Remember The Bush Hitler


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
and how liberals now complain about Obama being called a fascist?

Get ready to the next level of incivility without end, once again brought by the left:

Group targets Speaker Boehner

Group targets Speaker Boehner’s (small-h) house
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By: Barbara Hollingsworth 02/17/11 3:56 PM
Local Opinion Editor

When did demonstrating at the private homes of politicians or corporate executives become an acceptable way to voice one’s political opinions?

Nearly two dozen activists from DC Vote swarmed House Speaker John Boehner’s Capitol Hill residence at 7:30 Thursday morning, chanting “Don’t tread of D.C.” and “No taxation without representation” to protest congressional “meddling” in the District’s local affairs, in particular a House continuing budget resolution that would cut $80 million in federal payments and prohibit the city from using local funds to pay for needle exchange programs and abortions.

“Speaker Boehner is coming to our home telling us how to spend our money,” Ilir Zherka, the group’s executive director, told his followers. “We decided to come to his house to tell him to leave D.C. alone.”​

After Capitol Police officers blocked their way by using bikes to erect a makeshift barricade, the protestors remained outside Boehner’s home for more than an hour.

This is the same tactic used last month by protestors who don’t want Wal-Mart to open a new store in D.C. As DCist reported:

…Instead of demonstrating at one of the possible Walmart locations or making their opinions known to members of the D.C. Council, the protesters descended on the Woodley Park home of Dick Knapp, an executive at Foulger-Pratt, the company that is set to develop the Georgia Avenue Walmart.​

Protests outside their houses? Oh, the poor politicians. Whatever will they do?

What will you do when protests occur outside the OFFICES and homes of YOUR favorite politicians? Will you do like Nancy and Company did and claim they are Astro turf?

By the way? The District of Columbia is a Federal reserve. The US Congress is who pays their debts and creates and passes their budgets using US TAX dollars. If the residents don't like it, they can MOVE.
Protests outside their houses? Oh, the poor politicians. Whatever will they do?

Can't wait to see when it's those of the other side. Then we'll hear how 'uncivil, even threatening' those protesters are. :doubt:
Protests outside their houses? Oh, the poor politicians. Whatever will they do?

Can't wait to see when it's those of the other side. Then we'll hear how 'uncivil, even threatening' those protesters are. :doubt:

Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. I called out the libs who complained about tea party protests.

I support everyone's right to protest, even when they're wrong.
Protests outside their houses? Oh, the poor politicians. Whatever will they do?

Can't wait to see when it's those of the other side. Then we'll hear how 'uncivil, even threatening' those protesters are. :doubt:

Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. I called out the libs who complained about tea party protests.

I support everyone's right to protest, even when they're wrong.
shes talking about how the media will portray it

and remember, the massive calls for civility in politics
Protests outside their houses? Oh, the poor politicians. Whatever will they do?

What will you do when protests occur outside the OFFICES and homes of YOUR favorite politicians? Will you do like Nancy and Company did and claim they are Astro turf?
My "favorite" politicians? Who the fuck are those?

By the way? The District of Columbia is a Federal reserve. The US Congress is who pays their debts and creates and passes their budgets using US TAX dollars. If the residents don't like it, they can MOVE.

Protests outside their houses? Oh, the poor politicians. Whatever will they do?

Can't wait to see when it's those of the other side. Then we'll hear how 'uncivil, even threatening' those protesters are. :doubt:

Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. I called out the libs who complained about tea party protests.

I support everyone's right to protest, even when they're wrong.

I didn't specify YOU. With that said, I agree that everyone has a right to protest, however people's homes are not the place to do so.
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Can't wait to see when it's those of the other side. Then we'll hear how 'uncivil, even threatening' those protesters are. :doubt:

Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. I called out the libs who complained about tea party protests.

I support everyone's right to protest, even when they're wrong.

I didn't specify YOU. With that said, I agree that everyone has a right to protest, however people's homes are not the place to do so.

Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. I called out the libs who complained about tea party protests.

I support everyone's right to protest, even when they're wrong.

I didn't specify YOU. With that said, I agree that everyone has a right to protest, however people's homes are not the place to do so.

Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
They've also targeted business leaders, in any case it's wrong to make it difficult for families, not just the 'target.' This is not supposed to be governing by intimidation and that is what these types of threatening protests are.

My point was though that what goes around, comes around. Idiots know no political parties.
I didn't specify YOU. With that said, I agree that everyone has a right to protest, however people's homes are not the place to do so.

Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
They've also targeted business leaders, in any case it's wrong to make it difficult for families, not just the 'target.' This is not supposed to be governing by intimidation and that is what these types of threatening protests are.

My point was though that what goes around, comes around. Idiots know no political parties.

It's funny you should mention that - You're talking about the AIG executives in Connecticut, right?

I worked for one of the organizations that organized that protest/bus tour, and I did a good amount of work, before are during it.

There was nothing threatening that happened. We never stepped on to any private property (and we could barely see the houses). There were no arrests, no complaints, and no violence or threats.
Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
They've also targeted business leaders, in any case it's wrong to make it difficult for families, not just the 'target.' This is not supposed to be governing by intimidation and that is what these types of threatening protests are.

My point was though that what goes around, comes around. Idiots know no political parties.

It's funny you should mention that - You're talking about the AIG executives in Connecticut, right?

I worked for one of the organizations that organized that protest/bus tour, and I did a good amount of work, before are during it.

There was nothing threatening that happened. We never stepped on to any private property (and we could barely see the houses). There were no arrests, no complaints, and no violence or threats.

Actually thinking more about this and similar:

Class Warfare: Hundreds Protest Outside Bankers' Houses In DC

I'm not saying people don't have complaints, but they do not belong at the family abode.
Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about. I called out the libs who complained about tea party protests.

I support everyone's right to protest, even when they're wrong.

I didn't specify YOU. With that said, I agree that everyone has a right to protest, however people's homes are not the place to do so.

Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
agree with everything but the bold
sorry, that would include their family and i say that is OFF LIMITS"
I didn't specify YOU. With that said, I agree that everyone has a right to protest, however people's homes are not the place to do so.

Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
agree with everything but the bold
sorry, that would include their family and i say that is OFF LIMITS"

I agree. But as long as the protesters aren't breaking the law, I don't think the family is immune from seeing protesters.

Now, things can go over the line, so in most cases I agree with you.

But standing at the foot of a 1/4 mile long driveway for a half hour before driving to the next house? Not really interfering with "family".
Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions, but in fairness, you did say that in a reply to my post.

And I disagree. As long as they're not trespassing or breaking the law, I see no reason not to protest outside politician's houses, offices, etc. If they don't like it, close the blinds.
agree with everything but the bold
sorry, that would include their family and i say that is OFF LIMITS"

I agree. But as long as the protesters aren't breaking the law, I don't think the family is immune from seeing protesters.

Now, things can go over the line, so in most cases I agree with you.

But standing at the foot of a 1/4 mile long driveway for a half hour before driving to the next house? Not really interfering with "family".

But obviously that is not what happened with the banker, right? There's more than just a tad of that whacky preacher family that shows up at military funerals going on here.
agree with everything but the bold
sorry, that would include their family and i say that is OFF LIMITS"

I agree. But as long as the protesters aren't breaking the law, I don't think the family is immune from seeing protesters.

Now, things can go over the line, so in most cases I agree with you.

But standing at the foot of a 1/4 mile long driveway for a half hour before driving to the next house? Not really interfering with "family".

But obviously that is not what happened with the banker, right? There's more than just a tad of that whacky preacher family that shows up at military funerals going on here.

Yes, of course. But that's the thing, also. Just like the Westboro bugfuck crazies, they have the right to do it.

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