Racism Is Democrats' Top Platform....Why Is This? This Is Modern Day McCarthyism


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats say and do many things that cause chaos in this country that it makes me wonder if they're doing it on purpose or if they so stupid that they don't realize what it's doing.

Their big shtick right now is calling everyone a racist. If you don't agree with their insanity, you must be a racist. Joe Biden got a dose of it and so did Nancy Pelosi. This is a very dangerous situation here. It used to be a joke, but crazy people (Democrats included) are getting serious about it.
Used to be that throwing the race-card was a running joke. But there are too many kids that have been brainwashed in our schools that actually believe this rubbish.
What is it that Democrat Socialists are trying to do here?
In a nut-shell, they're turning our own kids against America.
This is why I know they are communists.
Russians don't need to do anything in this country where our elections are concerned because the Democrat Party is doing it already.

uly 30, 2019
The Growing Danger of Misinformed Millennials
By Lloyd Marcus

Here is an excerpt from an email from a misinformed white millennial:

Mr Marcus, as a black man, if you don't agree in part with Mr. Kaepernick, I feel bad for you. I am white, and feel that the issues facing the black community in the US from the police, legal elements, property, education are skewed, and need to be rectified. I am concerned that someone with your pulpit isn't out there helping out.​
I usually receive emails from progressives who call me an Uncle Tom stupid n***** for loving my country and not viewing myself as a victim. This well-intentioned young emailer is infected with anti-Americanism via public education and casual contact with Democrats, Hollywood, social media, and fake news media. He is a prime candidate for recruitment into a terrorist hate group like Antifa.

Everything he thinks he knows is wrong. For example: Blacks are not persecuted by police. Research data confirms that police are the greatest defenders of black lives. A Harvard study said there is zero evidence of police racial bias. The greatest threat to black lives are black criminals.

Haters of America and Trump had a cow, accusing Trump of racism, for daring to tweet the ugly truth about Baltimore which is a hellhole of crime and record black-on-black homicides. I praise God for our president's courage. Trump is making Democrats accountable for the pain, suffering, and lawlessness in cities they have controlled for decades. I say, “Right on, brother Trump. Right on!”

My young emailer believes education is skewed against blacks. The opposite is true. K-8 white students are outrageously taught they were born racist and should feel guilty for their “white privilege.” The fact that blacks drop out of school in epidemic numbers has nothing to do with white America. It has everything to do with fatherless households and an abandonment of biblical morality.

Because millennials have a different news feed than us older folks, my young emailer is probably clueless about numerous important cultural and political issues. I suspect he does not know San Francisco is so overrun with homeless people leaving piles of human excrement on the streets that maps are provided to help tourists avoid them. Dangerous diseases are resurfacing.

He probably supports Planned Parenthood not knowing that it was founded by a racist largely for the purpose of exterminating blacks. My emailer doesn't know Planned Parenthood was caught selling dead baby body parts for profit. He does not know a majority of Planned Parenthood chop shops are located in black neighborhoods.

He is probably pro-choice, not knowing that Democrats seek to extend a woman's choice to murder her baby even after the child is born.

Filling the minds of our youths with lies and hatred for our country, traditions, institutions, Trump, conservatives, and Republicans has gotten dangerously out of hand. The viral videos of angry mobs boldly attacking police with impunity places the lives of all Americans at risk. If anarchists can get away with assaulting police, it is only a matter of time before a MAGA cap wearer is killed. A while ago, radical homosexuals disrespectfully entered a Catholic church and wreaked havoc. The next step will be assassinating preachers in the pulpit for preaching the Bible. A frighteningly high number of college students believe they have the moral high ground to physically beat up people for speaking conservatism.

Anti-American progressives' tactic of hijacking the hearts and minds of youths is not new. Hitler dehumanized Jews in the minds of Germany's youths. Police and Trump supporters have been dehumanized in the minds of far too many millennials.

Progressives' domination of public education has successfully created a generation clueless to the evils of socialism. An alarming 49% of millennials favor socialism over capitalism. Youths do not know socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Socialism always leads to wealthy dictators living high on the hog while the people barely survive on crumbs.

Socialism kills the incentive to strive for excellence. It spreads mediocrity equally. A professor gave a great example of the unfairness of socialism. You're an “A” student. A classmate is an “F” student. The teacher gives both of you a “C.” That's socialism. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/07/the_growing_danger_of_misinformed_millennials.html
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You play the race card when you're deathly afraid of an intelligent discussion about the merits of your economic policies! Democrats cry RACISM because they don't want anyone examining the rest of their agenda!
Democrats say and do many things that cause chaos in this country that it makes me wonder if they're doing it on purpose or if they so stupid that they don't realize what it's doing.

Their big shtick right now is calling everyone a racist. If you don't agree with their insanity, you must be a racist. Joe Biden got a dose of it and so did Nancy Pelosi. This is a very dangerous situation here. It used to be a joke, but crazy people (Democrats included) are getting serious about it.
Used to be that throwing the race-card was a running joke. But there are too many kids that have been brainwashed in our schools that actually believe this rubbish.
What is it that Democrat Socialists are trying to do here?
In a nut-shell, they're turning our own kids against America.
This is why I know they are communists.
Russians don't need to do anything in this country because the Democrat Party is doing it already.

uly 30, 2019
The Growing Danger of Misinformed Millennials
By Lloyd Marcus

Here is an excerpt from an email from a misinformed white millennial:

Mr Marcus, as a black man, if you don't agree in part with Mr. Kaepernick, I feel bad for you. I am white, and feel that the issues facing the black community in the US from the police, legal elements, property, education are skewed, and need to be rectified. I am concerned that someone with your pulpit isn't out there helping out.​
I usually receive emails from progressives who call me an Uncle Tom stupid n***** for loving my country and not viewing myself as a victim. This well-intentioned young emailer is infected with anti-Americanism via public education and casual contact with Democrats, Hollywood, social media, and fake news media. He is a prime candidate for recruitment into a terrorist hate group like Antifa.

Everything he thinks he knows is wrong. For example: Blacks are not persecuted by police. Research data confirms that police are the greatest defenders of black lives. A Harvard study said there is zero evidence of police racial bias. The greatest threat to black lives are black criminals.

Haters of America and Trump had a cow, accusing Trump of racism, for daring to tweet the ugly truth about Baltimore which is a hellhole of crime and record black-on-black homicides. I praise God for our president's courage. Trump is making Democrats accountable for the pain, suffering, and lawlessness in cities they have controlled for decades. I say, “Right on, brother Trump. Right on!”

My young emailer believes education is skewed against blacks. The opposite is true. K-8 white students are outrageously taught they were born racist and should feel guilty for their “white privilege.” The fact that blacks drop out of school in epidemic numbers has nothing to do with white America. It has everything to do with fatherless households and an abandonment of biblical morality.

Because millennials have a different news feed than us older folks, my young emailer is probably clueless about numerous important cultural and political issues. I suspect he does not know San Francisco is so overrun with homeless people leaving piles of human excrement on the streets that maps are provided to help tourists avoid them. Dangerous diseases are resurfacing.

He probably supports Planned Parenthood not knowing that it was founded by a racist largely for the purpose of exterminating blacks. My emailer doesn't know Planned Parenthood was caught selling dead baby body parts for profit. He does not know a majority of Planned Parenthood chop shops are located in black neighborhoods.

He is probably pro-choice, not knowing that Democrats seek to extend a woman's choice to murder her baby even after the child is born.

Filling the minds of our youths with lies and hatred for our country, traditions, institutions, Trump, conservatives, and Republicans has gotten dangerously out of hand. The viral videos of angry mobs boldly attacking police with impunity places the lives of all Americans at risk. If anarchists can get away with assaulting police, it is only a matter of time before a MAGA cap wearer is killed. A while ago, radical homosexuals disrespectfully entered a Catholic church and wreaked havoc. The next step will be assassinating preachers in the pulpit for preaching the Bible. A frighteningly high number of college students believe they have the moral high ground to physically beat up people for speaking conservatism.

Anti-American progressives' tactic of hijacking the hearts and minds of youths is not new. Hitler dehumanized Jews in the minds of Germany's youths. Police and Trump supporters have been dehumanized in the minds of far too many millennials.

Progressives' domination of public education has successfully created a generation clueless to the evils of socialism. An alarming 49% of millennials favor socialism over capitalism. Youths do not know socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Socialism always leads to wealthy dictators living high on the hog while the people barely survive on crumbs.

Socialism kills the incentive to strive for excellence. It spreads mediocrity equally. A professor gave a great example of the unfairness of socialism. You're an “A” student. A classmate is an “F” student. The teacher gives both of you a “C.” That's socialism. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/07/the_growing_danger_of_misinformed_millennials.html
I think part of the problem for the Dems is the genius of Trump. His tweets are viewed by many, rightly or wrongly, as racist and that means he keeps the national conversation focused on that topic. The winning card the Dems have is health care but Trump won't allow them to focus on it because he keeps the conversation on race. Genius.
They having been doing this for years. The left doesn't even want to entertain ideas that could make them stray from their pre-programmed ideology. That would mean that they *gasp* could be wrong and, God forbid, they can't have that. Calling someone racist is their way of changing the subject. It is intellectually dishonest, but since when have Democrats cared about intellectual honesty?
You play the race card when you're deathly afraid of an intelligent discussion about the merits of your economic policies! Democrats cry RACISM because they don't want anyone examining the rest of their agenda!
I think it's more nefarious.
They want Nazis to come out of the woodwork and start shooting people....so they can take our guns.
What they're doing instead is making everyone hate America and each other.
But Trump’s advisers had concluded after the previous tweets that the overall message sent by such attacks is good for the president among his political base — resonating strongly with the white working-class voters he needs to win reelection in 2020.
What the left is doing is causing hatred and division by defending the indefensible.

Let's recap this month's top issues:

  • Kamala Harris scores points by calling Joe Biden a racist during the debates
  • Colin Kapernick calls the Betsy Ross flag racist
  • AOC calls Nancy Pelosi a racist because she feels she is working her too hard
  • Trump calls out anyone who comes to this country from a Shithole nation, yet dares to complain about America, (not naming names) and 4 idiots self-identified themselves by calling a press conference calling him a racist
  • Elijah Cummings screams at ICE officials about poor conditions at detention centers he never witnessed himself, calling those official racist
  • Trump tells Cummings to fix the rat infestation in his own district before he tries to Virtue-Signal at hearings
  • The media immediately jumps to Cummings defense defending the rats, the bugs, and the high murder rate that exists in Baltimore, labeling anyone who is critical of it is a racist
  • AL Sharpton claims that Trump means blacks when he was talking about infestations

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