Racial profiling being committed by those......preaching about racial profiling!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've found it ironic lately about the rage that has arisen in the Arizona contraversy. Whiny lefties are crying "The cops are just going to racially profile immigrants now!!!". They claim, although the law doesn't allow it, that cops will racially profile immigrants.

Here is the irony, which the left of course never grasps: Those whiny lefties are saying that they fear a cop will assume illegal immigrants are all Hispanic, thus profiling Hispanics as targets. And that same leftie is saying this.....because he assumes all illegal immigrants are Hispanic, thus creating the possibility for racial profiling.

Get it? They say the profiling will occur on Hispanics because the cops will assume all illegals are Hispanics.......and they are sure this will lead to profiling because they also assume most illegals are Hispanic.

Ironic, huh? If the average anti-enforcement lefty was NOT racially profiling, they would not be crying about possible profiling, because they would not see any chance for it to occur. They ONLY reason lefties are whining that a race is going to be profiled is because that same leftie, in his mind, has already profiled most illegals as being of a certain race.

The hypocrisy of the left never stops amusing me.
Are you drunk every weekend?

Yes. Add 5 more days and I'll be as drunk as most illegal aliens.

But seriously, is that you only comeback? Do you disagree? Unless a person has a preconcieved notion of one race being guilty of a certain crime, then how can they fathom that a cop would have the same notion?

Anyone that says a cop will profile illegals in Arizona is themselves profiling illegals. If not, then what would make them think Hispanics will be profiled??????????????
The other profiling is assuming every law enforcement officer wants to harass potential illegal immigrants versus protecting and serving the public. They expect every perp to get a beating and a civil rights violation.

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