Republican strategist not thrilled with Trump

Republican strategist Rick Wilson certainly doesn't like what he's seeing in the GOP, and I'd be curious to see what conservatives here think about this piece:

How the Tea Party Got Hijacked by Trump’s Troll Party

From it:

Today the Republican Party has two choices before it: It can either reform itself, or fracture and surrender to the Troll Party.

Let me explain what I mean. The Troll Party’s central characteristic is an ever tightening spiral of self-reinforcing and self-referential purity tests that makes communicating with anyone beyond the febrile and furious a nearly impossible task. The people pushing for this transformation aren’t a majority yet, but when a virus infects the body politic, its minuscule size belies its massive impact.

That’s what is happening inside the GOP, and why the disease vector, in the form of Donald Trump, puts the entire conservative movement at risk of being hijacked and destroyed by a bellowing billionaire with poor impulse control and a profoundly superficial understanding of the world. The Troll Party puts nationalist, anti-establishment bluster before the tenets of our constitutional republic.

So who comprises the Troll Party? Some of them are a distaff faction of the Tea Party, angry that the leadership in Washington doesn’t pursue their agenda with the bloody-mindedness and tempo they demand. Many are angry that the GOP lost to Barack Obama twice and, in their minds, allowed through action or inaction a set of economic, social, and cultural changes that make them feel powerless. For them, supporting Trump feels like rebellion. They crave a sense of agency in the face of a political culture in D.C. that they believe loathes and disregards them.

Yes the GOP is too far right on all the issues. So they lose some people to global warming, tax breaks to corporations, religion, racism, war, unions, welfare, immigration.

Republicans have chosen to take the asshole position on every issue and its a turnoff.

Republicans didn't lose the last two elections because they went with two moderates. Moderate Republicans are their only chance but they hate compromise.
This is pretty smart. By which I mean she mostly agrees with me.:beer:

The whole article is worth reading. Much of it is explaining the failure of the Establishment Candidates.


"Today, the fight in the Republican Party isn't over abortion, guns or the Sandinistas; the dividing line is immigration. Will wecontinue to be the United States
, or will we become another failed Latin American state?

On this, it's Donald Trump (and the people) vs. everyone else.

Trump announced his presidential campaign by talking about Mexican rapists
. Immigration is the only policy paper he's put out so far -- and he's been crushing the polls. He got his one sustained standing ovation from 20,000 cheering fans in Dallas Monday night when he talked about stopping illegal immigration. "

But James B. Stewart gasses on in The New York Times about Trump's "namecalling, personal attacks and one-liners that have vaulted him to the top of the polls." In the entire article, Stewart never mentions immigration.

Perhaps some minority of people will vote for Trump because of his personality. But I notice that it's his position on immigration that gets thousands of people leaping to their feet.

The media will talk about anything but Trump's specific, detailed policies on immigration -- all while claiming he doesn't have any "policy details." The very fact that the entire media -- including most of the conservative commentariat -- obdurately refuse to acknowledge the popularity of Trump's immigration plans is exactly why Trump is exploding in the polls.

Trump isn't trying to imitate anyone. He's leading on the seminal issue of our time while the rest of the field practices looking optimistic in front of the mirror."
The people get the feeling trump and Bernie Sanders say what they mean and will do what they say. Even biden is considered honest compared to any of the GOP contenders or hillary.

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