Report by Judith Curry

I never said they were. And I hope that is not your threshold for acting to protect yours.

The climate where i live is totally different than where one of my daughters lives which is dramatically different from where another step daughter lives.
I feel that is an insult to my general science teacher, my physic teacher in HS, my math teachers in HS, my physics teachers in College, my chemistry teacher in College, my math teachers in College. Hell you insulted all of them.

Good. I did my teacher training alongside a guy who became a Geography teacher. And I had him on Facebook until I kicked him off my friend list because he attacked me for having supposed mental problems because... get this... I wrote comments on Facebook...

He was a big proponent of man made climate change being a huge problem. So I showed him the charts of the 400,000 year cycle and asked him if humans had industrialized 120,000 years ago and that's what caused temperature to go HIGHER than they are today. He simply attacked me for being "denier" or something. He wouldn't get into a discussion about it, and he was teaching his shit to 18 year olds, telling them how he was so right, even though he's ignoring most of the influences on climate change.

Just because you're a teacher, doesn't mean you're right.

Especially if they're telling you that a substance is the same everywhere you put it.

I mean, water... put water in a cup, it's fine, put it in your mouth, you might choke from it.

Water is essential for life, yet it can kill you
Oxygen is essential for our kind of life, and it's so poisonous that we can't keep oxygen in our bodies for more than 10 minutes.
Good. I did my teacher training alongside a guy who became a Geography teacher. And I had him on Facebook until I kicked him off my friend list because he attacked me for having supposed mental problems because... get this... I wrote comments on Facebook...

He was a big proponent of man made climate change being a huge problem. So I showed him the charts of the 400,000 year cycle and asked him if humans had industrialized 120,000 years ago and that's what caused temperature to go HIGHER than they are today. He simply attacked me for being "denier" or something. He wouldn't get into a discussion about it, and he was teaching his shit to 18 year olds, telling them how he was so right, even though he's ignoring most of the influences on climate change.

Just because you're a teacher, doesn't mean you're right.

Especially if they're telling you that a substance is the same everywhere you put it.

I mean, water... put water in a cup, it's fine, put it in your mouth, you might choke from it.

Water is essential for life, yet it can kill you
Oxygen is essential for our kind of life, and it's so poisonous that we can't keep oxygen in our bodies for more than 10 minutes.
That's about right. Even in 1980 when I took pilot training and had to master weather to get my license, nobody was talking of man made climate. I ask the believers, tell me... can man manage climate? They say no. Then why do you believe man is managing climate making it worse? I dunno they say.
That's about right. Even in 1980 when I took pilot training and had to master weather to get my license, nobody was talking of man made climate. I ask the believers, tell me... can man manage climate? They say no. Then why do you believe man is managing climate making it worse? I dunno they say.
Nobody said humans were managing climate to make it worse, as far as I know.
The climate where i live is totally different than where one of my daughters lives which is dramatically different from where another step daughter lives.
If humans keep putting off dealing with this problem as they should have started doing 20 or 30 years ago, it is going to beggar the planet. There will be hundreds of millions of refugees forced to move from the coasts and areas that become climatically inhospitable. There will be food and water shortages. I don't want my children and theirs to suffer such things and I doubt you do either.
If humans keep putting off dealing with this problem as they should have started doing 20 or 30 years ago, it is going to beggar the planet. There will be hundreds of millions of refugees forced to move from the coasts and areas that become climatically inhospitable. There will be food and water shortages. I don't want my children and theirs to suffer such things and I doubt you do either.
But you can't do a damned thing and you know it.
That sounds a bit hostile Robert. Besides, the limit isn't what I can do, it's what we can do; all of us.
It is dark, and 73 degrees where my daughter lives. Here it is 37. Don't talk to me about it is too damned hot.
It is dark, and 73 degrees where my daughter lives. Here it is 37. Don't talk to me about it is too damned hot.
The world IS too damned hot and it is getting hotter. That doesn't mean you'll never see cold weather.
The world IS too damned hot and it is getting hotter. That doesn't mean you'll never see cold weather.
It does not mean I won't see warm to hot later in next year. But this nonsense by you is tiring.
Sure, because for some reason there are people willing to throw money around to force the square peg in the round hole.

There's also a lot of money to be made saying there is no problem with oil....

Two narratives on either side, both wrong, both pushing themselves on people, causing all kinds of ignorance.
I propose hydrogen. You know, that clean gas that is lighter than air.
Dr. Curry's best credential on GW has been her consistency. While other "leaders" in the field have spent a lot of time retracting, revising, and proposing excuses for their "hair on fire" catastrophic projections -- Dr. Curry has ALWAYS predicted that the surface temperature rise would never be much more than the natural and innate power of CO2 BY ITSELF to warm the atmosphere. This RULES out almost all of the fear porn about accelerated warming, trigger temperatures and all the other bullshit theories that got newspaper headlines for almost 30 years prior to today.

What's LEFT after the "existential crisis" and extinction of our junker of a planet due to CATASTROPHIC theories is shredded is something like a total anomaly of 2DegC by 2100. That's the power of CO2 to warm the atmos -- absent all the hype of CATASTROPHIC theories that haven't had a shred of evidence in 40 years.

SO -- this is also what I've been saying all along. There will be mild warming. Children shouldn't be afraid to grow up and live their lives and PROBABLY there will still be ample snow in winter in the Northern Hemi. Beachside villas or NYC or Miami will NOT look like underwater Atlantis and natural selection of species will still be driven more by NATURAL VARIANCE in temperature than by GW.

Here's the NEW nugget in the Curry book of GW sanity.

Most all of the important constants and variables used in earlier faulty climate projections have been RADICALLY decreasing over time -- like the 2 kinds of Climate Sensitivity constants that are ultra important in converting CO2 temperature FORCING to a Surface Temperature. But the hardest one to REVISE was to DITCH the high end "future emission scenarios" that CAUSES the panic and GW fear porn. We can observe these easier than measuring GMAST (Global Mean Anomaly Surface Temperature). And the earlier HYPED carbon emissions at the HIGH END were laughably ridiculous.

By the way -- Curry was BLACK-BALLED for her views. Couldn't get a chair position at a conference. Faced all kinds of venomous retribution for her views. She just did not "decide" to focus on energy issues... A side-show to other "ClimateGate" atrocities on the field of science.
once she stopped taking the government money, she was exhiled from the club of peered science. Hilarious.

Judith Curry is well known as a genuine climate expert. If she warns me, I pay attention.

Read the entire article if you have an interest.

I earlier this day 12/7/23, mentioned Bidens harm to Africa. She focuses in on this too.

"NETZERO is impeding progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals
Posted on December 5, 2023 by curryja | 53 Comments
by Judith Curry
“Working in global energy and development, I often hear people say, ‘Because of climate, we just can’t afford for everyone to live our lifestyles.’ That viewpoint is worse than patronizing. It’s a form of racism, and it’s creating a two-tier global energy system, with energy abundance for the rich and tiny solar lamps for Africans.” – Kenyan activist and materials scientist Rose Mutiso
“To deny the developing world access to the very infrastructure that has propelled us forward, all in the name of an uncertain future, is not environmentalism, but neocolonialism masquerading as virtue.” – Earth Scientist Matthew Wielicki"
Excellent article!!! And she is definitely singing my song.

I have been preaching for years now that the way to improve and protect the environment is to alleviate poverty. People who feel secure with the necessities of life--sufficient food, clothes, shelter, medical care--have the luxury of wanting/demanding clean air, water, soil and will care about preserving the aesthetic beauty of the Earth and the creatures and plants on it.

Those who do not have security in necessities of life are focused on that and that alone and are less concerned if at all about polluting the land, water sources, oceans, air.

And good government focuses on protecting the people and assisting in social contract while encouraging processes and systems that encourage and make possible for them to prosper. Climate studies should be toward the end of helping populations adapt and adjust profitably to inevitable climate change.
Excellent article!!! And she is definitely singing my song.

I have been preaching for years now that the way to improve and protect the environment is to alleviate poverty. People who feel secure with the necessities of life--sufficient food, clothes, shelter, medical care--have the luxury of wanting/demanding clean air, water, soil and will care about preserving the aesthetic beauty of the Earth and the creatures and plants on it.

Those who do not have security in necessities of life are focused on that and that alone and are less concerned if at all about polluting the land, water sources, oceans, air.

And good government focuses on protecting the people and assisting in social contract while encouraging processes and systems that encourage and make possible for them to prosper. Climate studies should be toward the end of helping populations adapt and adjust profitably to inevitable climate change.
Agreed totally. Well put. Excellence nonparallel.

Frankly there are currently perhaps millions who do not own or rent a home. They are urchins of the street. And where urchins inhabit, one finds the filth and the drugs and the prostitution and the rest of the ills of society. But look at Democrats cities and you will always easily locate filth, prostitution, drugs, filthy streets, using the sidewalk as their toilet and yes, even openly being sexually active with strangers for free. We are not talking of the 80 year olds, we are talking of those who normally are around 20 to 50 who are found ont he streets begging for food. But you do not find them around farms or small towns. This town has around 220 thousand living here and so far I have never spotted even one beggar on the street nor tents on the sidewalks.
Agreed totally. Well put. Excellence nonparallel.

Frankly there are currently perhaps millions who do not own or rent a home. They are urchins of the street. And where urchins inhabit, one finds the filth and the drugs and the prostitution and the rest of the ills of society. But look at Democrats cities and you will always easily locate filth, prostitution, drugs, filthy streets, using the sidewalk as their toilet and yes, even openly being sexually active with strangers for free. We are not talking of the 80 year olds, we are talking of those who normally are around 20 to 50 who are found ont he streets begging for food. But you do not find them around farms or small towns. This town has around 220 thousand living here and so far I have never spotted even one beggar on the street nor tents on the sidewalks.
Why are there no homeless there? Could it have something to do with winter temperatures there versus, say, LA?
Why are there no homeless there? Could it have something to do with winter temperatures there versus, say, LA?
Today that sure would be a good reason. But can you explain that our city Boise, run by Democrats does suffer that problem? Not a hell of a lot, but still...
Here is an article discussing Boise but only shows pictures of the homeless in LA, and San Francisco, etc. But nothing in Boise. The article mentions at one time there were 7 homeless in Boise.
Today that sure would be a good reason. But can you explain that our city Boise, run by Democrats does suffer that problem? Not a hell of a lot, but still...
Here is an article discussing Boise but only shows pictures of the homeless in LA, and San Francisco, etc. But nothing in Boise. The article mentions at one time there were 7 homeless in Boise.

The idea that cities run by democrats have high crime and homeles rates is simply republican campaign bullshit.
I propose hydrogen. You know, that clean gas that is lighter than air.

Hydrogen is being used, but it isn't widespread yet... I guess everyone's waiting for the perpetual motion machine made out of pasta and leg hairs to come out.

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