Religious People. Are they really?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Some people claim to be very religious. They go to church faithfully, they prey, they preach, and point out all your wrongs. My problem is some people that claim to be religious and kind and follow jesus,and are overly excessively religious, are the most judgemental people I have ever met! My own grandmother is one of them. "God this and God that""You are going to hell". Some of things my grandmother has told me. They act all holy in front of their church friends and treat their loved ones so horrible. My girlfriends mother also is the same way and all she does is yell at my girlfriend and her kids. She manipulates her kids to be against their own mother. She will just hate anyone for no reason at all. Are they actually religious if they are constantly judging people and treating people bad?
Some people claim to be very religious. They go to church faithfully, they prey, they preach, and point out all your wrongs. My problem is some people that claim to be religious and kind and follow jesus,and are overly excessively religious, are the most judgemental people I have ever met! My own grandmother is one of them. "God this and God that""You are going to hell". Some of things my grandmother has told me. They act all holy in front of their church friends and treat their loved ones so horrible. My girlfriends mother also is the same way and all she does is yell at my girlfriend and her kids. She manipulates her kids to be against their own mother. She will just hate anyone for no reason at all. Are they actually religious if they are constantly judging people and treating people bad?

It could be worse. They could be an atheist like Joe Stalin that murdered millions. How many people has your grandma murdered?
Some people claim to be very religious. They go to church faithfully, they prey, they preach, and point out all your wrongs. My problem is some people that claim to be religious and kind and follow jesus,and are overly excessively religious, are the most judgemental people I have ever met! My own grandmother is one of them. "God this and God that""You are going to hell". Some of things my grandmother has told me. They act all holy in front of their church friends and treat their loved ones so horrible. My girlfriends mother also is the same way and all she does is yell at my girlfriend and her kids. She manipulates her kids to be against their own mother. She will just hate anyone for no reason at all. Are they actually religious if they are constantly judging people and treating people bad?

I find this kind of behavior disturbing... for me I have a spiritual relationship with Jesus not with a religion that makes up man made rules ..
But being human I probably judge too ...

lol true. I wouldn't be surprised to find out my grandmother was a murderer!

Or she could have been a liberal, aborted her offspring and then you wouldn't exist. Thank "God" she wasn't a liberal, eh?
In any event, yea, those Christians are the scourge of the world.
Everybody judges people. But is it right to treat your loved ones like crap for no reason when they do everything for you and treat you with nothing but respect? Is it ok to get your child children against you and have them so mad that they wont talk to their own mother? Is ok for a loved one to talk bad to other people about you for no reason at all?

Matthew 7:3-5King James Version (KJV)

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


Everybody judges people. But is it right to treat your loved ones like crap for no reason when they do everything for you and treat you with nothing but respect? Is it ok to get your child children against you and have them so mad that they wont talk to their own mother? Is ok for a loved one to talk bad to other people about you for no reason at all?

There are people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ that don't necessarily follow his teachings. Jesus taught NOT to judge, to treat others the way you'd like to be treated, to forgive, to love and so forth. I will add that none of us is perfect, we all fall short and that it is our belief that, because of Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf, we too can be forgiven for our sins and live forever with Jesus in paradise.
Grandmothers do have certain entitlements....mine never told me I was going to hell... is the OP's granny real?
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.
Everybody judges people. But is it right to treat your loved ones like crap for no reason when they do everything for you and treat you with nothing but respect? Is it ok to get your child children against you and have them so mad that they wont talk to their own mother? Is ok for a loved one to talk bad to other people about you for no reason at all?

There are people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ that don't necessarily follow his teachings. Jesus taught NOT to judge, to treat others the way you'd like to be treated, to forgive, to love and so forth. I will add that none of us is perfect, we all fall short and that it is our belief that, because of Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf, we too can be forgiven for our sins and live forever with Jesus in paradise.

Yes, you're right that Jesus taught not to judge. Thanks very much for posting that.
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.

ThatDude, I suspect this is the answer you were seeking.
lol true. I wouldn't be surprised to find out my grandmother was a murderer!

Or she could have been a liberal, aborted her offspring and then you wouldn't exist. Thank "God" she wasn't a liberal, eh?
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.
Yes I agree not all are fake.
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.

ThatDude, I suspect this is the answer you were seeking.
Yes it was K9Buck
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.

ThatDude, I suspect this is the answer you were seeking.
Yes it was K9Buck

I appreciate your honest response.

There are a LOT of people who have professed to be followers of Christ who are, in reality, anything but. There are also, however, a LOT of Christians who have done immense charity and good for others.

There are some that take joy in attacking Christians for their beliefs and their failings while virtually never giving them credit for their charitable acts. What you won't see them doing is condemning the infamous atheists such as Joseph Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, the North Korean regimes, etc., etc., etc., that have literally murdered tens of millions just with the last century. Oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies is what modern atheism has given to humanity.

As you see, if you're being honest, it cuts both ways.
Some people claim to be very religious. They go to church faithfully, they prey, they preach, and point out all your wrongs. My problem is some people that claim to be religious and kind and follow jesus,and are overly excessively religious, are the most judgemental people I have ever met! My own grandmother is one of them. "God this and God that""You are going to hell". Some of things my grandmother has told me. They act all holy in front of their church friends and treat their loved ones so horrible. My girlfriends mother also is the same way and all she does is yell at my girlfriend and her kids. She manipulates her kids to be against their own mother. She will just hate anyone for no reason at all. Are they actually religious if they are constantly judging people and treating people bad?

I find this kind of behavior disturbing... for me I have a spiritual relationship with Jesus not with a religion that makes up man made rules ..
But being human I probably judge too ...

You have a spiritual relationship with a character based on spiritual apprehension. So you also believe in sixth sense, clairvoyance, and ESP? And Santa Clause!
Reading this board will do nothing to make you feel admiration for those who are quick to spout their religion but refuse to behave as Jesus taught. Most "christians" here use it as a political club. Start ad thread about food stamps and they line up to tell you why children should go hungry. If the subject is race, they will tell you whites are superior, apparently forgetting that Jesus was not himself white. Marriage equality? Nope. Equality of any kind - no way, no how.

I've also noticed they are, in general, a very unhappy lot. Most do not seem to get much happiness or serenity from their god. Most are very angry, very bitter and need to blame others - mostly liberals and atheists - for their own shortcomings.

BUT, there are a few true Christians here as well.

I also had a very religious grandmother who I adored. She never knew I am atheist because it wasn't important. She was very liberal, a suffragette who knew Eleanor Roosevelt and marched with other women to get the vote. Whether or not you agree with your grandma, be grateful you still have her. Listen, write it down, take photos - when she's gone, you will not have any way to learn what she has to teach you. As obvious as it might seem, you can never get that back and just that fact alone will leave a hole in your heart.

ThatDude, I suspect this is the answer you were seeking.
Yes it was K9Buck

I appreciate your honest response.

There are a LOT of people who have professed to be followers of Christ who are, in reality, anything but. There are also, however, a LOT of Christians who have done immense charity and good for others.

There are some that take joy in attacking Christians for their beliefs and their failings while virtually never giving them credit for their charitable acts. What you won't see them doing is condemning the infamous atheists such as Joseph Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, the North Korean regimes, etc., etc., etc., that have literally murdered tens of millions just with the last century. Oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies is what modern atheism has given to humanity.

As you see, if you're being honest, it cuts both ways.

Peoples radical belief causes oceans of blood.
Seems to be a few atheists/agnostics around here who are somewhat judgemental too. Pretty quick to decide who is an idiot or hypocritical. The numbers might not square up, but I also think being judgemental shows itself in politics and many other arenas dealing with human behavior.
Seems to be a few atheists/agnostics around here who are somewhat judgemental too. Pretty quick to decide who is an idiot or hypocritical. The numbers might not square up, but I also think being judgemental shows itself in politics and many other arenas dealing with human behavior.

Are you talking to me?

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