Quit Smoking

I've found a way to continue to smoke while keeping my lungs free from the smoke.

When I take a buff of smoke I hold it in my mouth breathing in from my nose. Then I just blow out the smoke getting the nicotine.
Abbey Normal said:
Jim, almost a week now- how is it going?

I'm afraid miserably. I was 100% smoke free for about 48 hours. There was no way I was wearing the patch to bed, I learned my lesson with that a few years back. I'll save my dreams and hallucinations for better drugs!

Because of that, as I placed the patch on early in the morning I would grab a quick smoke as I was dying for one after no nicotine overnight. Also, I would take it off about 1 1/2 hours before bedtime and have a quickie before hitting the bed.

Stress got the best of me and I removed that patch the day before yesterday as if it was a leech attacking me! I swear it was sucking the life out of me.

Now I have no job AND no will power. No money. No wife. No self esteem & no life. In short, I'm a loser. Just call me George Costanza. "I'm unemployed and I live with my parents!"

But I still have all my wonderful friends at the USMB. :laugh:

I'll pass around the collection plate!

So, I started with the patch, 21mg. I put it on before I went to bed and took it off about six hours before I went to sleep. Replaced the smokes with blow-pops. Dropped to 14mg patch three weeks in. I had the dreams. I had the itching around the patch spot. I was exactly where you were and ready to rip off the patch and give up when my son introduced me to this.

Alur Vapor

The Slik. A vape. No patch. No blow-pops. Just the Slik. Been smoke free for over four months, and I was a pack a day non-filter Camel smoker. That was a $250 month habit replaced with a $35 dollar device. The juice is $25 and lasts all month even with my sons bumming hits when they visit. You have to replace the coils about twice a month, they are ten bucks for two.
The biggest mistake people make is thinking they can have just one or two cigs once and awhile after they have quit.

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