Relativity Question


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point

That's why we only have 12 yrs left! Scientists are great at distorting the are correct Light only travels so fast. and the earth has been much warmer than it is now in the past couple millions of years. Fake science is everywhere.

Link please...


Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point

Frank, as an object approaches relativistic speed, time slows TO THE OUTSIDE OBSERVER. The object falling in sees no time dilation from their POV.

Any brightening we saw of Sag. A* in 2014 due to in-falling matter actually occurred around 30,000 years ago. It took that long for the light from the event to reach us.
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point

Frank, as an object approaches relativistic speed, time slows TO THE OUTSIDE OBSERVER. The object falling in sees no time dilation from their POV.

Any brightening we saw of Sag. A* in 2014 due to in-falling matter actually occurred around 30,000 years ago. It took that long for the light from the event to reach us.
Says mike rowe on TV anyway

Kids jump in
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
You can speculate anything you choose because no one knows. However anyone who knows is delusional.

Just how it is
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
You can speculate anything you choose because no one knows. However anyone who knows is delusional.

Just how it is

I base my understanding of this on what I have read from a few scientists.

Yes, I am open to the possibility that their best educated speculation could be wrong.
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
You can speculate anything you choose because no one knows. However anyone who knows is delusional.

Just how it is

I base my understanding of this on what I have read from a few scientists.

Yes, I am open to the possibility that their best educated speculation could be wrong.

If you examine the science history of these things everything ever speculated has been wrong. First Einstein said that the universe was a static not expanding bubble, then hubble demonstrated that ennisteiny was fully wrong. Then the universe was discovered to be moving so fast that 85 percent of it was missing, so they invented dark matter (fictional) to explain the movement, then the universe became a computer simulation which makes us computer generated. Look I know it's sad and frustrating but we do not know what we are or where we came from, and the same is true of the entire universe.

How is it that the person who knows where the universe came from does not know what is in my pocket now?
You can speculate anything you choose because no one knows. However anyone who knows is delusional.
so they invented dark matter (fictional)
The problem with this one is clear. She's a raving attention-starved crackpot with a mouth that just never shuts up. Anyone who knows anything is delusional, then without skipping a beat announces she KNOWS Dark Matter is fictional. Wow.
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
You can speculate anything you choose because no one knows. However anyone who knows is delusional.

Just how it is

I base my understanding of this on what I have read from a few scientists.

Yes, I am open to the possibility that their best educated speculation could be wrong.

If you examine the science history of these things everything ever speculated has been wrong. First Einstein said that the universe was a static not expanding bubble,

Einstein made a correction in his own theories, because it was first for everyone clear that the universe is stable. This correction is called "cosmologian constant". Later he threw this correction constant out of his theory, because George Lemaitre (and not Hubble) showed that the world came out of a kind of origin-atom which expands. The big bang theory was born, although it was not big and not a bang what had happened.

then hubble demonstrated that ennisteiny was fully wrong.

That Hubble is the best known phycicist in this context is more a joke of history. George Lemaitre and not Hubble found out that the universe expands. And the first information about this expansion came from the mathematician Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann corrected the wrong results of Albert Einstein's theory in an mathematical interpretation of deSitter. So Friedmann (1917) and Lemaitre (1922) are the discoverers of the expansion of the universe.

Then the universe was discovered to be moving so fast that 85 percent of it was missing, so they invented dark matter (fictional) to explain the movement,

You seem to confuse here dark energy and dark matter. This are totally different things. It needs to much time now to say something about this.

then the universe became a computer simulation which makes us computer generated.

A problem today is it that lots of illustrations have a very good quality and for lots of people it is often not clear, that they see an idea and not a reality. Example: Lots of pictures of black holes exist since a long time. This were only ideas about how black holes could be. But the very first real picture was made this year in 2019. And it looks not very spectacular - but it is indeed a real sensation.


Look I know it's sad and frustrating but we do not know what we are or where we came from, and the same is true of the entire universe.

Looks like time, space and energy were suddenly here (including "suddenly" and "here" what were before not, as also "before" was before not, because there was no before). The most easy expression for this is "everything came from nothing" or "god made everything out of nothing" - an idea the people (as far as I know it was Augustinus) thought the first time about 1700 years ago.

How is it that the person who knows where the universe came from does not know what is in my pocket now?

I guess, the three persons, who made the universe, know all possible positions of all possible quants in the uni- or multiverse - and also what's in your pocket now.

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You can speculate anything you choose because no one knows. However anyone who knows is delusional.
so they invented dark matter (fictional)
The problem with this one is clear. She's a raving attention-starved crackpot with a mouth that just never shuts up. Anyone who knows anything is delusional, then without skipping a beat announces she KNOWS Dark Matter is fictional. Wow.
Dark matter definition

dark mat·ter
noun: dark matter; noun: cold dark matter; noun: hot dark matter
  1. (in some cosmological theories) nonluminous material that is postulated to exist in space and that could take any of several forms including weakly interacting particles ( cold dark matter ) or high-energy randomly moving particles created soon after the Big Bang ( hot dark matter ).
Got that kid, in some theories (unproven fiction) nonluminous material postulated (Guess, same as theory)

However in your mind dark matter is real and proven when science can not find one single particle of the stuff.

Play on kids
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
The matter isn't compressed -- it's being torn apart. The gravity differential becomes so great that even on the atomic scale, the side of an atom nearer to the singularity is pulled far harder than the side hard, the nuclear bonds are broken. Each atom being ripped apart releases a burst of X-rays.
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
The matter isn't compressed -- it's being torn apart. The gravity differential becomes so great that even on the atomic scale, the side of an atom nearer to the singularity is pulled far harder than the side hard, the nuclear bonds are broken. Each atom being ripped apart releases a burst of X-rays.
LOL, according to the new physics there are no black holes as the entire universe is a computer simulation
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
The matter isn't compressed -- it's being torn apart. The gravity differential becomes so great that even on the atomic scale, the side of an atom nearer to the singularity is pulled far harder than the side hard, the nuclear bonds are broken. Each atom being ripped apart releases a burst of X-rays.
LOL, according to the new physics there are no black holes as the entire universe is a computer simulation
That's one theory, certainly. It's silly, but it's a theory. No one's presenting it as fact.
Recently scientists noted that Sag A, the black hole at the center of Milky Way, flared up 75 times brighter and thought it might relate to a massive dust cloud that came close to it in 2014.

Relativity state that time slows as you approach a black hole and stop altogether as you fall into it.

If this gas fell into the black hole near light speed, time would have slowed to a near stop. How can a gas cloud that approached in 2014 be the cause of the brightness, wouldn't it now take this light many thousands of "extra years" (compared to our POV) to reach us? I understand what we saw in 2014 actually happened 25,000 years ago, thats not the point
Hello, how is a black hole bright

The light is created by matter being compressed NEAR the black hole, but before it actually enters the black hole.

I'm pretty sure much more light is actually created when the matter finally HITS the black hole, but that light, yes, would not escape.
The matter isn't compressed -- it's being torn apart. The gravity differential becomes so great that even on the atomic scale, the side of an atom nearer to the singularity is pulled far harder than the side hard, the nuclear bonds are broken. Each atom being ripped apart releases a burst of X-rays.
LOL, according to the new physics there are no black holes as the entire universe is a computer simulation
That's one theory, certainly. It's silly, but it's a theory. No one's presenting it as fact.
Well the theory actually begins with the lack of dark matter that those who say it is needed claim makes gravity impossible, so now they try to explain reality a new way. The computer simulation theory is partly valid as we are assembled by and made up of elements directed by a molecular computer program out of the past, looking to the future. No DNA did not pop into existence one day in a magical pond, it was written

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