

Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Hamas is encouraging "Palestinians" to continue lining up at the border in order to get shot. They no doubt will bring their kids.
Islam's "holy month" is typically accompanied by acts of savegery.

Its difficult to attach "holy" with gee-had killings.
Islam's "holy month" is typically accompanied by acts of savegery.

Its difficult to attach "holy" with gee-had killings.

Considering that the very reason Islam was created was to spread violence in order to dominate, I'd say that some things just never change.

I'm often amazed at people's inability to think. Judaism arose as a gradual process among a people. Christianity arose after the followers of a Holy man split from another religion. Islam was crated quite deliberately by a mass murderer and rapist in order to provide himself with divine power. Judaism does not seek to expand its base and is extremely difficult to join. Christianity seeks converts, but through persuasion. Islam was born of the sword and spread by the sword and demands all submit before it. Despite these obvious differences, low IQ leftists like pretend they are all the same simply because they call them "religion".
Islam's "holy month" is typically accompanied by acts of savegery.

Its difficult to attach "holy" with gee-had killings.

". . .holy month" is typically accompanied by acts of savegery."

terrible, but true. But then again - if you go to foxnews :thup: ....before this year's Ramadan holiday - which started only a few days ago - :tinfoil: it's savagery 24/7.

...the glamour of Ramadan :eusa_pray: savagery...has lost it's luster.
So you have to mock someone else's version of Lent. How fine of you. Posts like this are ridiculous.
So you have to mock someone else's version of Lent. How fine of you. Posts like this are ridiculous.
Yours is hardly a valid comparison. How many Lent'ees are slaughtered in horrible ways by Lent'ers?

Ramadan’s here — let the killing begin

And this happens where? By whom?

No, we're not fighting some sort of religious war so some group of primitive lunatic tribalists in the U.S. think that their god is going to come back. They can get ruptured elsewhere. Leave decent people of all faiths alone.

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