Rep. Peter King: Prosecute Reporters For Publishing Leaked Classified Information


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on CNN's "AC 360" Tuesday night that reporters should be prosecuted for publishing stories with leaked classified information.

Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story of the NSA's phone record collecting practices last week, expressed his disbelief at King's remarks on Twitter.

It is not illegal to publish classified information in the United States, and no reporter has ever been prosecuted for doing so. But an affidavit to obtain a search warrant for Fox News reporter James Rosen's email account, surfaced by the Washington Post last month, invoked the possibility that he could be criminally liable for soliciting state secrets from a government source.

It is not illegal to publish classified information in the United States, and no reporter has ever been prosecuted for doing so. But an affidavit to obtain a search warrant for Fox News reporter James Rosen's email account, surfaced by the Washington Post last month, invoked the possibility that he could be criminally liable for soliciting state secrets from a government source.

More: Rep. Peter King: Reporters Should Be Prosecuted For Publishing Leaked Classified Information (VIDEO) - By Braden Goyette

I'm not a Peter King fan, but does he have a point?
The spooks have been caught with their trousers down so want to gaol the reporters who broke the story.

Is America taking ideas from North Korea?
I'm not a Peter King fan, but does he have a point?

No, you actually are a Peter King fan, because he's a Totalitarian, just like every Communist and Fascist that you religiously support and believe will do no wrong. You don't' trust the people, and you don't desire the Rule of Law.

It's not LEFT vs RIGHT, It's Liberty vs Depostism, You're a Despot.
Also, it's one thing to prosecute, it's another thing to CONVICT.

Just like the Alien and Sedition acts, 99% of the reporters WILL BE ACQUITTED, because no panel of 12 Jurors will convict someone under such unjust and unconstitutional laws.

Be happy we have Juries, otherwise the Lakhota's of this world would Rule with an iron fist. Trial by your peers, not by Government.

(I bet Lakhota is praying that they suspend Jury trials now)
I'm not a Peter King fan, but does he have a point?

No, you actually are a Peter King fan, because he's a Totalitarian, just like every Communist and Fascist that you religiously support and believe will do no wrong. You don't' trust the people, and you don't desire the Rule of Law.

It's not LEFT vs RIGHT, It's Liberty vs Depostism, You're a Despot.

Let me assure you I'm not a Peter King fan. He's a rabid Muslim-bashing defend-Israel-at-any-cost warmongering wingnut.

I most certainly desire the "Rule of Law" - just not your wingnut version of it.

I'm no more a "Despot" than you are a "Lunatic"...
Let me assure you I'm not a Peter King fan. He's a rabid Muslim-bashing defend-Israel-at-any-cost warmongering wingnut.

I most certainly desire the "Rule of Law" - just not your wingnut version of it.

I'm no more a "Despot" than you are a "Lunatic"...

Defending the First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, is lunacy?

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, you do not desire the Rule of the Constitution, you desire the Chaos of Tyranny.

And just to piss you off, suck on my shitty made video

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IF the Constitution endangers national security - fuck the Constitution.

Like Bush reportedly said: It's just a GD piece of paper.

IF the Constitution endangers national security - fuck the Constitution.

Like Bush reportedly said: It's just a GD piece of paper.

Allow me to sharpen the blade of the guillotine. It's only a measly 8 feet high, so, if the blade isn't sharp, I'll have to drop it a few times.

Also, national security, the cry of every tyrant since the beginning of time.

This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs, when he first appears he is a protector.

The only threat to National Security is the federal government itself.
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This King bloke sounds like a first class dork.
Effectively, he's saying he wants a British reporter tried for doing his job and showing what a government is up to; in this case, behaving like some sort of East German security police.

Land of the free but "and then they came for me" seems to apply.
Give the fool a "fuckoff" tablet and tell him to stop being so bloody stupid.
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said on CNN's "AC 360" Tuesday night that reporters should be prosecuted for publishing stories with leaked classified information.

Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story of the NSA's phone record collecting practices last week, expressed his disbelief at King's remarks on Twitter.

It is not illegal to publish classified information in the United States, and no reporter has ever been prosecuted for doing so. But an affidavit to obtain a search warrant for Fox News reporter James Rosen's email account, surfaced by the Washington Post last month, invoked the possibility that he could be criminally liable for soliciting state secrets from a government source.

It is not illegal to publish classified information in the United States, and no reporter has ever been prosecuted for doing so. But an affidavit to obtain a search warrant for Fox News reporter James Rosen's email account, surfaced by the Washington Post last month, invoked the possibility that he could be criminally liable for soliciting state secrets from a government source.

More: Rep. Peter King: Reporters Should Be Prosecuted For Publishing Leaked Classified Information (VIDEO) - By Braden Goyette

I'm not a Peter King fan, but does he have a point?

So you're King fan and a flaming Obumer fan, right commie.
IF the Constitution endangers national security - fuck the Constitution.

Like Bush reportedly said: It's just a GD piece of paper.


So it's justification in your lib/slant mind must be to do the wrong thing, especially against the constitution......
Let me assure you I'm not a Peter King fan. He's a rabid Muslim-bashing defend-Israel-at-any-cost warmongering wingnut.

I most certainly desire the "Rule of Law" - just not your wingnut version of it.

I'm no more a "Despot" than you are a "Lunatic"...

Defending the First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, is lunacy?

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, you do not desire the Rule of the Constitution, you desire the Chaos of Tyranny.

And just to piss you off, suck on my shitty made video

LMAO!! Great video ;-)
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So it's justification in your lib/slant mind must be to do the wrong thing, especially against the constitution......

Look on the bright side, the Authoritarian pigs have to openly admit their contempt for the Constitution now. Even the sheeple will be able to make an informed decision in due time.

Since Peter King is the Representative of my District, I'm actually considering a hard run against him, imagine this headline:

"The Will of the Kings: 22 year old male, Edward King Solomon, the Libertarian Party Candidate, polling neck-to-neck with Congressional Giant Peter King."
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So it's justification in your lib/slant mind must be to do the wrong thing, especially against the constitution......

Look on the bright side, the Authoritarian pigs have to openly admit their contempt for the Constitution now. Even the sheeple will be able to make an informed decision in due time.

Since Peter King is the Representative of my District, I'm actually considering a hard run against him, imagine this headline:

"The Will of the Kings: 22 year old male, Edward King Solomon, the Libertarian Party Candidate, polling neck-to-neck with Congressional Giant Peter King."

King is a nutter. You guys have to own him. a "hard run" against him. You'll own the insomniac vote.
Classified information is still classified information

If a reporter knowingly publishes this information he is just as guilty as the person who originally leaked it
IF the Constitution endangers national security - fuck the Constitution.

Like Bush reportedly said: It's just a GD piece of paper.


So it's justification in your lib/slant mind must be to do the wrong thing, especially against the constitution......

Well if Bush supposedly did it why can't Obama do and and take it to another level.

After all, he was able to spend more in less time than anyone President in our history. Why not make the spying every other president did look tame in comparison?
The point of allowing the government to classify material is to keep it secret from the general public. The justification is national security.

If you don't believe that the government should be able to keep anything secret for the sake of national security, then you don't believe the government should have the right to punish anyone who reveals secrets.

On the other hand if you believe that the government should have the right to classify material for national security purposes,

then logically you should support the right of the government to punish anyone who reveals classified material.

I'm not sure how calling yourself a journalist somehow lets you escape from the above logic.
Classified information is still classified information

If a reporter knowingly publishes this information he is just as guilty as the person who originally leaked it

Would that include a British reporter writing about an American story?

If so, what would he be guilty of?
Classified information is still classified information

If a reporter knowingly publishes this information he is just as guilty as the person who originally leaked it

Would that include a British reporter writing about an American story?

If so, what would he be guilty of?

I think the poster is talking about what he should be guilty of.

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