Republican Pete Hoekstra Under Fire For Racially ‘Offensive’, Super Bowl


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
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More proof that the GOP is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

Amid spring-loaded babies and Ferris Bueller flash-backs, there was one Super Bowl ad that had few people laughing. While it ran only in Michigan, U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra’s campaign ad featuring an Asian woman speaking broken English is being criticized around the country today.

In the ad, Hoekstra, a former U.S. House Representative, dubs his Democratic Senate rival Debbie Stabenow “Debbie Spend It Now” for supporting policies that cause American jobs and investments to be outsourced to China.

“Debbie spend so much American money, you borrow more and more from us,” says a young Asian woman riding her bike through rice paddies at the beginning of the 30-second ad. “You’re economy get very weak. Ours get very good. We take your jobs. Thank you Debbie ‘Spend It Now.’”

It is the racial undertones of the ad that have critics up in arms. Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, said she was “appalled” by the ad and called for Hoekstra to take it down and apologize.

“I am appalled at the Hoekstra campaign’s offensive and insensitive Super Bowl ad that relies heavily on negative Asian stereotypes,” Chu said in a statement. “Politics of fear and division will never bring the American people together around the solutions they so desperately need, and I am calling on former Rep. Hoekstra to take down this atrocious ad and issue an apology immediately.”

The Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote’s Michigan chapter also condemned the ad as “very disturbing.”

“It is very disturbing that Mr. Hoekstra’s campaign chose to use harmful and negative stereotypes that intrinsically encourage anti-Asian sentiment,” the group said in a statement Sunday...
without violent and or racist jabs the republican party has a hard time winning votes
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More proof that the GOP is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

Amid spring-loaded babies and Ferris Bueller flash-backs, there was one Super Bowl ad that had few people laughing. While it ran only in Michigan, U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra’s campaign ad featuring an Asian woman speaking broken English is being criticized around the country today.

In the ad, Hoekstra, a former U.S. House Representative, dubs his Democratic Senate rival Debbie Stabenow “Debbie Spend It Now” for supporting policies that cause American jobs and investments to be outsourced to China.

“Debbie spend so much American money, you borrow more and more from us,” says a young Asian woman riding her bike through rice paddies at the beginning of the 30-second ad. “You’re economy get very weak. Ours get very good. We take your jobs. Thank you Debbie ‘Spend It Now.’”

It is the racial undertones of the ad that have critics up in arms. Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, said she was “appalled” by the ad and called for Hoekstra to take it down and apologize.

“I am appalled at the Hoekstra campaign’s offensive and insensitive Super Bowl ad that relies heavily on negative Asian stereotypes,” Chu said in a statement. “Politics of fear and division will never bring the American people together around the solutions they so desperately need, and I am calling on former Rep. Hoekstra to take down this atrocious ad and issue an apology immediately.”

The Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote’s Michigan chapter also condemned the ad as “very disturbing.”

“It is very disturbing that Mr. Hoekstra’s campaign chose to use harmful and negative stereotypes that intrinsically encourage anti-Asian sentiment,” the group said in a statement Sunday...

You're a fucking retard.. you really are.
I'm sold, I agree with the OP.

Every station who airs anything with Larry the Cable guy is being racist, as it's a negative stereotype of white people.

Every station who airs anything with Flavor Flav is being racist, as it's a negative stereotype of black people.

Every station who airs anything with The Sopranos is bigotted against italians.

Couldn't agree more, any time any person is on tv who exhibits any society-made stereotype of their ethnicity, the racist card HAS to be pulled.
Submitted for your approval.

More proof that the GOP is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

Amid spring-loaded babies and Ferris Bueller flash-backs, there was one Super Bowl ad that had few people laughing. While it ran only in Michigan, U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra’s campaign ad featuring an Asian woman speaking broken English is being criticized around the country today.

In the ad, Hoekstra, a former U.S. House Representative, dubs his Democratic Senate rival Debbie Stabenow “Debbie Spend It Now” for supporting policies that cause American jobs and investments to be outsourced to China.

“Debbie spend so much American money, you borrow more and more from us,” says a young Asian woman riding her bike through rice paddies at the beginning of the 30-second ad. “You’re economy get very weak. Ours get very good. We take your jobs. Thank you Debbie ‘Spend It Now.’”

It is the racial undertones of the ad that have critics up in arms. Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, said she was “appalled” by the ad and called for Hoekstra to take it down and apologize.

“I am appalled at the Hoekstra campaign’s offensive and insensitive Super Bowl ad that relies heavily on negative Asian stereotypes,” Chu said in a statement. “Politics of fear and division will never bring the American people together around the solutions they so desperately need, and I am calling on former Rep. Hoekstra to take down this atrocious ad and issue an apology immediately.”

The Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote’s Michigan chapter also condemned the ad as “very disturbing.”

“It is very disturbing that Mr. Hoekstra’s campaign chose to use harmful and negative stereotypes that intrinsically encourage anti-Asian sentiment,” the group said in a statement Sunday...

You're a fucking retard.. you really are.

Yes he certainly is.

The add is about as racist as anyone disagreeing with Barry's policies.

Oh wait. I forgot. If you disagree with the great ones policies your racist. Sorry. Guess it is racist then.
I thought Hoekstra's commercial was right on! Of course i'm from Michigan and i know what a moron Stabenow is. Hoekstra and Obama have been banging heads for awhile now...and Stabenow is just one of his ass kissers.

I thought his commercial was RIGHT ON! And NOTHING racist about it....that never even came to my mind when i saw it. Of course the left calls everything racist, so no surprises here.
No racism to it, there is however too much PC in this country. I think everyone should grow a set and stop being so sensitive over stupid shit.
I'm sold, I agree with the OP.

Every station who airs anything with Larry the Cable guy is being racist, as it's a negative stereotype of white people.

Every station who airs anything with Flavor Flav is being racist, as it's a negative stereotype of black people.

Every station who airs anything with The Sopranos is bigotted against italians.

Couldn't agree more, any time any person is on tv who exhibits any society-made stereotype of their ethnicity, the racist card HAS to be pulled.

That's right. According to you r-wingers, we liberals are all socialists bent on destroying America so spare me your partisian, selective-outrage.

BTW... how does it feel?
I'm sold, I agree with the OP.

Every station who airs anything with Larry the Cable guy is being racist, as it's a negative stereotype of white people.

Every station who airs anything with Flavor Flav is being racist, as it's a negative stereotype of black people.

Every station who airs anything with The Sopranos is bigotted against italians.

Couldn't agree more, any time any person is on tv who exhibits any society-made stereotype of their ethnicity, the racist card HAS to be pulled.

That's right. According to you r-wingers, we liberals are all socialists bent on destroying America so spare me your partisian, selective-outrage.

BTW... how does it feel?

I see, so you play the victim in all avenues of life, not just race.

I'm not a republican, i hate the republican party as much as I hate your beloved democratic party.

I just don't understand people like you. What's the upside about constantly looking for a reason to be offended? Why is being constantly offended a good thing to you? Does anything make you laugh, or does everything offend you?
Submitted for your approval.

More proof that the GOP is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

Amid spring-loaded babies and Ferris Bueller flash-backs, there was one Super Bowl ad that had few people laughing. While it ran only in Michigan, U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra’s campaign ad featuring an Asian woman speaking broken English is being criticized around the country today.

In the ad, Hoekstra, a former U.S. House Representative, dubs his Democratic Senate rival Debbie Stabenow “Debbie Spend It Now” for supporting policies that cause American jobs and investments to be outsourced to China.

“Debbie spend so much American money, you borrow more and more from us,” says a young Asian woman riding her bike through rice paddies at the beginning of the 30-second ad. “You’re economy get very weak. Ours get very good. We take your jobs. Thank you Debbie ‘Spend It Now.’”

It is the racial undertones of the ad that have critics up in arms. Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, said she was “appalled” by the ad and called for Hoekstra to take it down and apologize.

“I am appalled at the Hoekstra campaign’s offensive and insensitive Super Bowl ad that relies heavily on negative Asian stereotypes,” Chu said in a statement. “Politics of fear and division will never bring the American people together around the solutions they so desperately need, and I am calling on former Rep. Hoekstra to take down this atrocious ad and issue an apology immediately.”

The Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote’s Michigan chapter also condemned the ad as “very disturbing.”

“It is very disturbing that Mr. Hoekstra’s campaign chose to use harmful and negative stereotypes that intrinsically encourage anti-Asian sentiment,” the group said in a statement Sunday...

Racist? Where is the racism? How about TRUTH? There's plenty of TRUTH in this ad.

This is just another shining example of the leftist game of "deflection", so they can shift the spotlight off of what the leftists do best............create racial divide, promote economic class warfare, and sew the seeds of hate and discontent.

The LEFTISTS have a long and unsavory history of RACISM and CLASS WARFARE. These are the very foundations of their agendas.
Liberals don't want anyone to know what the Chinese are doing. Just let them do it. How bad can it be? Better than what the libs are doing.
Submitted for your approval.

More proof that the GOP is chock full of racists, rednecks, obstructionists, anarchists, and assassins.

Senate Candidate Pete Hoekstra Under Fire For Racially ‘Offensive’, ‘Atrocious’ Super Bowl Ad - ABC News

Amid spring-loaded babies and Ferris Bueller flash-backs, there was one Super Bowl ad that had few people laughing. While it ran only in Michigan, U.S. Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra’s campaign ad featuring an Asian woman speaking broken English is being criticized around the country today.

In the ad, Hoekstra, a former U.S. House Representative, dubs his Democratic Senate rival Debbie Stabenow “Debbie Spend It Now” for supporting policies that cause American jobs and investments to be outsourced to China.

“Debbie spend so much American money, you borrow more and more from us,” says a young Asian woman riding her bike through rice paddies at the beginning of the 30-second ad. “You’re economy get very weak. Ours get very good. We take your jobs. Thank you Debbie ‘Spend It Now.’”

It is the racial undertones of the ad that have critics up in arms. Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, said she was “appalled” by the ad and called for Hoekstra to take it down and apologize.

“I am appalled at the Hoekstra campaign’s offensive and insensitive Super Bowl ad that relies heavily on negative Asian stereotypes,” Chu said in a statement. “Politics of fear and division will never bring the American people together around the solutions they so desperately need, and I am calling on former Rep. Hoekstra to take down this atrocious ad and issue an apology immediately.”

The Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote’s Michigan chapter also condemned the ad as “very disturbing.”

“It is very disturbing that Mr. Hoekstra’s campaign chose to use harmful and negative stereotypes that intrinsically encourage anti-Asian sentiment,” the group said in a statement Sunday...

Racist? Where is the racism? How about TRUTH? There's plenty of TRUTH in this ad.

This is just another shining example of the leftist game of "deflection", so they can shift the spotlight off of what the leftists do best............create racial divide, promote economic class warfare, and sew the seeds of hate and discontent.

The LEFTISTS have a long and unsavory history of RACISM and CLASS WARFARE. These are the very foundations of their agendas.

You hit a grand-slam with the following statement TruthSeeker

The rightwing have a long and unsavory history of RACISM and CLASS WARFARE. These are the very foundations of their agendas
You hit a grand-slam with the following statement TruthSeeker

The rightwing have a long and unsavory history of RACISM and CLASS WARFARE. These are the very foundations of their agendas

Here is an example of a leftist that is too STUPID to respond with his own words, so he CHANGES the words of others to fit into his leftist agenda. Grow up, sonny.

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