Racist Democrat More Worried About Dishonoring NFL Players Than Flag/Vets, Valls Trump a 'Racist'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee evidently is more worried about 'dishonoring' spoiled millionaire NFL Football players than disrespecting this country, our flag, our National Anthem, and the Vets who have served and sacrificed to keep that flag flying. She is obviously too stupid to realize that criticizing all NFL players who have chosen to disrespect the country by kneeling during the National Anthem is not a matter of 'Racism' - it is one of 'Patriotism'.

"Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee kneeled during a speech on the House floor Monday as a show of support for NFL players who demonstrated this weekend against President Trump.

“There is no basis in the First Amendment that says that you cannot kneel before the national anthem or in front of the flag,” Jackson Lee said during remarks on the House floor."

No one said that the 1st Amendment states an American citizen can not disrespectfully kneel during the playing of the National Anthem...but thank you for that fake argument / accusation, dear!

"Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, took issue with a speech Trump gave on Friday in which he called on NFL owners to fire players who refused to stand for the national anthem."

Just as the NFL players have a right to express their views, the President of the United States can voice his own opposition to players disrespecting the flag. A citizen does not give up their right to Free Speech just because they become President...and the President has the 'bully pulpit'.

Trump erred, IMO, with the WAY he expressed his anger for the NFL's disrespectful form of protest, using the term 'SOB' to describe Kaepernick / NFL players who kneel.

Jackson Lee, a true opportunistic and (IMO) RACIST democrat seizes the political opportunity to spin and attack, claiming the use of the term 'SOB' is 'racist'.

"Jackson Lee claimed that the “son of a bitch” remark was a racist comment by Trump.

“There is no regulation that says that these young men cannot stand against the dishonoring of their mothers by you calling them ‘fire the son of a b.’ You tell me which of those children’s mothers is a son of a b. That is racism. You cannot deny it. You cannot run for it"

By definition, a 'bitch' is 'a female dog, wolf. fox, or otter'. It is also defined as 'a difficult or unpleasant situation or thing' and - as a verb - 'to express displeasure; grumble'.

To say Rep Jackson Lee was 'reaching' by calling the use of the word 'Racist' is an under-statement. One claim it was a flat-out LIE. While doing so would take into account her hate-driven motivation and political bias it may not take into account the alternative excuse for her error - her IGNORANCE.

Racist, Rep Jackson Lee? Both whites and blacks, Asians, and others rook a knee on Sunday, and as YOU pointed out, Trump called them ALL 'SOBs'. By your own attack you undermine your own false claim of 'Racism'. She only succeeded in revealing her own racism and hate.

Rep Jackson Lee then 'took a knee' to protest Trump's comments. As it was not during the National Anthem and as her 'protest' was instead directed at President Trump - something all Americans have come to expect from Democrats, NO ONE GAVE A DAMN WHAT JACKSON LEE DID.

She would have made a far more convincing rebuke of President Trump if she would have pointed out that his comments were extremely UN-Presidential and beneath the office of the President. Instead, she 'had to go there' - accuse the President of Racism when there was none in his comment. (FYI, Rep Jackson Lee, you Liberals have so over-used the term / phrase / accusation 'Racist' that no one pays attention / listens any more. EVERYTHING Conservatives do these days is 'racist' to Democrats. It's like a knee-jerk reaction for snowflakes: 'Trump crossed the street on the wrong light, jay-walking - That is so RACIST'. Give it a rest, dear.)

Black Congresswoman Kneels During House Floor Speech, Accuses Trump Of Racism [VIDEO]
Yeah, I heard that. Trump is a racist because most of the NFL is black.

Well, then they need to fire a lot of black players and fill them with whites because the ratio shows extreme racial bias.

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