities The Nation

"You Can Now Go to College in Germany for Free, No Matter Where You’re From" By Rebecca Schuman

Germany College is free there even for foreign students. Why
It's funny listening to leftist bitch about the cost of college when they are they ones that drove it so high and continue to push it even higher.

Is it an intentional bid to force a government takeover or just another attack from within to bring the country down?

either way, leftist are so obvious to those of us with the ability to think for ourselves, something leftist quick doing decades ago.
Thumbs said: It's funny listening to leftist bitch about the cost of college when they are they ones that drove it so high and continue to push it even higher.

That doesn't even make sense. Beside what would right wingers know about "college"? Not "Bahbull college, but real college?
My husband and paid off our loans, everyone else can also
But when the Germans are building wealth, you're paying off debt. That's so fucking obvious. Duh! If you're going to pay taxes, why not pay for a government that works? Duh! Republicans won't let our government work. Triple Duh!
that's OK, but I want a $100 K reimbursement minimum plus interest cuz I did paygo
Seldom is there so much ignorance in a single OP.

German universities are "free" and they are also EXTREMELY competitive. Only the top students get into the academic track and only the top students end up in college. I am one Republican who would gladly finance higher education (through the STATES, not the Feds) if it were not such a cluster-fuck of mediocrity and mindless liberalism.

I am also a veteran who financed my education with personal savings, working full-time while in college (and law school), a couple of college loans, some contribution from employers, and $175/month from Uncle Sam. Just because you are a vet doesn't mean you can suck the government's teats for the rest of your life.

The connection between buying a car made in Germany and paying for German college costs is a tenuous connection indeed. Germans who pay $9/gallon for gas and more than half their income in taxes might take a different view.

Last I heard, Rush provided a small fleet of Maybach's for visitors to his Florida compound who come in by private plane. Making $50 million a year permits one to be a good host, I suppose.

Where was that hypocrisy again? I didn't get it.
what? so because Rush Limbaugh said something that means that is how ALL THE REPUBLICANS in this country feels?

lets see then. because Bill MAHER that Liberal comedian called Sarah Palin a cxxt the means all Liberal/Democrats feel the same?


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