Repealing the second amendment...

Nothing you guys propose achieves this. If you want to do what you say you want to do...stop punishing normal gun owners....and pass sentencing laws for gun criminals, actual gun criminals, who use guns for rape, robbery and murder....30-life for any crime where a gun is used....30-life if you are a prohibited criminal and are caught with a gun....this is how Japan stopped their Yakuza from shooting each other.....we need to do this...

Anything else is simply baby step gun confiscation....
So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.
Universal background checks are dog whistle for firearm confiscation.
Blame the criminals not the firearms, firearms have no control over people.
Do you have penis on the brain? You guys always go there why is that? Envy?
The vast majority of violent criminals are repeat offenders and do not buy their firearms legally, and they certainly don’t buy them from gun shows/private, You silly fucks watch too much Hollywood movies.

I sell firearms and ammo for a living, my best customers are military, police and firemen easily. They are not in agreement with universal background checks, they want more criminal control. End of story
Both parties equally gerrymander shit you stupid fucker. Lol
More frivolous gun laws just hurt law-abiding people, that’s why criminals are in favor of them.
The NRA are nowhere near hardline enough… It is a good thing that the anti-gun nutters like yourself dislike them... I guess.
Again..are you truly stupid..or is it that you cannot read? You RW freaks trip me out. I've stated about 4 times now that I own guns..and support the 2nd. Thus, not anti-gun. Because I think you are wrong..and incredibly slanted in your arguments..does not make me against the 2nd. It is NOT your way or the highway.

I dislike the NRA because they use fools like you to garner money for other fools in office.

The anti gunners own guns.......they don't want other people to have them. This has been the nature of gun control around the world so saying you own guns, that you support the 2nd believe in the exact laws that will end the 2nd Amendment is not impressing shows you don't understand the issues involved in the gun control movement...but thanks for playing.
So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.'s as though I'm shouting into a well...I'm not an 'anti-gunner' are you stupid..or is it just that you can't read? I own 3 guns..and support the 2nd. Idiots..sheesh!
I will put it to you that most of us DO understand..and reject your premise...period. I reject your slanted characterizations and I reject your comparisons of the United States to other countries. Last I checked There were tens of millions of guns legally owned in California...quite a few in New York as well. Because some losers get their weapons taken..most because they break the law..does NOT validate your argument.

That there are abuses..notably the failure to return confiscated weapons to lawful owners does NOT validate your argument. No system is perfect..and you will always find some problem. So?

You are a fool. Baby step confiscation is baby steps to confiscation...moron.......if they have the power they will outlaw guns.....they are going to take legally owned guns from law abiding gun owners in New York if they miss a licensing deadline...guns that are already in possession of the law abiding gun are a moron, you don't understand the issue......
Check it out are the moron to even begin to believe that series of NRA invented events would ever take place. I understand just freakin' tool. In New York they broke the law..criminals don't get guns..once they broke the law..they were no longer 'law-abiding'.

You keep stating the gospel according to the might as well save your breath. We could trade insults all day still will not make you right.,
Again Zippo threat to my hunting rifles. Never had been. I don't care who is in charge. Where do you folks farmer this trash up from?

Wrong...the 4th Circuit Court of appeals ruling on the Massachusetts assault rifle ban allows them to ban your bolt action hunting rifle.......and if the Supreme Court lets that ruling stand, if they want, they can ban your rifle...which they will do when the next mass shooter turns into a sniper like the D.C snipers or the Texas Tower shooter....

You are clueless about your gun Rights....
Nothing you guys propose achieves this. If you want to do what you say you want to do...stop punishing normal gun owners....and pass sentencing laws for gun criminals, actual gun criminals, who use guns for rape, robbery and murder....30-life for any crime where a gun is used....30-life if you are a prohibited criminal and are caught with a gun....this is how Japan stopped their Yakuza from shooting each other.....we need to do this...

Anything else is simply baby step gun confiscation....
So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.
Universal background checks are dog whistle for firearm confiscation.
Blame the criminals not the firearms, firearms have no control over people.
Do you have penis on the brain? You guys always go there why is that? Envy?
The vast majority of violent criminals are repeat offenders and do not buy their firearms legally, and they certainly don’t buy them from gun shows/private, You silly fucks watch too much Hollywood movies.

I sell firearms and ammo for a living, my best customers are military, police and firemen easily. They are not in agreement with universal background checks, they want more criminal control. End of story
Both parties equally gerrymander shit you stupid fucker. Lol
More frivolous gun laws just hurt law-abiding people, that’s why criminals are in favor of them.
The NRA are nowhere near hardline enough… It is a good thing that the anti-gun nutters like yourself dislike them... I guess.
Again..are you truly stupid..or is it that you cannot read? You RW freaks trip me out. I've stated about 4 times now that I own guns..and support the 2nd. Thus, not anti-gun. Because I think you are wrong..and incredibly slanted in your arguments..does not make me against the 2nd. It is NOT your way or the highway.

I dislike the NRA because they use fools like you to garner money for other fools in office.
You are for firearm registration, that makes you an anti-gun nutter. End of story

The federal government/deep state or not about freedom. They are all about control.
Yes, repealing the second amendment is totally an agenda item.
Then Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will personally go door to door grabbing guns. :rolleyes-41:
Bunker up!
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.'s as though I'm shouting into a well...I'm not an 'anti-gunner' are you stupid..or is it just that you can't read? I own 3 guns..and support the 2nd. Idiots..sheesh!
I will put it to you that most of us DO understand..and reject your premise...period. I reject your slanted characterizations and I reject your comparisons of the United States to other countries. Last I checked There were tens of millions of guns legally owned in California...quite a few in New York as well. Because some losers get their weapons taken..most because they break the law..does NOT validate your argument.

That there are abuses..notably the failure to return confiscated weapons to lawful owners does NOT validate your argument. No system is perfect..and you will always find some problem. So?

You are a fool. Baby step confiscation is baby steps to confiscation...moron.......if they have the power they will outlaw guns.....they are going to take legally owned guns from law abiding gun owners in New York if they miss a licensing deadline...guns that are already in possession of the law abiding gun are a moron, you don't understand the issue......
Check it out are the moron to even begin to believe that series of NRA invented events would ever take place. I understand just freakin' tool. In New York they broke the law..criminals don't get guns..once they broke the law..they were no longer 'law-abiding'.

You keep stating the gospel according to the might as well save your breath. We could trade insults all day still will not make you right.,

Wow...shitstain...didn't take long to draw you out......

this ruling...

That is, we are convinced that the banned assault weapons and large-capacity magazines are among those arms that are “like” “M-16 rifles” — “weapons that are most useful in military service” — which the Heller Court singled out as being beyond the Second Amendment’s reach.

...ends your possession of bolt action hunting rifles....and pump action shotguns...and semi auto pistols......since all of those are current military weapons......moron.....

And when they get those, they will move on to revolvers....and lever action rifles...also military fact, miltary weapons they will say were used in the genocide against the native Americans......and you will lose those too...
Nothing you guys propose achieves this. If you want to do what you say you want to do...stop punishing normal gun owners....and pass sentencing laws for gun criminals, actual gun criminals, who use guns for rape, robbery and murder....30-life for any crime where a gun is used....30-life if you are a prohibited criminal and are caught with a gun....this is how Japan stopped their Yakuza from shooting each other.....we need to do this...

Anything else is simply baby step gun confiscation....
So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.
The pro universal background checks anti-gun nutters don’t even understand the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
Their ignorance is astounding, the federal government/deep state know through firearm confiscation/single payer/believe in man made climate change is the only way to control the American individual. The goal of socialism is to eliminate any sort of freedom and individuality.

Trying to understand fellas like him is a lost cause...
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

It's the second amendment. Changing that is basically impossible. My gun rights are safe and I will not give an organization like the bra a single cent. That's a rip off.
Again Zippo threat to my hunting rifles. Never had been. I don't care who is in charge. Where do you folks farmer this trash up from?
This is just a sporting rifle, nothing more nothing less - 100 percent a. sporting rifle.

So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.
Universal background checks are dog whistle for firearm confiscation.
Blame the criminals not the firearms, firearms have no control over people.
Do you have penis on the brain? You guys always go there why is that? Envy?
The vast majority of violent criminals are repeat offenders and do not buy their firearms legally, and they certainly don’t buy them from gun shows/private, You silly fucks watch too much Hollywood movies.

I sell firearms and ammo for a living, my best customers are military, police and firemen easily. They are not in agreement with universal background checks, they want more criminal control. End of story
Both parties equally gerrymander shit you stupid fucker. Lol
More frivolous gun laws just hurt law-abiding people, that’s why criminals are in favor of them.
The NRA are nowhere near hardline enough… It is a good thing that the anti-gun nutters like yourself dislike them... I guess.
Again..are you truly stupid..or is it that you cannot read? You RW freaks trip me out. I've stated about 4 times now that I own guns..and support the 2nd. Thus, not anti-gun. Because I think you are wrong..and incredibly slanted in your arguments..does not make me against the 2nd. It is NOT your way or the highway.

I dislike the NRA because they use fools like you to garner money for other fools in office.

The anti gunners own guns.......they don't want other people to have them. This has been the nature of gun control around the world so saying you own guns, that you support the 2nd believe in the exact laws that will end the 2nd Amendment is not impressing shows you don't understand the issues involved in the gun control movement...but thanks for playing.
You do not get to define the debate..sorry--and thank you for playing...perhaps some less hack-kneed arguments?
Yes, repealing the second amendment is totally an agenda item.
Then Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will personally go door to door grabbing guns. :rolleyes-41:
Bunker up!

In New York....miss an arbitrary deadline and lose your Right to bear arms forever.....

Fail to meet that deadline....asshole, and any interaction with a police officer becomes a gun confiscation the cops on a noisy neighbor, and they can see you missed the deadline and will ask you to hand over your guns......they don't have to go door to door, they will just wait for any interaction to put you in jail....moron.

Miss a deadline, lose your gun rights forever

Don’t ever let anyone get away with telling you no one wants to take your guns. The state of New York wants to:

The passage of New York’s so-called SAFE Act (“Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013”) drastically changed the landscape for lawful gun owners in the Empire State. Besides new restrictions on commonly owned semi-automatic rifles the state calls “assault weapons,” bans on magazines, and limits on the number of rounds that could be loaded into a gun, the Act imposed a requirement that handgun license holders be “recertified” every five years, with all licensees completing the initial recertification by January 31, 2018. The recertification formrequires that the licensee disclose his or her “name, date of birth, gender, race, residential address, social security number, [and] firearms possessed by such license holder,” along with the listed identifying details (make, model, caliber, and serial number). (“Firearm” under the applicable New York law means a handgun or other gun of a size which may be concealed upon the person.)

A failure to recertify operates as an automatic revocation of the license. Possession of a “firearm” without a valid license is a criminal offense, and the revocation makes the person ineligible to apply for or renew a license.

Once a license is revoked, state law mandates that every gun owned or possessed by the licensee be “surrendered” to a law enforcement agency.

A New York State Police field guide on the SAFE Act, prepared by attorneys for the Division of State Police, unequivocally instructs officers that when “a licensee becomes ineligible to hold a pistol permit, the Safe Act requires the person to surrender all firearms to police, including all rifles and shotguns for which no license or registration is required.” (Emphasis in the original.)

Should the person fail to comply by turning in every gun, the SAFE Act (codified as NY Penal Law § 400.00(11)(c)) not only authorizes but requires that police officers confiscate such property: the guns “shall be removed and declared a nuisance and any police officer or peace officer acting pursuant to his or her special duties is authorized to remove any and all such weapons.”
So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.
The pro universal background checks anti-gun nutters don’t even understand the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
Their ignorance is astounding, the federal government/deep state know through firearm confiscation/single payer/believe in man made climate change is the only way to control the American individual. The goal of socialism is to eliminate any sort of freedom and individuality.

Trying to understand fellas like him is a lost cause...
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

I happen to be a libertarian, with conservative leanings.
European socialism is my version of a living hell, I could not survive it.
It's the second amendment. Changing that is basically impossible. My gun rights are safe and I will not give an organization like the bra a single cent. That's a rip off.
Your gun rights are only as good as your trust in the federal government which makes you fucked up.
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.'s as though I'm shouting into a well...I'm not an 'anti-gunner' are you stupid..or is it just that you can't read? I own 3 guns..and support the 2nd. Idiots..sheesh!
I will put it to you that most of us DO understand..and reject your premise...period. I reject your slanted characterizations and I reject your comparisons of the United States to other countries. Last I checked There were tens of millions of guns legally owned in California...quite a few in New York as well. Because some losers get their weapons taken..most because they break the law..does NOT validate your argument.

That there are abuses..notably the failure to return confiscated weapons to lawful owners does NOT validate your argument. No system is perfect..and you will always find some problem. So?

You are a fool. Baby step confiscation is baby steps to confiscation...moron.......if they have the power they will outlaw guns.....they are going to take legally owned guns from law abiding gun owners in New York if they miss a licensing deadline...guns that are already in possession of the law abiding gun are a moron, you don't understand the issue......
Check it out are the moron to even begin to believe that series of NRA invented events would ever take place. I understand just freakin' tool. In New York they broke the law..criminals don't get guns..once they broke the law..they were no longer 'law-abiding'.

You keep stating the gospel according to the might as well save your breath. We could trade insults all day still will not make you right.,

Wow...shitstain...didn't take long to draw you out......

this ruling...

That is, we are convinced that the banned assault weapons and large-capacity magazines are among those arms that are “like” “M-16 rifles” — “weapons that are most useful in military service” — which the Heller Court singled out as being beyond the Second Amendment’s reach.

...ends your possession of bolt action hunting rifles....and pump action shotguns...and semi auto pistols......since all of those are current military weapons......moron.....

And when they get those, they will move on to revolvers....and lever action rifles...also military fact, miltary weapons they will say were used in the genocide against the native Americans......and you will lose those too...
Do you really, really think that this has a chance? Of ever becoming law? Oh your dream...I think the weather is getting better..might go out and shoot..I have some nice pieces of scrap steel--like how they ring..much like that noise you hear in your head, I expect.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.
Universal background checks are dog whistle for firearm confiscation.
Blame the criminals not the firearms, firearms have no control over people.
Do you have penis on the brain? You guys always go there why is that? Envy?
The vast majority of violent criminals are repeat offenders and do not buy their firearms legally, and they certainly don’t buy them from gun shows/private, You silly fucks watch too much Hollywood movies.

I sell firearms and ammo for a living, my best customers are military, police and firemen easily. They are not in agreement with universal background checks, they want more criminal control. End of story
Both parties equally gerrymander shit you stupid fucker. Lol
More frivolous gun laws just hurt law-abiding people, that’s why criminals are in favor of them.
The NRA are nowhere near hardline enough… It is a good thing that the anti-gun nutters like yourself dislike them... I guess.
Again..are you truly stupid..or is it that you cannot read? You RW freaks trip me out. I've stated about 4 times now that I own guns..and support the 2nd. Thus, not anti-gun. Because I think you are wrong..and incredibly slanted in your arguments..does not make me against the 2nd. It is NOT your way or the highway.

I dislike the NRA because they use fools like you to garner money for other fools in office.

The anti gunners own guns.......they don't want other people to have them. This has been the nature of gun control around the world so saying you own guns, that you support the 2nd believe in the exact laws that will end the 2nd Amendment is not impressing shows you don't understand the issues involved in the gun control movement...but thanks for playing.
You do not get to define the debate..sorry--and thank you for playing...perhaps some less hack-kneed arguments?
You do realize that the federal government/deep state don’t want anyone to have any firearms except for themselves?
So, we house this ever increasing prison population at public expense--and you think it will solve something? It hasn't yet.

Universal background checks and the elimination of untraceable private sales only makes sense. I'm a gun owner and a staunch believer in the 2nd. I believe that the ole' their coming to take our guns' is nothing but manipulation. Anyone with any sense can see that that is not going to happen. Thus, it is just a tired political rallying cry and a right-wing litmus test...nothing more.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Folks who want no controls at all of gun ownership say that they are the last check and balance on the Govt.. That their being armed is a guarantee against govt. excess and over-reach.
How absurd is that? If the govt. came after someone..they are nothing but f'ked--no matter how many guns they have...the govt. has more, bigger and used by people with better training.

If one is not a criminal or a crazy...undergoing a background check upon purchasing their weapon should pose no issue.
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.
The pro universal background checks anti-gun nutters don’t even understand the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
Their ignorance is astounding, the federal government/deep state know through firearm confiscation/single payer/believe in man made climate change is the only way to control the American individual. The goal of socialism is to eliminate any sort of freedom and individuality.

Trying to understand fellas like him is a lost cause...
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

iu are stupid......anarchism would be Right wing...moron,except for the ones who claim socialist anarchism....fascism is left wing moron, since it calls for more government, not less......nazims is socialism moron...
You truly do not understand anything you are posting about...
Shit for brains, Our military and law-enforcement are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. They would never go for firearm confiscation, That would result in millions on both sides dying. Universal background checks are for spineless control freaks like yourself. There is a reason why your so called universal background checks were slapped down, spineless fuckers like yourselves try to control everybody.
Violent criminals should be put down that’s how you limit population in prisons
Not much real to say huh? Reading comprehension could use a little boost as well. I believe I said that confiscation of guns is a non-starter--but your knee-jerk no doubt got in the way of what passes for your intelligence. I'm tired of children paying the price for your penis substitute. Anything that limits criminals and crazies from gun ownership is fine with me. If that includes you..oh well. a retired Veteran with combat time--you're full of shit if you think that the military is all about zero controls on private gun ownership...I took a bit of a poll at the VA hospital a few months ago..a little more than half present favored background checks. The reason that there are no universal checks..despite the majority of Americans favoring them..has more to do with the NRA and the gun lobby in general..along with gerrymandering.

But I wouldn't expect you to appreciate nuance..or facts. Just keep regurgitating the NRA talking points...You'll do fine.

Yes, typical anti gunner....immediately go to the "gun is a penis" comparison......moron.

The reason the majority of people answer polling questions about background checks the way they do is they don't understand the issue and the question isn't honest.

The question is not..."Do you favor universal background checks if it requires universal gun registration?" And there is no question that points out..."Do you realize that universal gun registration has led to gun confiscation in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, California and New York, and now that you know this, do you favor universal background checks which will require universal gun registration?"

Ask you buddies, if they exist, those questions....then get back to us.
The pro universal background checks anti-gun nutters don’t even understand the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade weapon.
Their ignorance is astounding, the federal government/deep state know through firearm confiscation/single payer/believe in man made climate change is the only way to control the American individual. The goal of socialism is to eliminate any sort of freedom and individuality.

Trying to understand fellas like him is a lost cause...
Keep saying it loud and proud..let those echoes just convince you of the truth of your position.

I happen to be a libertarian, with conservative leanings.
European socialism is my version of a living hell, I could not survive it.
On that, we can agree..Europe is a pit..but I don't think it's a valid place to draw comparisons to the United States

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