Question for independents, libertarians about dems taxing the rich talk


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
I think I've got a pretty good comparison for this, let me know what you think.

For democrats, saying they want the rich taxed more is like what republicans do when they talk about how they'll outlaw abortions.

As we see when democrats had power, they just continued the status quo tax system, just like when republicans continue the status quo abortion laws.

It's all just a talking point, with zero substance yet their followers don't notice it. Seems quite miraculous to me.

Don't hear me wrong, I don't want taxes raised on the rich. I want them decreased on everyone, just pointing out the lie that democrat politicians want taxes raised on the rich.
I don't know that it's a lie. Bill Clinton actually did raise the income tax on the wealthy. Bush did sign a partial birth abortion bill.
and republicans and tea party clowns insisted no new taxes.

remember your Norquist pledge?
The Democrat politicians know better than to tax the rich... they use the rich as a scapegoat... they need to deflect and blame - because otherwise their sheep will realize what a total fucking clusterfuck their President has been.

Not that the right are much better. But... call me naive... I do have a vague hope that Romney might - just - if we are very, very lucky - be able to stabilize the economy.
The end result is that the rich start leaving. They leave, then they renounce their citizenship and pay no taxes at all.

James Cameron is moving to New Zealand. What's interesting is that he says he is leaving because of the "unrest" to come.
I don't know that it's a lie. Bill Clinton actually did raise the income tax on the wealthy. Bush did sign a partial birth abortion bill.

I'm talking about the current crop of dems, their actions did the opposite of their words.

Partial birth abortion bill, i can't see how that had any impact on normal abortions.
The end result is that the rich start leaving. They leave, then they renounce their citizenship and pay no taxes at all.

James Cameron is moving to New Zealand. What's interesting is that he says he is leaving because of the "unrest" to come.

Dems aren't going to raise taxes on themselves and on people they get their bribes from.
you are starting to become enlightened.

the only difference between the 2 parties is rhetoric.

an oligarchy runs this country.
For democrats, saying they want the rich taxed more is like what republicans do when they talk about how they'll outlaw abortions.

the flaw I see is that certain levels of taxation (I'm 100% against any income tax) are necessary for government function. So the gubmint does have some leverage in taxing the populace. Of course, our govt. is out of control on spending which is how we ended up 15 trillion and rising in the hole.

Abortion, is not a government function what so ever and therefore is ONLY a talking point that will never make it into a legislation. It shouldn't even be a talking point at all federal govt. politics.

tax increase do happen. Abortion legislation never will happen.
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The end result is that the rich start leaving. They leave, then they renounce their citizenship and pay no taxes at all.

James Cameron is moving to New Zealand. What's interesting is that he says he is leaving because of the "unrest" to come.

Dems aren't going to raise taxes on themselves and on people they get their bribes from.

Some democrats see that they are losing control of socialism.
For democrats, saying they want the rich taxed more is like what republicans do when they talk about how they'll outlaw abortions.

the flaw I see is that certain levels of taxation (I'm 100% against any income tax) are necessary for government function. So the gubmint does have some leverage in taxing the populace. Of course, our govt. is out of control on spending which is how we ended up 15 trillion and rising in the hole.

Abortion, is not a government function what so ever and therefore is ONLY a talking point that will never make it into a legislation. It shouldn't even be a talking point at all federal govt. politics.

tax increase do happen. Abortion legislation never will happen.

Health care isn't, nominally, a government function either - but we see what's going on there.

Regarding the OP, I think it's largely an indication that both major parties exist primarily in the service of the status-quo. Neither has much genuine interest in rocking the boat, even as they are advertising to voters who do.
The end result is that the rich start leaving. They leave, then they renounce their citizenship and pay no taxes at all.

James Cameron is moving to New Zealand. What's interesting is that he says he is leaving because of the "unrest" to come.

Dems aren't going to raise taxes on themselves and on people they get their bribes from.

Some democrats see that they are losing control of socialism.

They might increase taxes and fees elsewhere, and they'll certainly increase spending regardless of revenues brought in but I'm very confident they won't raise taxes on ppl who line their pockets and themselves.
The Democrat politicians know better than to tax the rich... they use the rich as a scapegoat... they need to deflect and blame - because otherwise their sheep will realize what a total fucking clusterfuck their President has been.

Not that the right are much better. But... call me naive... I do have a vague hope that Romney might - just - if we are very, very lucky - be able to stabilize the economy.
I don't think we're going to be that lucky...and your first instinct sounds correct.

We're only talking about a 4% increase on personal income taxes for the wealthy. I'm not in favor of any tax increases myself. I think we need to make the cuts in social security, medicare, and defense neccessary to carve out significant chunks of the deficit. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans will do that.

The Obama presidency hasn't been a clusterfuck. The competitiveness of the average American worker from a global perspective is where the clusterfuck resides. You can blame Obama all you want for not digging us out of a hole, but Americans know he didn't create the hole. Obama's approval numbers are higher than all of the Republican candidiates and everyone in congress
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Health care isn't, nominally, a government function either - but we see what's going on there.
My response was to the OPs comparison. No, healthcare is not a government function. Neither is education.
Each side is only Ppandering to their base to maintain control, then they blame the other party when their supposed agenda goes unfulfilled. If either side wins they both lose because the war is over and people will find new issues to contest. Divide and conquer.
and republicans and tea party clowns insisted no new taxes.

remember your Norquist pledge?

Yes shitface we remember.. tea party Taxed Enough Already.. Levy some fucking taxes on those who pay ZERO federal income tax or stfu. whydoncya?
The end result is that the rich start leaving. They leave, then they renounce their citizenship and pay no taxes at all.

James Cameron is moving to New Zealand. What's interesting is that he says he is leaving because of the "unrest" to come.

I'm betting that Cameron, being a Hollywood dude,, is a libtard too.
For democrats, saying they want the rich taxed more is like what republicans do when they talk about how they'll outlaw abortions.

the flaw I see is that certain levels of taxation (I'm 100% against any income tax) are necessary for government function. So the gubmint does have some leverage in taxing the populace. Of course, our govt. is out of control on spending which is how we ended up 15 trillion and rising in the hole.

Abortion, is not a government function what so ever and therefore is ONLY a talking point that will never make it into a legislation. It shouldn't even be a talking point at all federal govt. politics.

tax increase do happen. Abortion legislation never will happen.

Health care isn't, nominally, a government function either - but we see what's going on there.

Regarding the OP, I think it's largely an indication that both major parties exist primarily in the service of the status-quo. Neither has much genuine interest in rocking the boat, even as they are advertising to voters who do.

The health care bill was an increase in taxes, they just aren't calling them taxes, but it's most definitely wealth redistribution. notice the unions got waivers?
Talk about low information voters.


Since the 80's tax rates have gone down.
Look at the INCOME tax rate in the 50's! It was 90%! NINETY PERCENT!

The rich have seen their income tax SLASHED from 90% in the 60's to just over 35 % today.
Capital gains taxes have been SLASHED from around 35% in the 60's to under 15% today.

Now, perhaps some conservatives could explain to us all how HIGH TAX RATES from the 40's through the early 80's coincided with the BEST TIME in our nation's history for the middle class and LOW taxes for the last 30 years have been accompanied by deficits, stagnant wages and one of the WORST times for the middle class?

So when I hear people COMPLAIN about how HIGH taxes are, it makes me think they are ignorant fools who don't know any better.
Talk about low information voters.


Since the 80's tax rates have gone down.
Look at the INCOME tax rate in the 50's! It was 90%! NINETY PERCENT!

The rich have seen their income tax SLASHED from 90% in the 60's to just over 35 % today.
Capital gains taxes have been SLASHED from around 35% in the 60's to under 15% today.

Now, perhaps some conservatives could explain to us all how HIGH TAX RATES from the 40's through the early 80's coincided with the BEST TIME in our nation's history for the middle class and LOW taxes for the last 30 years have been accompanied by deficits, stagnant wages and one of the WORST times for the middle class?

So when I hear people COMPLAIN about how HIGH taxes are, it makes me think they are ignorant fools who don't know any better.

I see you missed the whole premise of the thread.

It's about how democrat voters are buying into the lie that democrat politicians want to raise taxes on the wealthy, when their actions do the exact opposite. Same with reps and abortion.

So sure you may want taxes raised on the rich, but democrats aren't going to do it. Don't go by lip service, go by actions.

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