Joe diGenova: Comey, McCabe, and Strzok Are 'Going Down' Over FISA Warrant Abuses

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I won't be happy until I see Comey wearing an orange jumpsuit....the other would just be cherries on a Comey sundae!

"The walls are closing in, but they're not closing in on the president. They're closing in on the FBI and the Department of Justice under President Obama," diGenova said on Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday night.

"By mentioning Carter Page, they have now created massive civil liability for everybody involved in revealing Carter Page's name," diGenova declared. He cited the names of former FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap, former FBI director James Comey, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and former FBI general counsel James Baker as people who are particularly vulnerable to civil liability.

"The reporters for the New York Times have no privileges now. They also can be sued by Carter Page because although they may have been legally able to accept information, by publishing it, they revealed classified information that smeared Carter Page," he added. "Mr. Page is going to be a very wealthy man."

But according to diGenova, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok are criminally liable. "They're all going down on the FISA warrant stuff. That's just not even an open question anymore."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Of course the Manchurian Muslim, and the Hildebeast would just make my decade but that is just too much to hope for....perhaps she'll fall again in one of her drunken fits, and break her neck.....KARMA!

Oh and more to ponder...

Obama's stupid NSA adviser Susan Rice wrote a CYA memo to herself and confessed to a series of crimes that added the time line and inferences about what the outgoing Obama administration illegally concealed from incoming President Trump and his aides. (CYA memos are rarely a good idea. Most often, they reveal things the author never intended----ala Susan Rice’s now-infamous email to herself.)


SUSAN RICE WRITES AN EMAIL TO HERSELF........the extraordinary email Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote to herself at 12:15 on January 20, 2017........within minutes of President Trump's inauguration must have been her last act, more or less, before she vacated the White House. So obviously the email was important to her. But why would it be important to send an email to herself (the only person copied was one of her aides)?

If you read the email, along with Senator Grassley’s letter to Rice, it is obvious that it is a CYA memo. But the question is, whose A is being C’d? Most attention, so far, has focused on the first two paragraphs of the email, which describe a meeting that occurred around two weeks earlier.

Rice said the participants included

<><>Barack Obama, <><>Joe Biden,

<><>James Comey, <><> Sally Yates–who turns up like a bad penny whenever skulduggery is afoot–

<><>and Rice:

Rice made sure to underscore that Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”.

Rice writes Obama stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

This is pure boilerplate.

It represents, obviously, the company line. But Rice did not write her email to cover Barack Obama’s rear end. If she or anyone else had wanted to document the claim that Obama said to proceed “by the book,” the appropriate course would have been an official memo that copied others who were present and would have gone into the file. (My guess is that such a memo was written, but we haven’t seen it.)

The important part of the email is not the paragraph that purports to exonerate Obama, but the paragraphs that follow: "From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia."

The next paragraph of the email remains classified and has been redacted. The email concludes: The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.


CONCLUSION Why did Susan Rice send herself an email purporting to document this part of the meeting? Because she was C’ing her own A. Rice was nervous about the fact that, at the president’s direction, she had failed to “share information fully as it relates to Russia” with President

Trump’s incoming national security team. Her actions violated longstanding American tradition. Outgoing administrations have always cooperated in the transition to a new administration, whether of the same or the opposing party, especially on matters relating to national security.

Susan Rice is far from the brightest bulb on the tree, but she was well aware that by concealing facts ostensibly relating to national security from her counterpart in the new administration–General Michael Flynn–she was, at a minimum, violating longstanding civic norms.

If Rice actually lied to Flynn, she could have been accused of much worse. So Rice wanted to be able to retrieve her email, if she found herself in a sticky situation, and tell the world that she hid relevant facts about Russia from the new administration on Barack Obama’s orders.

What were the secrets that Obama wanted to keep from the new administration? We can easily surmise that the fact that the Steele memo was paid for by the Democratic Party; that the FBI had to some degree collaborated with Steele; that the Clinton campaign had fed some of the fake news in the dossier to Steele; and that Comey’s FBI had used Steele’s fabrications as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign were among the facts that Obama and his minions didn’t want Michael Flynn and Donald Trump to know. Susan Rice, we can infer, was told to keep these secrets, and if anyone ever asked why she had failed to disclose them to Michael Flynn and others on Trump’s team, or even lied to those people, she would have the defense that President Obama ordered her to do it.

There may be more to it than this. The redacted paragraph likely contains more information about what it was that Rice wasn’t supposed to tell the Trump team. One of these days, we will learn what was blacked out.

The fact that Michael Flynn was Susan Rice’s counterpart in the incoming administration may also be significant. We know that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn–even Peter Strzok!–reported that they didn’t think he had lied about anything. And yet, Obama’s DOJ and Bob Mueller’s “investigation”–basically a continuation of Obama’s corrupt Department of Justice under another, less accountable name–persecuted Flynn to the point where he finally pled guilty to a single count of lying to the FBI in order, as he says, to end the madness and the financial drain.

Why were the Democrats so determined to discredit General Flynn? Perhaps because they wanted to pre-empt any outrage that may otherwise have followed on revelations that the Obama administration’s National Security Advisor hid important facts from her successor during the transition, and may have lied to him about those facts, in violation of all American tradition.
All it would take is a couple strokes of the Presidential pen, then all hell would break loose.

President Trump is showing the restraint of a Gandhi.
All it would take is a couple strokes of the Presidential pen, then all hell would break loose.

President Trump is showing the restraint of a Gandhi.

He has no choice.

Oh, really?

"Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."

You had better hope and pray that he doesn't. Because even though in your blissful ignorance or sheer denial, this would be the final nail in the coffin of the liberal/progressive/socialist movement in this country.

Think the tears on the evening of Trump's election were something? Should Trump decide to drop the hammer, the flood of tears from the left would make the Geat Flood of the Bible look like a small creek.
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!

Ahhh, I see. Like if Mueller had anything, he would have released it long ago. But then why do you people keep saying that Mueller is saving the best for last?

Which way is it?
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!
Nope, he knows better. Wait till october, right before liberals come out with a lie about him. Or he could do it right before stormy's new book. You know, the democrat playbook.
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!
Nope, he knows better. Wait till october, right before liberals come out with a lie about him. Or he could do it right before stormy's new book. You know, the democrat playbook.
using his presidency to do something like that would simply confirm he's an ass, and not fit to serve this great nation!
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!
Nope, he knows better. Wait till october, right before liberals come out with a lie about him. Or he could do it right before stormy's new book. You know, the democrat playbook.
using his presidency to do something like that would simply confirm he's an ass, and not fit to serve this great nation!
Bullshit, to prove how corrupt our system is would put him up there with George Washington. Plus Obama and Hillary going to jail would be putting the cherry on top. Of course Bush and a bunch of republicans would go to, but whatever it takes.
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!
Nope, he knows better. Wait till october, right before liberals come out with a lie about him. Or he could do it right before stormy's new book. You know, the democrat playbook.

^ Bookmark this!
I won't be happy until I see Comey wearing an orange jumpsuit....the other would just be cherries on a Comey sundae!

"The walls are closing in, but they're not closing in on the president. They're closing in on the FBI and the Department of Justice under President Obama," diGenova said on Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday night.

"By mentioning Carter Page, they have now created massive civil liability for everybody involved in revealing Carter Page's name," diGenova declared. He cited the names of former FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap, former FBI director James Comey, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and former FBI general counsel James Baker as people who are particularly vulnerable to civil liability.

"The reporters for the New York Times have no privileges now. They also can be sued by Carter Page because although they may have been legally able to accept information, by publishing it, they revealed classified information that smeared Carter Page," he added. "Mr. Page is going to be a very wealthy man."

But according to diGenova, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok are criminally liable. "They're all going down on the FISA warrant stuff. That's just not even an open question anymore."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Of course the Manchurian Muslim, and the Hildebeast would just make my decade but that is just too much to hope for....perhaps she'll fall again in one of her drunken fits, and break her neck.....KARMA!

Oh and more to ponder...

Obama's stupid NSA adviser Susan Rice wrote a CYA memo to herself and confessed to a series of crimes that added the time line and inferences about what the outgoing Obama administration illegally concealed from incoming President Trump and his aides. (CYA memos are rarely a good idea. Most often, they reveal things the author never intended----ala Susan Rice’s now-infamous email to herself.)


SUSAN RICE WRITES AN EMAIL TO HERSELF........the extraordinary email Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote to herself at 12:15 on January 20, 2017........within minutes of President Trump's inauguration must have been her last act, more or less, before she vacated the White House. So obviously the email was important to her. But why would it be important to send an email to herself (the only person copied was one of her aides)?

If you read the email, along with Senator Grassley’s letter to Rice, it is obvious that it is a CYA memo. But the question is, whose A is being C’d? Most attention, so far, has focused on the first two paragraphs of the email, which describe a meeting that occurred around two weeks earlier.

Rice said the participants included

<><>Barack Obama, <><>Joe Biden,

<><>James Comey, <><> Sally Yates–who turns up like a bad penny whenever skulduggery is afoot–

<><>and Rice:

Rice made sure to underscore that Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”.

Rice writes Obama stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

This is pure boilerplate.

It represents, obviously, the company line. But Rice did not write her email to cover Barack Obama’s rear end. If she or anyone else had wanted to document the claim that Obama said to proceed “by the book,” the appropriate course would have been an official memo that copied others who were present and would have gone into the file. (My guess is that such a memo was written, but we haven’t seen it.)

The important part of the email is not the paragraph that purports to exonerate Obama, but the paragraphs that follow: "From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia."

The next paragraph of the email remains classified and has been redacted. The email concludes: The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.


CONCLUSION Why did Susan Rice send herself an email purporting to document this part of the meeting? Because she was C’ing her own A. Rice was nervous about the fact that, at the president’s direction, she had failed to “share information fully as it relates to Russia” with President

Trump’s incoming national security team. Her actions violated longstanding American tradition. Outgoing administrations have always cooperated in the transition to a new administration, whether of the same or the opposing party, especially on matters relating to national security.

Susan Rice is far from the brightest bulb on the tree, but she was well aware that by concealing facts ostensibly relating to national security from her counterpart in the new administration–General Michael Flynn–she was, at a minimum, violating longstanding civic norms.

If Rice actually lied to Flynn, she could have been accused of much worse. So Rice wanted to be able to retrieve her email, if she found herself in a sticky situation, and tell the world that she hid relevant facts about Russia from the new administration on Barack Obama’s orders.

What were the secrets that Obama wanted to keep from the new administration? We can easily surmise that the fact that the Steele memo was paid for by the Democratic Party; that the FBI had to some degree collaborated with Steele; that the Clinton campaign had fed some of the fake news in the dossier to Steele; and that Comey’s FBI had used Steele’s fabrications as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign were among the facts that Obama and his minions didn’t want Michael Flynn and Donald Trump to know. Susan Rice, we can infer, was told to keep these secrets, and if anyone ever asked why she had failed to disclose them to Michael Flynn and others on Trump’s team, or even lied to those people, she would have the defense that President Obama ordered her to do it.

There may be more to it than this. The redacted paragraph likely contains more information about what it was that Rice wasn’t supposed to tell the Trump team. One of these days, we will learn what was blacked out.

The fact that Michael Flynn was Susan Rice’s counterpart in the incoming administration may also be significant. We know that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn–even Peter Strzok!–reported that they didn’t think he had lied about anything. And yet, Obama’s DOJ and Bob Mueller’s “investigation”–basically a continuation of Obama’s corrupt Department of Justice under another, less accountable name–persecuted Flynn to the point where he finally pled guilty to a single count of lying to the FBI in order, as he says, to end the madness and the financial drain.

Why were the Democrats so determined to discredit General Flynn? Perhaps because they wanted to pre-empt any outrage that may otherwise have followed on revelations that the Obama administration’s National Security Advisor hid important facts from her successor during the transition, and may have lied to him about those facts, in violation of all American tradition.

Crazy Joe is back at it again. No one at the FBI or anywhere else is going to jail. Trump is more likely to end up in jail.

Carter Page will get nothing. He was bragging about his connections to the Kremlin.

The same Gen Flynn who was assisting the Islamic fundamentalist Erdogan in Turkey. Flynn is a traitor to this country.
All it would take is a couple strokes of the Presidential pen, then all hell would break loose.

President Trump is showing the restraint of a Gandhi.

He has no choice.

Oh, really?

"Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 "Classification Prohibitions and Limitations. (a) In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: (1) conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; (2) prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; (3) restrain competition; or (4) prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of the national security."

You had better hope and pray that he doesn't. Because even though in your blissful ignorance or sheer denial, this would be the final nail in the coffin of the liberal/progressive/socialist movement in this country.

Think the tears on the evening of Trump's election were something? Should Trump decide to drop the hammer, the flood of tears from the left would make the Geat Flood of the Bible look like a small creek.

You really are a sick individual. Anyone who believes that needs their heads examined.
I won't be happy until I see Comey wearing an orange jumpsuit....the other would just be cherries on a Comey sundae!

"The walls are closing in, but they're not closing in on the president. They're closing in on the FBI and the Department of Justice under President Obama," diGenova said on Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday night.

"By mentioning Carter Page, they have now created massive civil liability for everybody involved in revealing Carter Page's name," diGenova declared. He cited the names of former FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap, former FBI director James Comey, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and former FBI general counsel James Baker as people who are particularly vulnerable to civil liability.

"The reporters for the New York Times have no privileges now. They also can be sued by Carter Page because although they may have been legally able to accept information, by publishing it, they revealed classified information that smeared Carter Page," he added. "Mr. Page is going to be a very wealthy man."

But according to diGenova, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok are criminally liable. "They're all going down on the FISA warrant stuff. That's just not even an open question anymore."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Of course the Manchurian Muslim, and the Hildebeast would just make my decade but that is just too much to hope for....perhaps she'll fall again in one of her drunken fits, and break her neck.....KARMA!

Oh and more to ponder...

Obama's stupid NSA adviser Susan Rice wrote a CYA memo to herself and confessed to a series of crimes that added the time line and inferences about what the outgoing Obama administration illegally concealed from incoming President Trump and his aides. (CYA memos are rarely a good idea. Most often, they reveal things the author never intended----ala Susan Rice’s now-infamous email to herself.)


SUSAN RICE WRITES AN EMAIL TO HERSELF........the extraordinary email Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote to herself at 12:15 on January 20, 2017........within minutes of President Trump's inauguration must have been her last act, more or less, before she vacated the White House. So obviously the email was important to her. But why would it be important to send an email to herself (the only person copied was one of her aides)?

If you read the email, along with Senator Grassley’s letter to Rice, it is obvious that it is a CYA memo. But the question is, whose A is being C’d? Most attention, so far, has focused on the first two paragraphs of the email, which describe a meeting that occurred around two weeks earlier.

Rice said the participants included

<><>Barack Obama, <><>Joe Biden,

<><>James Comey, <><> Sally Yates–who turns up like a bad penny whenever skulduggery is afoot–

<><>and Rice:

Rice made sure to underscore that Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”.

Rice writes Obama stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

This is pure boilerplate.

It represents, obviously, the company line. But Rice did not write her email to cover Barack Obama’s rear end. If she or anyone else had wanted to document the claim that Obama said to proceed “by the book,” the appropriate course would have been an official memo that copied others who were present and would have gone into the file. (My guess is that such a memo was written, but we haven’t seen it.)

The important part of the email is not the paragraph that purports to exonerate Obama, but the paragraphs that follow: "From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia."

The next paragraph of the email remains classified and has been redacted. The email concludes: The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.


CONCLUSION Why did Susan Rice send herself an email purporting to document this part of the meeting? Because she was C’ing her own A. Rice was nervous about the fact that, at the president’s direction, she had failed to “share information fully as it relates to Russia” with President

Trump’s incoming national security team. Her actions violated longstanding American tradition. Outgoing administrations have always cooperated in the transition to a new administration, whether of the same or the opposing party, especially on matters relating to national security.

Susan Rice is far from the brightest bulb on the tree, but she was well aware that by concealing facts ostensibly relating to national security from her counterpart in the new administration–General Michael Flynn–she was, at a minimum, violating longstanding civic norms.

If Rice actually lied to Flynn, she could have been accused of much worse. So Rice wanted to be able to retrieve her email, if she found herself in a sticky situation, and tell the world that she hid relevant facts about Russia from the new administration on Barack Obama’s orders.

What were the secrets that Obama wanted to keep from the new administration? We can easily surmise that the fact that the Steele memo was paid for by the Democratic Party; that the FBI had to some degree collaborated with Steele; that the Clinton campaign had fed some of the fake news in the dossier to Steele; and that Comey’s FBI had used Steele’s fabrications as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign were among the facts that Obama and his minions didn’t want Michael Flynn and Donald Trump to know. Susan Rice, we can infer, was told to keep these secrets, and if anyone ever asked why she had failed to disclose them to Michael Flynn and others on Trump’s team, or even lied to those people, she would have the defense that President Obama ordered her to do it.

There may be more to it than this. The redacted paragraph likely contains more information about what it was that Rice wasn’t supposed to tell the Trump team. One of these days, we will learn what was blacked out.

The fact that Michael Flynn was Susan Rice’s counterpart in the incoming administration may also be significant. We know that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn–even Peter Strzok!–reported that they didn’t think he had lied about anything. And yet, Obama’s DOJ and Bob Mueller’s “investigation”–basically a continuation of Obama’s corrupt Department of Justice under another, less accountable name–persecuted Flynn to the point where he finally pled guilty to a single count of lying to the FBI in order, as he says, to end the madness and the financial drain.

Why were the Democrats so determined to discredit General Flynn? Perhaps because they wanted to pre-empt any outrage that may otherwise have followed on revelations that the Obama administration’s National Security Advisor hid important facts from her successor during the transition, and may have lied to him about those facts, in violation of all American tradition.

Crazy Joe is back at it again. No one at the FBI or anywhere else is going to jail. Trump is more likely to end up in jail.

Carter Page will get nothing. He was bragging about his connections to the Kremlin.

The same Gen Flynn who was assisting the Islamic fundamentalist Erdogan in Turkey. Flynn is a traitor to this country.
As we get closer to the RED WAVE in the midterms TDS tends to intensify!

I won't be happy until I see Comey wearing an orange jumpsuit....the other would just be cherries on a Comey sundae!

"The walls are closing in, but they're not closing in on the president. They're closing in on the FBI and the Department of Justice under President Obama," diGenova said on Fox News' "Hannity" Thursday night.

"By mentioning Carter Page, they have now created massive civil liability for everybody involved in revealing Carter Page's name," diGenova declared. He cited the names of former FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap, former FBI director James Comey, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and former FBI general counsel James Baker as people who are particularly vulnerable to civil liability.

"The reporters for the New York Times have no privileges now. They also can be sued by Carter Page because although they may have been legally able to accept information, by publishing it, they revealed classified information that smeared Carter Page," he added. "Mr. Page is going to be a very wealthy man."

But according to diGenova, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok are criminally liable. "They're all going down on the FISA warrant stuff. That's just not even an open question anymore."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Of course the Manchurian Muslim, and the Hildebeast would just make my decade but that is just too much to hope for....perhaps she'll fall again in one of her drunken fits, and break her neck.....KARMA!

Oh and more to ponder...

Obama's stupid NSA adviser Susan Rice wrote a CYA memo to herself and confessed to a series of crimes that added the time line and inferences about what the outgoing Obama administration illegally concealed from incoming President Trump and his aides. (CYA memos are rarely a good idea. Most often, they reveal things the author never intended----ala Susan Rice’s now-infamous email to herself.)


SUSAN RICE WRITES AN EMAIL TO HERSELF........the extraordinary email Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote to herself at 12:15 on January 20, 2017........within minutes of President Trump's inauguration must have been her last act, more or less, before she vacated the White House. So obviously the email was important to her. But why would it be important to send an email to herself (the only person copied was one of her aides)?

If you read the email, along with Senator Grassley’s letter to Rice, it is obvious that it is a CYA memo. But the question is, whose A is being C’d? Most attention, so far, has focused on the first two paragraphs of the email, which describe a meeting that occurred around two weeks earlier.

Rice said the participants included

<><>Barack Obama, <><>Joe Biden,

<><>James Comey, <><> Sally Yates–who turns up like a bad penny whenever skulduggery is afoot–

<><>and Rice:

Rice made sure to underscore that Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”.

Rice writes Obama stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.

This is pure boilerplate.

It represents, obviously, the company line. But Rice did not write her email to cover Barack Obama’s rear end. If she or anyone else had wanted to document the claim that Obama said to proceed “by the book,” the appropriate course would have been an official memo that copied others who were present and would have gone into the file. (My guess is that such a memo was written, but we haven’t seen it.)

The important part of the email is not the paragraph that purports to exonerate Obama, but the paragraphs that follow: "From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia."

The next paragraph of the email remains classified and has been redacted. The email concludes: The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would.


CONCLUSION Why did Susan Rice send herself an email purporting to document this part of the meeting? Because she was C’ing her own A. Rice was nervous about the fact that, at the president’s direction, she had failed to “share information fully as it relates to Russia” with President

Trump’s incoming national security team. Her actions violated longstanding American tradition. Outgoing administrations have always cooperated in the transition to a new administration, whether of the same or the opposing party, especially on matters relating to national security.

Susan Rice is far from the brightest bulb on the tree, but she was well aware that by concealing facts ostensibly relating to national security from her counterpart in the new administration–General Michael Flynn–she was, at a minimum, violating longstanding civic norms.

If Rice actually lied to Flynn, she could have been accused of much worse. So Rice wanted to be able to retrieve her email, if she found herself in a sticky situation, and tell the world that she hid relevant facts about Russia from the new administration on Barack Obama’s orders.

What were the secrets that Obama wanted to keep from the new administration? We can easily surmise that the fact that the Steele memo was paid for by the Democratic Party; that the FBI had to some degree collaborated with Steele; that the Clinton campaign had fed some of the fake news in the dossier to Steele; and that Comey’s FBI had used Steele’s fabrications as the basis for FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign were among the facts that Obama and his minions didn’t want Michael Flynn and Donald Trump to know. Susan Rice, we can infer, was told to keep these secrets, and if anyone ever asked why she had failed to disclose them to Michael Flynn and others on Trump’s team, or even lied to those people, she would have the defense that President Obama ordered her to do it.

There may be more to it than this. The redacted paragraph likely contains more information about what it was that Rice wasn’t supposed to tell the Trump team. One of these days, we will learn what was blacked out.

The fact that Michael Flynn was Susan Rice’s counterpart in the incoming administration may also be significant. We know that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn–even Peter Strzok!–reported that they didn’t think he had lied about anything. And yet, Obama’s DOJ and Bob Mueller’s “investigation”–basically a continuation of Obama’s corrupt Department of Justice under another, less accountable name–persecuted Flynn to the point where he finally pled guilty to a single count of lying to the FBI in order, as he says, to end the madness and the financial drain.

Why were the Democrats so determined to discredit General Flynn? Perhaps because they wanted to pre-empt any outrage that may otherwise have followed on revelations that the Obama administration’s National Security Advisor hid important facts from her successor during the transition, and may have lied to him about those facts, in violation of all American tradition.

Crazy Joe is back at it again. No one at the FBI or anywhere else is going to jail. Trump is more likely to end up in jail.

Carter Page will get nothing. He was bragging about his connections to the Kremlin.

The same Gen Flynn who was assisting the Islamic fundamentalist Erdogan in Turkey. Flynn is a traitor to this country.
As we get closer to the RED WAVE in the midterms TDS tends to intensify!


Anyone who believes in a red wave has TDS.
Anyone who believes in a red wave has TDS.

Comrade, let's say that around October 20, President Trump declassifies all of the documents surrounding the FBI, DOJ, and Obama actions regarding the attempts to influence the 2016 election using domestic and foreign intelligence operatives. Let's say that this proves that the actions of McCabe and Strzok were taken in order to influence the election in favor of Hillary Clinton. Let's say that the documents show that Obama ordered the DOJ and FBI to actively influence the election using the FISA court and leaks of salacious documents to the complicit press.

What do you think the effect on the midterms will be for you Communists?
With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point. Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment
I hope he declassifies it. Then we can wipe washington out, and put real represenatives in. Republican and democrat.
he's not gonna declassify in full, anything that would harm himself! :rolleyes:

IF it would have helped him, he would have done it, long ago!

I think h e is using it as a threat till right before the elections, maybe the friday before, when he will declassify and release the docs.

He wants maximum impact for the election.

Which is a shame that we have come to this sort of manipulation and dirty tricks.

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