Republican Budget reveals their priorities


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich
Poor thing, it must be awful to be so consumed with hate you have to lie every minute of the day.
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich
Well, Less could be spent on the military I’d be fine with that…
The border wall needs to be there because right now we have a totally open south border... It’s a free-for-all
All socialist entitlement programs should be cut at least 50% and to start with… But really we should not even have any socialist entitlement programs
The EPA is a fucking joke, 100% waste fraud and abuse, it’s all about control
ONLY nut jobs listen to NPR... Fucking up control freaks should not be encouraged
Illuminate discretionary spending
Most Americans do not use Amtrak make it stand on its own
Fuck ARPA-E, The federal government mostly sucks at everything they do. Keep the necessities like military, police and fire.
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich
Such is the reprehensible right.
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich
Such is the reprehensible right.
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology
I have seen Amtrak employees who are supposed to assist special needs folks by driving them around in golf carts, asleep at the wheel. Must be nice to get some of that 5 billion dollars of our taxes that go to Amtrak and sleep on the job....
Need to get rid of the Dept of Education, because we see how well that is going with the dumbfucks that are coming out of highschrool.
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich

I would eliminate the wall, cut defense spending 25%, cut HUD and every other agency by 25%, cut Amtrak by 100%, and I would be okay with the rest.

I would also raise taxes along with deep spending cuts.
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology
I have seen Amtrak employees who are supposed to assist special needs folks by driving them around in golf carts, asleep at the wheel. Must be nice to get some of that 5 billion dollars of our taxes that go to Amtrak and sleep on the job....
Need to get rid of the Dept of Education, because we see how well that is going with the dumbfucks that are coming out of highschrool.
Amtrak is a big waste of money, take the five billion wasted on them and give a billion to the bus industry and you would have safe and affordable transportation for America.
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich

I would eliminate the wall, cut defense spending 25%, cut HUD and every other agency by 25%, cut Amtrak by 100%, and I would be okay with the rest.

I would also raise taxes along with deep spending cuts.
yes--they HAVE to cut something--we are in huge debt
I don't understand how they don't get that
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich

No one wants a shit hole!
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology
I have seen Amtrak employees who are supposed to assist special needs folks by driving them around in golf carts, asleep at the wheel. Must be nice to get some of that 5 billion dollars of our taxes that go to Amtrak and sleep on the job....
Need to get rid of the Dept of Education, because we see how well that is going with the dumbfucks that are coming out of highschrool.
Amtrak is a big waste of money, take the five billion wasted on them and give a billion to the bus industry and you would have safe and affordable transportation for America.
Trains make sense in corridors as in Boston to DC and even SD to LA, but beyond that it's a waste of money today.
Republican priorities: Strong defense, border security, infrastructure maintenance and repair. Wouldn't you think the democrat party would have a similar vision for America? Nope, they threatened to shut down the government unless millions of illegal criminal aliens were pardoned and given citizenship.
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Why do you object to protecting the environment?
Who wins?
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Why do you object to protecting the environment?
Who wins?
That’s the job of your State government.
But this discussion is a retread.
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Why do you object to protecting the environment?
Who wins?

The EPA is a bloated Fascist entity....leave it to the states
Trump's budget reveals the GOP's priorities in all their hideous glory

The budget would do the following:
  • Spend $716 billion this year on the military
  • Spend $18 billion over two years to build a border wall
  • Cut $554 billion from Medicare over 10 years
  • Cut $250 billion from Medicaid over 10 years
  • Cut $214 billion from food stamps over 10 years
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Eliminate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which ensures that poor Americans don't freeze to death in the winter
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Now, combined with Republicans slashing taxes on billionaires and corporations we can see the Republican priorities.....Take from the poor and give to the rich

I would eliminate the wall, cut defense spending 25%, cut HUD and every other agency by 25%, cut Amtrak by 100%, and I would be okay with the rest.

I would also raise taxes along with deep spending cuts.
yes--they HAVE to cut something--we are in huge debt
I don't understand how they don't get that

Then why did we just slash taxes to add $1.5 trillion to debt?

Republicans have complained about debt for eight years.
They were elected on a platform to balance the budget and pay down debt

Then why, after over a year.....have they done nothing but add to our debt?

Now it seems they want the poor to pay for it
  • Cut the EPA's budget by 34 percent
  • Cut the Department of Housing and Urban Development budget by 14 percent, including eliminating the fund that pays for capital repairs to public housing
  • Eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides funding to PBS and NPR
  • Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Eliminate the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal help to poor Americans
  • Cut funding for Amtrak in half
  • Eliminate ARPA-E, which does cutting-edge research on energy technology

Why do you object to protecting the environment?
Who wins?
That’s the job of your State government.
But this discussion is a retread.

You think air and water stay in one state?

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