Rasmussen Weekly Poll Shows 6% Clinton Bounce Post-Debate V. Trump Deplorable(s). . Wherever(?)!

A Politico/Morning Consult poll out Wednesday — the first conducted by a major polling firm since the debate — shows Clinton leading Trump 41%-38% among likely voters nationwide.

Morning Consult's latest poll before the Monday debate showed Trump leading Clinton 39%-38%, with Johnson getting 9% and Stein getting 4%.

The poll also found that respondents overwhelmingly felt Clinton won the debate, with 49% of saying the Democratic nominee bested Trump. Only 26% said that Trump won.

Winning the debate is not the important question.

The question is, did Trump disprove the Big Lie that Hillary has been pushing that Trump is Hitler?

That's what her campaign is built on, Fear.

Whether that was undermined or strengthened is what is important.
Clinton Up in Two: Rasmussen & Politico. Trump up in none so far, post-debate. Polls showing Trump ahead are pre-debate, from the September mini-bounce, or Clinton-swoon.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find direct path well-enough travelled--to be food source. . . .instead of visionary dream walk(?)!)
Wrong, the Rasmussen poll is unchanged from the last time, LATimes poll showed Trump up one more point after the debate and I couldn't find a Poltico post debate poll.
Wrong, Rasmussen was Trump +5 last week.

The LA Times poll is a tracking poll, it polls the same people over and over again. It isn't a real poll.
Many pundits created an expectation, after the debate: That if Clinton was the clear winner, then the polls would start to show it in a matter of days. Rasmussen now shows Clinton up 1% in a four-way match. Last week Clinton was down 5% in a four-way match. Genuine polls only allow one vote from each respondent. Among online polls, many would say there are "Deplorables(?)!"

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

The Pence Family will likely not call the "Pepe The Frog" meme, one of the "Deplorables." Anti-Defamation League has no similar problem.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many maybe wonder how Great Chief memes became unmentionables for football teams(?)! Hmmm!)

Rasmussen is a left wing propaganda machine.
Many pundits created an expectation, after the debate: That if Clinton was the clear winner, then the polls would start to show it in a matter of days. Rasmussen now shows Clinton up 1% in a four-way match. Last week Clinton was down 5% in a four-way match. Genuine polls only allow one vote from each respondent. Among online polls, many would say there are "Deplorables(?)!"

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

The Pence Family will likely not call the "Pepe The Frog" meme, one of the "Deplorables." Anti-Defamation League has no similar problem.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many maybe wonder how Great Chief memes became unmentionables for football teams(?)! Hmmm!)
The current Rasmussen poll is exactly like the last Rasmussen poll, Clinton +1.
Wrong, Rasmussen was Trump +5 last week.
My mistake, the last Rasmussen poll listed on RCP had Clinton up +1.
Clinton Up in Two: Rasmussen & Politico. Trump up in none so far, post-debate. Polls showing Trump ahead are pre-debate, from the September mini-bounce, or Clinton-swoon.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many find direct path well-enough travelled--to be food source. . . .instead of visionary dream walk(?)!)
Wrong, the Rasmussen poll is unchanged from the last time, LATimes poll showed Trump up one more point after the debate and I couldn't find a Poltico post debate poll.
Wrong, Rasmussen was Trump +5 last week.

The LA Times poll is a tracking poll, it polls the same people over and over again. It isn't a real poll.
It's a very real poll.
And that is one of two major polls showing a post-debate major new plurality for Clinton. Everything else is yet to happen(?). . . .unless it doesn't(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Textbooks show that some people believe in the Theory of Scientific Whiteness, while others believe that Whiteness evolves like a swoon over the generations of time. The choice for the individual is the practical applications that are used. Clearly: Whiteness is not something that people are born with, but it something that people choose to do(?)! Pepe the Frog could probably get on board, with that(?). The Ivy League could probably get on board with that(?)! Usury and discrimination they are on board with!)

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