'Racial Trauma' Isn't Real. The Epidemic of Fatherlessness Is


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
You can trace this back to Johnson's 'Great Society' programs IMO, which replaced dad with a government paycheck.
It took years, but we have now been seeing the fallout for quite some time now.

"Racial trauma." It's one of the Left's favorite buzzwords in 2023 America, from the mainstream media to government doctrine. Americans are led to believe that black people are coping with mental and emotional injuries due to lingering systemic racism.

According to white and black "experts," there is "no cure" for the effects of the pervasive discrimination that exists today. And racial trauma is more common than people think, or so we're told. It is a belief championed by none other than President Joe Biden himself, who proclaimed "white supremacy" the most dangerous threat to our homeland at a Howard University commencement address earlier this year.

You can trace this back to Johnson's 'Great Society' programs IMO, which replaced dad with a government paycheck.
It took years, but we have now been seeing the fallout for quite some time now.

Let's listen to the White boy talk about "racial trauma."

You can trace this back to Johnson's 'Great Society' programs IMO, which replaced dad with a government paycheck.
It took years, but we have now been seeing the fallout for quite some time now.

Larry Elder is a moron. Your parents not being married isn't the same thing as you being fatherlessness but this dumb Bingo can't seem to put two and two together. 😄
Blacks who represent 13-ish % of the population -- factually comprise the highest levels of:

  • Violent criminal activities
  • Highest percentage of single-mother households
  • Highest percentage of fatherless homes
  • High percentage of uneducated graduates in math, reading and writing (e.g. Baltimore)
Actually the link is about Larry Elder talking about racism... dumbass

Don't worry, they will call this racist, even though the point of the article is to discuss a serious issue in black culture and family life.

Real racists would follow said post with "keep it up", not "we need to fix this"
They don't. Marriage rates aren't the same thing as fatherlessness. Does getting divorced make your children fatherless? 😄
Not having your father around, an epidemic in the black families of America, I’d what makes the, fatherless. Why are you defending bad parents so vigorously.
Not having your father around, an epidemic in the black families of America, I’d what makes the, fatherless. Why are you defending dead beat dads so vigorously.
It's not. What we have an epidemic of is ignorant whites and their uncle Tom's spouting of racist tropes rednecks who don't know better.
You can trace this back to Johnson's 'Great Society' programs IMO, which replaced dad with a government paycheck.
It took years, but we have now been seeing the fallout for quite some time now.

Fake news....Newsweek my butt, its RW fraud liar Larry Elder.
We should try having a fair country instead of a giveaway to the rich GOP screw job. The worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere, with absolutely NOT health care for all cheap college and training great infrastructure daycare living wage, alone of all modern countries and we are the richest. Change the damn channel GOP fools.....

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