Republicans do realize why their party is doomed, right?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
It's known that the GOP is easily the least popular party in the country right now. It's known that they're having jssues attracting votes outside of their target demographic (older US born conservative Christian straight white people). It's known that any given scandal committed by a GOP politician is going affect the party much more deeply and for a much longer time than were the same scandal to have committed by a the GOP politician's Democrat colleague. It only just recently dawned on me why all this is. It's not that the "media" is biased against you. Your media is far more inflammatory than theirs could hope to be. It's not that the Democrats don't play fair. Neither of you do. The problem is that people - the American public as a whole - just do not like you, both for what you say and how you say it.

They don't like your focus on counterterrorism. It comes across as fake when that work prevents them from ever being targeted by terrorist attacks. They don't like your focus on wars overseas. They see that they're always in oil producing nations, which makes it all too easy for your opposition party and hostile foreign actors to make them seem to be about stealing oil rather than the actual problem of containing political Islam. They don't like how you're still going on about Russia being a danger to ourselves and our European allies decades after the Cold War. They for damn sure don't like your economic positions. The public may be stupid on the whole but they understand exactly what you mean when you talk about "balancing the government checkbook" and they want none of it. They want their healthcare. They want their education. No, it really doesn't matter to them if their grandkids have to pay for it. And they will not let you take any of their entitlements away from them.

It goes even deeper than this incomplete list though. They just inherently do not like your values or the lifestyle you want everyone to live. The world has moved on without you. This is the era of broken homes and abortion clinics next to middle schools and you're still stuck in a version of the 50s that never really existed.
lol, that's why the Democrats was KICKED out of control Congress in two HISTORIC midterm elections and LOST THE most seats ever UNDER a commie/democrat President after him being in office FOR SIX miserable years.

but hey you all need something to hang onto. so have at it. it's the other way around

the PEOPLE ARE SICK and tired of you Democrat/liberals/commies/dingbat base of the Progressive party

dream on only if it's a LIE
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Nope. They don't have a clue.
While the Republicans work against the American people and the sovereignty of the country, while they're working so hard to bring us down and to give nuke weapons to our enemies,

Uh Stephanie, pretty sure we've had this conversation before. I don't identify with either party and my political philosophy hasn't ever even been represented by any political party to my knowledge. I'm not presenting this as a good or bad thing. It's just something that's going to happen in the relatively soon future. How long it taks depends on whether and how the GOP changes. Either way it's going to collapse and leave us with the Democrats as our sole ruling party which will be part of the chain of events leading to our collapse as a nation. If you want to see what kind of life you're grandchildren will lead then go talk to a middle aged Russian about the end of the USSR.
Uh Stephanie, pretty sure we've had this conversation before. I don't identify with either party and my political philosophy hasn't ever even been represented by any political party to my knowledge. I'm not presenting this as a good or bad thing. It's just something that's going to happen in the relatively soon future. How long it taks depends on whether and how the GOP changes. Either way it's going to collapse and leave us with the Democrats as our sole ruling party which will be part of the chain of events leading to our collapse as a nation. If you want to see what kind of life you're grandchildren will lead then go talk to a middle aged Russian about the end of the USSR.

well YEAH, we are heading OFF THE CLIFF. so what are you going to do about it?
WHINING isn't going to help
Uhhhhhh, 31 states have Republican governors. 31 out of 50. You can't gerrymander a governor's election, because it's statewide. 31 out of 50.

Republicans also control one or both chambers in 31 state legislatures.

Republicans just took over Congress in one of the biggest turnarounds in American history in the 2014 mid-term elections.

Forgive me if I don't see a doomed party in a party that controls 31 state governments and that just scored a historic mid-term victory.

With the Democratic base so radicalized and crazy that they're offended if you say "all lives matter," I would be more worried about the Democratic Party than about the GOP.
Nope. They don't have a clue.
While the Republicans work against the American people and the sovereignty of the country, while they're working so hard to bring us down and to give nuke weapons to our enemies,

Give nukes to our enemies? Yeah that ship sailed a long time ago when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg gave the bomb to the KGB on a silver platter.
It's known that the GOP is easily the least popular party in the country right now. It's known that they're having jssues attracting votes outside of their target demographic (older US born conservative Christian straight white people). It's known that any given scandal committed by a GOP politician is going affect the party much more deeply and for a much longer time than were the same scandal to have committed by a the GOP politician's Democrat colleague. It only just recently dawned on me why all this is. It's not that the "media" is biased against you. Your media is far more inflammatory than theirs could hope to be. It's not that the Democrats don't play fair. Neither of you do. The problem is that people - the American public as a whole - just do not like you, both for what you say and how you say it.

They don't like your focus on counterterrorism. It comes across as fake when that work prevents them from ever being targeted by terrorist attacks. They don't like your focus on wars overseas. They see that they're always in oil producing nations, which makes it all too easy for your opposition party and hostile foreign actors to make them seem to be about stealing oil rather than the actual problem of containing political Islam. They don't like how you're still going on about Russia being a danger to ourselves and our European allies decades after the Cold War. They for damn sure don't like your economic positions. The public may be stupid on the whole but they understand exactly what you mean when you talk about "balancing the government checkbook" and they want none of it. They want their healthcare. They want their education. No, it really doesn't matter to them if their grandkids have to pay for it. And they will not let you take any of their entitlements away from them.

It goes even deeper than this incomplete list though. They just inherently do not like your values or the lifestyle you want everyone to live. The world has moved on without you. This is the era of broken homes and abortion clinics next to middle schools and you're still stuck in a version of the 50s that never really existed.

If the party is being hijacked by career politicians, the same as what went wrong with the Democrats,
then it may be a good thing to crash the party system and reinvent it from within with the people really trying to do the right thing. We are supposed to be following the Constitution anyway; so if all laws and govt were by Constitutional standards, it wouldn't matter who's a Democrat or Republican, the laws would be based on what represents the consent and best interests for the entire public, NOT just the party that can scream louder in the media and get the most points.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing to total the car, if it means replacing it with a newer model that runs better!!!
Republicans have their one shot at relevance in 2016. After that, demographic politics will require a fundamental reorganization of the GOP.
I have been told that more votes were cast for Democrats than Republicans in the last election. If so, this is not a good prognosis for the GOP.

What part of Democrats got their asses kicked in the last midterm did the bozo who posted this thread miss?

Historic win.
worry more about your STATE Governors and Representatives.

a President doesn't HAVE control OVER them no matter how much Obama wants to make it seem they do.

Call you damn CONGRESSCRITTERS and ride their asses to DO AS YOU want. they are not voted in to be OUR MASTERS. THOUGH in this day and age the citizens are not as involved. they just vote and let them steam roll over us
It's known that the GOP is easily the least popular party in the country right now. It's known that they're having jssues attracting votes outside of their target demographic (older US born conservative Christian straight white people). It's known that any given scandal committed by a GOP politician is going affect the party much more deeply and for a much longer time than were the same scandal to have committed by a the GOP politician's Democrat colleague. It only just recently dawned on me why all this is. It's not that the "media" is biased against you. Your media is far more inflammatory than theirs could hope to be. It's not that the Democrats don't play fair. Neither of you do. The problem is that people - the American public as a whole - just do not like you, both for what you say and how you say it.

They don't like your focus on counterterrorism. It comes across as fake when that work prevents them from ever being targeted by terrorist attacks. They don't like your focus on wars overseas. They see that they're always in oil producing nations, which makes it all too easy for your opposition party and hostile foreign actors to make them seem to be about stealing oil rather than the actual problem of containing political Islam. They don't like how you're still going on about Russia being a danger to ourselves and our European allies decades after the Cold War. They for damn sure don't like your economic positions. The public may be stupid on the whole but they understand exactly what you mean when you talk about "balancing the government checkbook" and they want none of it. They want their healthcare. They want their education. No, it really doesn't matter to them if their grandkids have to pay for it. And they will not let you take any of their entitlements away from them.

It goes even deeper than this incomplete list though. They just inherently do not like your values or the lifestyle you want everyone to live. The world has moved on without you. This is the era of broken homes and abortion clinics next to middle schools and you're still stuck in a version of the 50s that never really existed.
This would be funny if you were actually trying to be sarcastic.

How can you claim to not have a party affiliation when you are so massively affected by bias as to ignore all evidence in front of you?

The GOP is successfully controlling more governorships, more state legislators, more representatives and more senators than the democrats. That means that they have FAR MORE governmental control than the democrats do. It is as if you are looking at ONE SINGLE person (the president) and claiming that the party is doomed because they do not occupy that position.

Aside for fantastically asinine it is also completely ignorant of the current governmental makeup. The GOP is actually doing surprisingly well considering some of the positions that they are supporting and the current unpopularity of those positions. The tired old argument that it is only because the Republicans gerrymandered the districts (but the 10 years of democrat districting is somehow ignored in that argument) is moot as well considering that does not apply to the majority of those positions.

It is clear that you are making these statements with a seriously biased view of the party itself (not to mention the mischaracterization of the party positions in general).

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