Remember when FOX blamed Obama for high gas prices?

The drop in oil prices has largely been attributed to shale oil and gas production in the US. As an adept politician Obama has managed to take credit for the results of the petroleum industry that until recently he has done little to support. As the benefits of fracking were making themselves felt in the global and US economy he has embraced oil. Too funny.

"As seen from Washington, however, the domestic oil rebound is largely a feel-good story and an essential part of an otherwise anemic economic recovery. Putting people back to work, Obama declared in May, "starts with helping businesses create more good jobs. One of the biggest factors in bringing jobs back to America has been our commitment to American energy over the last five years. When I took office, we set out to break our dependence on foreign oil. Today, America is closer to energy independence than we have been in decades.""

How Obama Became the Oil President Mother Jones


Doesn't anyone find it odd that Obama is trying to take credit for fracking and the resulting increased oil and gas production? His environmental stance seems at odds with his new fossil fuel advocacy.


and you read Obama takes credit for fracking, where?

in your little mind's imagination?

Obama claims to have been instrumental moving the US towards energy independence. Increased oil and gas production (moving us further away from foreign oil dependence) is due to fracking.

"Shale resources were difficult to cultivate a decade ago, but thanks to fracking they now produce 30 percent of liquid fuels and 40 percent of natural gas. The Energy Information Administration projects the production of shale gas to grow by 60 percent over the next 10 years, and the production of tight oil from shale deposits to grow by 30 percent."

"As a result, prices have dropped significantly, and will continue to stay low. “CBO estimates that if shale gas did not exist, the price of natural gas would be about 70 percent higher than currently projected by 2040,” according to the report.""

Fracking boosts the economy and tax revenue says CBO

The article quotes the CBO. So to summarize this for you again: Shale + fracking = increased oil and gas production. This production of oil and gas production as a result of fracking moves us away from dependence on foreign oil.

Obama was clear: "When I took office, we set out to break our dependence on foreign oil. Today, America is closer to energy independence than we have been in decades."

Remarks by the President on American Energy The White House

Frack baby frack! Too funny
Memories are so beautiful and yet.................

Remember how the left wing said that Obama had nothing to do with gasoline prices, it was a magical time.

Remember how the left wing said that supply had nothing to do with prices?

You don't need to remember for them to say the same thing about the Keystone pipeline.

Of course a drop now and them saying it was Obama's fault they were high are two different things. Maybe this drop proves Obama was the cause for an artificially high price.
Stats left that part of the discussion out. I wonder why?

Because Republicans make this a political issue, not Democrats.

And instead of making this about ME as a person, why not focus yourself on the idea, like an adult would? hmmmm?

Democrats are not claiming the president is 'responsible' for lower gas prices.

But when gas prices start going up – which they certainly will – you can bet most on the partisan right will be back to 'blaming' the president.
Memories are so beautiful and yet.................

Remember how the left wing said that Obama had nothing to do with gasoline prices, it was a magical time.

Remember how the left wing said that supply had nothing to do with prices?

You don't need to remember for them to say the same thing about the Keystone pipeline.

Of course a drop now and them saying it was Obama's fault they were high are two different things. Maybe this drop proves Obama was the cause for an artificially high price.
Stats left that part of the discussion out. I wonder why?

Because Republicans make this a political issue, not Democrats.

And instead of making this about ME as a person, why not focus yourself on the idea, like an adult would? hmmmm?

Democrats are not claiming the president is 'responsible' for lower gas prices.

But when gas prices start going up – which they certainly will – you can bet most on the partisan right will be back to 'blaming' the president.

So would you like to explain why Barry's taking a victory lap for the US not being quite so energy dependent on the Middle East, Clayton? His plan was to do that through "alternative" energy sources like solar and wind. Would you like to tell us all what percentage of our total energy production Barack Obama's "alternative" energy sources have provided for us?
And Obama get's blamed for higher prices on energy only when his policies produce higher prices for energy. Stop whining every time he's held responsible for his actions.
I remember when gas prices were all that cowboy in the White House's fault according to the left. Ah partisanship at it's best.

Yepp, it's partisanship. And it's stupid. That is EXACTLY the point. That FOX changes the reasons for gas price rate hikes between BUSHGAS and OBAMAGAS is the point.

Thank you for supporting the OP.
You should actually vet your sources before making your claims. It's obvious that you are a typical left wing shill who trashes Fox News without watching it and that you count on clips that other left wing shills provide to you. Fox has never pressed obama enough on the impact obama energy policy has had on the economy and O'Reilly has never blamed obama energy policy for gas prices. He always blamed speculators or other such nonsense.
You're a fool. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I remember when gas prices were all that cowboy in the White House's fault according to the left. Ah partisanship at it's best.

Yepp, it's partisanship. And it's stupid. That is EXACTLY the point. That FOX changes the reasons for gas price rate hikes between BUSHGAS and OBAMAGAS is the point.

Thank you for supporting the OP.
You should actually vet your sources before making your claims. It's obvious that you are a typical left wing shill who trashes Fox News without watching it and that you count on clips that other left wing shills provide to you. Fox has never pressed obama enough on the impact obama energy policy has had on the economy and O'Reilly has never blamed obama energy policy for gas prices. He always blamed speculators or other such nonsense.
You're a fool. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Oh, my. Someone didn't read the OP, I see. The screenshots are directly from FOX.

Another Rrrrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighty!!!
I remember when gas prices were all that cowboy in the White House's fault according to the left. Ah partisanship at it's best.

Yepp, it's partisanship. And it's stupid. That is EXACTLY the point. That FOX changes the reasons for gas price rate hikes between BUSHGAS and OBAMAGAS is the point.

Thank you for supporting the OP.
You should actually vet your sources before making your claims. It's obvious that you are a typical left wing shill who trashes Fox News without watching it and that you count on clips that other left wing shills provide to you. Fox has never pressed obama enough on the impact obama energy policy has had on the economy and O'Reilly has never blamed obama energy policy for gas prices. He always blamed speculators or other such nonsense.
You're a fool. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Oh, my. Someone didn't read the OP, I see. The screenshots are directly from FOX.

Another Rrrrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighty!!!
Speak for yourself. I probably saw many of those clips as they were broadcast as opposed to selective misuse like you in order to create propaganda.
I remember when gas prices were all that cowboy in the White House's fault according to the left. Ah partisanship at it's best.

Yepp, it's partisanship. And it's stupid. That is EXACTLY the point. That FOX changes the reasons for gas price rate hikes between BUSHGAS and OBAMAGAS is the point.

Thank you for supporting the OP.
You should actually vet your sources before making your claims. It's obvious that you are a typical left wing shill who trashes Fox News without watching it and that you count on clips that other left wing shills provide to you. Fox has never pressed obama enough on the impact obama energy policy has had on the economy and O'Reilly has never blamed obama energy policy for gas prices. He always blamed speculators or other such nonsense.
You're a fool. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Oh, my. Someone didn't read the OP, I see. The screenshots are directly from FOX.

Another Rrrrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighty!!!
Speak for yourself. I probably saw many of those clips as they were broadcast as opposed to selective misuse like you in order to create propaganda.

I remember when gas prices were all that cowboy in the White House's fault according to the left. Ah partisanship at it's best.

Yepp, it's partisanship. And it's stupid. That is EXACTLY the point. That FOX changes the reasons for gas price rate hikes between BUSHGAS and OBAMAGAS is the point.

Thank you for supporting the OP.
You should actually vet your sources before making your claims. It's obvious that you are a typical left wing shill who trashes Fox News without watching it and that you count on clips that other left wing shills provide to you. Fox has never pressed obama enough on the impact obama energy policy has had on the economy and O'Reilly has never blamed obama energy policy for gas prices. He always blamed speculators or other such nonsense.
You're a fool. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Oh, my. Someone didn't read the OP, I see. The screenshots are directly from FOX.

Another Rrrrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighty!!!
Speak for yourself. I probably saw many of those clips as they were broadcast as opposed to selective misuse like you in order to create propaganda.

OBAMAGAS prices up? 'ALL OBAMA's fault!'
OBAMAGAS prices down? 'OBAMA had nothing to do with it, he got lucky!!'

Here, let's take a look:

Fox News Resumes Perennial Gas Price Charade - YouTube

(3 minutes of FOX railing on high gas prices, blaming it all on Obama, the video won't load onto USMB, you need to click on the link)


On the left: Varnes bitching about high gas prices a couple of years back: it's all Obama's fault. On the right: Varnes saying that cheap gas prices hurt the economy. Priceless!

Fox gas prices 1b - YouTube
(another FOX montage, this video will also not load onto USMB, you need to click on the link))

But wait, here is how FOX treated high gas prices in 2008, under the Bush administration:

(not a word blaming Bush for high gas prices)

At: 1:05 "No president has the power to increase or to lower gas prices".

Yepp, that's what that guest on FOX said. It is DELIGHTFUL to hear all of the excuses that FOX makes for high gas prices, but how dare anyone blame Bush for high gas prices in 2008! Suddenly, in 2009, after January 20th, it was all Obama's fault!! Delightful.

Typical FOX OBAMAGAS graphic in the last years:


Though not from FOX, this delightful billboard from Arizona is worth mentioning:


And this billboard, too:


And another FOX screenshot:


Welch said that Obama should tap our gas reserves.

Didn't Varney say in a graphic above that LOW gas prices hurt our economy? But wait, he was also saying that HIGH gas prices hurt our economy, and of course, it was all Obama's fault:


And remember when FOX tried to scare us that gas would go up to $7 a gallon?



And of course, in an election year (2012):


Yes, FOX pulled out all the stops and even brought in it's SMARTEST people to talk about OBAMAGAS prices:


Actually, this is not all that new, for you see, before Obama, FOX tried to pin this on, unbelievably, Nancy Pelosi:


"DEMS PICKED NANCY PELOSI" refers to her taking the Speaker's Gavel in January, 2007. So, at the same time that FOX news was twisting itself into a pretzel in order to make sure that Bush, Jr., an oil man, would not get blamed for soaring gas prices in 2008, FOX instead turned to the Steel Magnolia from San Francisco to blame. :lol:

This website compares Tim Graham and Neil Cavuto's treatment of gas prices under Obama as opposed to under Bush really quite well:

MRC s Tim Graham and Neil Cavuto Compare Coverage of Gas Prices Bush vs. Obama on Fox News

This website also does it's own pictorial history of how FOX treated Bushgas prices and then OBAMAGAS prices:

A Pictorial History Of Gas Prices As Presented By Fox News News Corpse

But now that OBAMAGAS prices are WAY, WAY, WAY down, here is the kind of stuff we see on FOX:


As OBAMAGAS prices first began to fall, FOX went immediately into "the economy is slowing" mode...


"Why cheap gas isn't good".

Really? Tell that to the American driver.

In short, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of examples of FOX railing on the President for the cost of OBAMAGAS, the same FOX that protected Pres. Bush against any blame for high BUSHGAS prices in 2008.

Oh, and from YESTERDAY, Lou Dobb explains why OBAMAGAS is going down in price:

Why gas prices are falling On Air Videos Fox News
(the video is at the link)

00:40 "because, frankly, economies are slowing down across the world, specifically Europe, specifically China. As a result, less demand for oil, as a result..." (then interrupted by Bill O'Reilly)

1:52: (O'Reilly) "this makes the economy better... why...." (Dobbs:) "absolutely. Because you have greater production, cheaper fuel, which results in about $1,400 per household in extra disposable income. Remember, this is after tax - $1,400, and this is a big boost..." (O'Reilly)...... "a consumer driven economy, they (the people who are saving $1,400 a year on gas prices) are spending it in other places... and the entire economy lifts... so, Barack Obama, President Obama, he kind of lucked into this, didn't he?" (Dobbs:) "Uh, big time, and the result of fracking......."


So, there you have it: the President got lucky, that's all. But wait, Dobbs just said that lower OBAMAGAS prices are good for the economy. However, Neil Cavuto said in the same week that this is bad for the economy. Looks like the FOX-Coven needs to get it's story straight!!!

rightwinger - right up your alley!

Well, you just proved that Faux News is nothing but gas..................:D
Memories are so beautiful and yet.................

Remember how the left wing said that Obama had nothing to do with gasoline prices, it was a magical time.

Remember how the left wing said that supply had nothing to do with prices?

You don't need to remember for them to say the same thing about the Keystone pipeline.

Of course a drop now and them saying it was Obama's fault they were high are two different things. Maybe this drop proves Obama was the cause for an artificially high price.

No, we've been saying all along the President doesn't have anything to do with the price of gas......but if you are going to blame him for "HIGH" gas prices....then you have to give him credit for "LOW" gas prices....otherwise you all come off as hypocrites. You can't praise Bush when gas prices were low and say he was responsible and then claim Obama has nothing to do with it.....same when prices were high.

About the Keystone pipeline.....some Republicans don't think it is a good idea, either.
I remember when gas prices were all that cowboy in the White House's fault according to the left. Ah partisanship at it's best.

Yepp, it's partisanship. And it's stupid. That is EXACTLY the point. That FOX changes the reasons for gas price rate hikes between BUSHGAS and OBAMAGAS is the point.

Thank you for supporting the OP.
You should actually vet your sources before making your claims. It's obvious that you are a typical left wing shill who trashes Fox News without watching it and that you count on clips that other left wing shills provide to you. Fox has never pressed obama enough on the impact obama energy policy has had on the economy and O'Reilly has never blamed obama energy policy for gas prices. He always blamed speculators or other such nonsense.
You're a fool. You shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Oh, my. Someone didn't read the OP, I see. The screenshots are directly from FOX.

Another Rrrrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighty!!!
You have some of the lamest responses of any poster on the board.You're proven wrong so many times and your responses are either this kind of mindless blather, or you drop off the thread all together:rolleyes:

Do you retract this statement?

Because Republicans make this a political issue, not Democrats.

This thread is about FOX blaming Obama for high gas prices. Then a post about when FOX lies, but not necessarily about gas prices. That is what changed the subject and I wanted a comparison to judge who else lies. Is that too difficult for you?
To me this one says the most about dishonest argument:


-- Pretending $1.85 was a "normal" price, when a few months prior it was over twice that.
Nobody who makes that claim has any credibility thereafter. Anyone who uses gasoline knew better.
"Remember when FOX blamed Obama for high gas prices?"

Nope... but if they did, they were correct, given the Brown-Clown's anti-carbon production policy.


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