Red states, on average, are more likely to be dependent on the federal government.

Blue State and Red State IQ is identical

Study from Virginia Commonwealth University in the article :D

Super-Economy: Blue State and Red State IQ is identical

Here is the full list of states and estimated IQ

1. Massachusetts 104.3
2. New Hampshire 104.2
3. North Dakota 103.8
4. Vermont 103.8
5. Minnesota 103.7
6. Maine 103.4
7. Montana 103.4
8. Iowa 103.2
9. Connecticut 103.1
10. Wisconsin 102.9
11. Kansas 102.8
12. New Jersey 102.8
13. South Dakota 102.8
14. Wyoming 102.4
15. Nebraska 102.3
16. Virginia 101.9
17. Washington 101.9
18. Ohio 101.8
19. Indiana 101.7
20. Colorado 101.6
21. Pennsylva. 101.5
22. Idaho 101.4
23. Oregon 101.2
24. Utah 101.1
25. Missouri 101
26. New York 100.7
27. Michigan 100.5
28. Delaware 100.4
29. N. Carolina 100.2
30. Texas 100
31. Illinois 99.9
32. Maryland 99.7
33. Rhode Island99.5
34. Kentucky 99.4
35. Oklahoma 99.3
36. Alaska 99
37. W. Virginia 98.7
38. Florida 98.4
39. S. Carolina 98.4
40. Georgia 98
41. Tennessee 97.7
42. Arkansas 97.5
43. Arizona 97.4
44. Nevada 96.5
45. Alabama 95.7
46. New Mexico 95.7
47. Hawaii 95.6
48. California 95.5
49. Louisiana 95.3
50. Mississippi 94.2

Good grief, I really need to move.

There is a pattern there... all the more intelligent people live in the north... how 'bout that.
Blue states on average continuously vote for putting the nation further and further in debt and growing the size and scope of government. If you think that's smart, you are unqualified to judge intellect. And education doesn't make you smart, it depends on what you are educated with and what you do with it.
RED states are poorer ergo their population are somewhat more dependent on government.

WHY are they poorer?

They are more rural.

Throw in the still resonating effects of the cival war and loss of their SLAVE CAPITAL and there ya go.

Their relative poverty has nothing whatever to do with intelligence, education or how hard they work.

Current MACROeconomics and history often go hand in hand, citizens.
1. Massachusetts 104.3
2. New Hampshire 104.2
3. North Dakota 103.8
4. Vermont 103.8
5. Minnesota 103.7
6. Maine 103.4
7. Montana 103.4
8. Iowa 103.2
9. Connecticut 103.1
10. Wisconsin 102.9
11. Kansas 102.8
12. New Jersey 102.8
13. South Dakota 102.8
14. Wyoming 102.4
15. Nebraska 102.3

Of course it would be unPC to observe that the high IQ states are also the whitest.
Well, another hateful thread about their fellow countrymen and women

the left will crawl to any low, but remember...they spew how they are more tolerant and care more for people

hateful little people
This is about how red states don't work and how you are highly misinformed, not hate...that's YOUR AREA...
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Well, another hateful thread about their fellow countrymen and women

the left will crawl to any low, but remember...they spew how they are more tolerant and care more for people

hateful little people
This is about how red states don't work and how you are highly misinformed, not hate...that's YOUR AREA...

well, they aren't headed the way of that blue state Detroit (bankrupt), Illinois, California is headed who says they don't work and maybe you aren't so informed liberal dupe hater
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Red states are also the fattest.

It's also proven IQ tests are sqewed toward whites....also that's totally irrelevant....

OP- This is a little known fact in RW/cowardly media America...
DETROIT IS THE WORST rust belt city, blaming Dems is ridiculous. Cal, NY, Ill. are doing just fine, would do better if 20 % of their fed tax came back instead of financing bs red state arrogance. I see NY is #2 for new business start ups and continues to grow fast in NYC, and NOT upstate . Keep the beach bums, RW punks/haters, and

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