Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists

Yet another classic case of Palestinian mentality.
I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:
Great. According to you Israel can block Gaza from getting any and all supplies sent to them which go from Israel to Gaza.

That is tons of trucks.

Good Luck Arab Palestinians in Gaza.

Sunni Man wants it that way.
I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!
The Israeli zionists exhibit the same mentality as a psychopathic serial killer.

They seem unable to comprehend basic human standards of morality or common decency. .... :cool:

I suppose as a goofy convert to Islamism, you feel a need to ingratiate yourself with the Jew haters?
Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ "MJB12741, Sunni Man, et al,

This appeal is a deceptively simple fallacy, yet a series of compound errors.

I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!

The reasoning for the Protest (March of Return) is ambiguous because it is dependent on the agenda of the source of explanation.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on America, THEN the source claims the protect was in response to America's decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territory.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel on the complexion of the protest, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the rectifying nature of the demarcation (the border that can selectively allow traffic to flow at the discretion of the Israelis - but no real border controls on the Hostile Arab Palestinian side) between of the political entities (Israel 'v' Gaza Strip).

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the demolition of Border Infiltration tunnels that crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip are an attempt to ruin reconciliation talks.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims Israel has no right to self-defense and that the resulting casualties in the defense of the border are war crimes.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame Israel on the Humanitarian Crisis created by the Hostile Arab Palestinians, THEN the source rejects Humanitarian Assistance from Israel or damages the Border Crossing to prevent entry of assistance. This gives the appearance that the Humanitarian Coordinator's (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) urgent call for support to meet the humanitarian needs of victims of violence in Gaza is totally the fault of Isreal.

---------------------------------------------- END ----------------------------------------------

This has gradually become an international circus, starring in the center ring, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, as classic entertainers.

Most Respectfully,
Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ "MJB12741, Sunni Man, et al,

This appeal is a deceptively simple fallacy, yet a series of compound errors.

I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!

The reasoning for the Protest (March of Return) is ambiguous because it is dependent on the agenda of the source of explanation.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on America, THEN the source claims the protect was in response to America's decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territory.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel on the complexion of the protest, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the rectifying nature of the demarcation (the border that can selectively allow traffic to flow at the discretion of the Israelis - but no real border controls on the Hostile Arab Palestinian side) between of the political entities (Israel 'v' Gaza Strip).

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the demolition of Border Infiltration tunnels that crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip are an attempt to ruin reconciliation talks.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims Israel has no right to self-defense and that the resulting casualties in the defense of the border are war crimes.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame Israel on the Humanitarian Crisis created by the Hostile Arab Palestinians, THEN the source rejects Humanitarian Assistance from Israel or damages the Border Crossing to prevent entry of assistance. This gives the appearance that the Humanitarian Coordinator's (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) urgent call for support to meet the humanitarian needs of victims of violence in Gaza is totally the fault of Isreal.

---------------------------------------------- END ----------------------------------------------

This has gradually become an international circus, starring in the center ring, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, as classic entertainers.

Most Respectfully,
Protests are political theatre. The Palestinians have garnered considerable world attention including governments.
I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:
Great. According to you Israel can block Gaza from getting any and all supplies sent to them which go from Israel to Gaza.

That is tons of trucks.

Good Luck Arab Palestinians in Gaza.

Sunni Man wants it that way.

Sounds good to me!!
Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ "MJB12741, Sunni Man, et al,

This appeal is a deceptively simple fallacy, yet a series of compound errors.

I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!

The reasoning for the Protest (March of Return) is ambiguous because it is dependent on the agenda of the source of explanation.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on America, THEN the source claims the protect was in response to America's decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territory.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel on the complexion of the protest, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the rectifying nature of the demarcation (the border that can selectively allow traffic to flow at the discretion of the Israelis - but no real border controls on the Hostile Arab Palestinian side) between of the political entities (Israel 'v' Gaza Strip).

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the demolition of Border Infiltration tunnels that crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip are an attempt to ruin reconciliation talks.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims Israel has no right to self-defense and that the resulting casualties in the defense of the border are war crimes.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame Israel on the Humanitarian Crisis created by the Hostile Arab Palestinians, THEN the source rejects Humanitarian Assistance from Israel or damages the Border Crossing to prevent entry of assistance. This gives the appearance that the Humanitarian Coordinator's (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) urgent call for support to meet the humanitarian needs of victims of violence in Gaza is totally the fault of Isreal.

---------------------------------------------- END ----------------------------------------------

This has gradually become an international circus, starring in the center ring, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, as classic entertainers.

Most Respectfully,
Protests are political theatre. The Palestinians have garnered considerable world attention including governments.

I agree. Their rioting, throwing Malatov cocktails, trying to tear down the Fence yelling “ Death to Israel” has gotten world attention. :113:
Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ "MJB12741, Sunni Man, et al,

This appeal is a deceptively simple fallacy, yet a series of compound errors.

I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!

The reasoning for the Protest (March of Return) is ambiguous because it is dependent on the agenda of the source of explanation.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on America, THEN the source claims the protect was in response to America's decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territory.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel on the complexion of the protest, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the rectifying nature of the demarcation (the border that can selectively allow traffic to flow at the discretion of the Israelis - but no real border controls on the Hostile Arab Palestinian side) between of the political entities (Israel 'v' Gaza Strip).

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the demolition of Border Infiltration tunnels that crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip are an attempt to ruin reconciliation talks.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims Israel has no right to self-defense and that the resulting casualties in the defense of the border are war crimes.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame Israel on the Humanitarian Crisis created by the Hostile Arab Palestinians, THEN the source rejects Humanitarian Assistance from Israel or damages the Border Crossing to prevent entry of assistance. This gives the appearance that the Humanitarian Coordinator's (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) urgent call for support to meet the humanitarian needs of victims of violence in Gaza is totally the fault of Isreal.

---------------------------------------------- END ----------------------------------------------

This has gradually become an international circus, starring in the center ring, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, as classic entertainers.

Most Respectfully,
Protests are political theatre. The Palestinians have garnered considerable world attention including governments.

Oh yes, they have. A great deal of that attention revolves around the retrograde actions of the Hamas terrorists and their incitement.

It’s been quite a show. The Islamic terrorist rabble involved in another charade of threats, committing acts of war and then whining like petulant children when they’re served a humiliating loss.
Keep it up boys. If the Palestinians continue acting like Palestinians Israel will have to retake & control Gaza.
Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ "MJB12741, Sunni Man, et al,

This appeal is a deceptively simple fallacy, yet a series of compound errors.

I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!

The reasoning for the Protest (March of Return) is ambiguous because it is dependent on the agenda of the source of explanation.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on America, THEN the source claims the protect was in response to America's decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territory.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel on the complexion of the protest, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the rectifying nature of the demarcation (the border that can selectively allow traffic to flow at the discretion of the Israelis - but no real border controls on the Hostile Arab Palestinian side) between of the political entities (Israel 'v' Gaza Strip).

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the demolition of Border Infiltration tunnels that crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip are an attempt to ruin reconciliation talks.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims Israel has no right to self-defense and that the resulting casualties in the defense of the border are war crimes.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame Israel on the Humanitarian Crisis created by the Hostile Arab Palestinians, THEN the source rejects Humanitarian Assistance from Israel or damages the Border Crossing to prevent entry of assistance. This gives the appearance that the Humanitarian Coordinator's (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) urgent call for support to meet the humanitarian needs of victims of violence in Gaza is totally the fault of Isreal.

---------------------------------------------- END ----------------------------------------------

This has gradually become an international circus, starring in the center ring, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, as classic entertainers.

Most Respectfully,
Protests are political theatre. The Palestinians have garnered considerable world attention including governments.

Oh yes, they have. A great deal of that attention revolves around the retrograde actions of the Hamas terrorists and their incitement.

It’s been quite a show. The Islamic terrorist rabble involved in another charade of threats, committing acts of war and then whining like petulant children when they’re served a humiliating loss.
Haven't you played your quota of terrorist cards yet?
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists
This is nothing but Israeli bullshit and propaganda. Funny how there are no comments from Hamas itself. And the article continues with the big bullshit lie that these are rioters attacking Israel. Wrong! These are peaceful protesters expressing their outrage over the illegal and inhuman Israeli blockade.
Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away
※→ "MJB12741, Sunni Man, et al,

This appeal is a deceptively simple fallacy, yet a series of compound errors.

I can't blame the Palestinian people for rejecting Israel's sickening PR stunt.

It would be tantamount to a rapist sending flowers to his latest victim. ... :cuckoo:

Read this folks from Sunni man. Here again, a classic case of Palestinian mentality. Ya gotta love 'em. Heh Heh!

The reasoning for the Protest (March of Return) is ambiguous because it is dependent on the agenda of the source of explanation.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on America, THEN the source claims the protect was in response to America's decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the illegal occupation of Palestinian Territory.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the protest on Israel on the complexion of the protest, THEN the source claims the protest was in response to the rectifying nature of the demarcation (the border that can selectively allow traffic to flow at the discretion of the Israelis - but no real border controls on the Hostile Arab Palestinian side) between of the political entities (Israel 'v' Gaza Strip).

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims the demolition of Border Infiltration tunnels that crossed into Israel from the Gaza Strip are an attempt to ruin reconciliation talks.

---------------------------------------------- POINT ----------------------------------------------
IF the source of explanation wants to blame the violent protest on Israel, THEN the source claims Israel has no right to self-defense and that the resulting casualties in the defense of the border are war crimes.

IF the source of explanation wants to blame Israel on the Humanitarian Crisis created by the Hostile Arab Palestinians, THEN the source rejects Humanitarian Assistance from Israel or damages the Border Crossing to prevent entry of assistance. This gives the appearance that the Humanitarian Coordinator's (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) urgent call for support to meet the humanitarian needs of victims of violence in Gaza is totally the fault of Isreal.

---------------------------------------------- END ----------------------------------------------

This has gradually become an international circus, starring in the center ring, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, as classic entertainers.

Most Respectfully,
Protests are political theatre. The Palestinians have garnered considerable world attention including governments.

Oh yes, they have. A great deal of that attention revolves around the retrograde actions of the Hamas terrorists and their incitement.

It’s been quite a show. The Islamic terrorist rabble involved in another charade of threats, committing acts of war and then whining like petulant children when they’re served a humiliating loss.
Haven't you played your quota of terrorist cards yet?

I see you are employing your usual tactic of retreat.
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists
This is nothing but Israeli bullshit and propaganda. Funny how there are no comments from Hamas itself. And the article continues with the big bullshit lie that these are rioters attacking Israel. Wrong! These are peaceful protesters expressing their outrage over the illegal and inhuman Israeli blockade.[/QUOTE
To the Israel haters, this article comes with plenty of links and backup.

Two large Israeli trucks filled with humanitarian aid supplies were turned away by Hamas at the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, The Jerusalem Post reported. The aid was intended to provide relief for medical shortages following days of violent conflict on the Israel-Gaza border.

In addition to 53 tons of medical equipment set to be transported into Gaza this week via the crossing, the increased Israeli aid included more than 14,000 units of intravenous infusions, 40 medical basins, 20 medical examination couches, 25 infusion stands, 85,000 disinfectant pads and 12,500 bandages,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

From Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

Surprise: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of ‘Peaceful Protesters’ Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists @ SURPRISE: Hamas Admits Vast Majority of 'Peaceful Protesters' Killed by Israel Were Actually Terrorists
This is nothing but Israeli bullshit and propaganda. Funny how there are no comments from Hamas itself. And the article continues with the big bullshit lie that these are rioters attacking Israel. Wrong! These are peaceful protesters expressing their outrage over the illegal and inhuman Israeli blockade.

Another lie from the Pro Palestinian :ahole-1: Trying to tear down the fence, throwing rocks, hurling Malatov Cocktails as well as other weapons are “ peaceful?” Go FUCK yourself.

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