Question For All You Male Leftists That Still Believe Trannys Are Real Women

I have a question specifically for the male leftists who say trannys are really women.

Would you date one and would you have sex with one?

If not, I doubt your sincerity.
No, you have a straw man fallacy – and your thread premise fails as a consequence; it’s as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Unlike conservative men, liberal men are neither afraid of, nor obsessed with, transgender Americans.
I have a question specifically for the male leftists who say trannys are really women.

Would you date one and would you have sex with one?

If not, I doubt your sincerity.
No, you have a straw man fallacy – and your thread premise fails as a consequence; it’s as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Unlike conservative men, liberal men are neither afraid of, nor obsessed with, transgender Americans.
Bullshit...they are almost uniformly leftist. Own your trannies, Clayton. They're all yours.

What kind of open minded left winger are you? What if the tranny loved you with all it's heart? Rocks your world with its scrotgina? What if it could cook you the best meals you ever had? They're said so yourself.

Is it the big veiny hands that turn you off or the Adam's apple?

If I didn't know you, I'd swear you were a right wing bigot Republican.
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You'd prefer they didn't pick the most qualified candidate if it that person happened to be a transgender?
Yes. A tranny is only qualified for a straight jacket and a padded room.
I suspect the vast majority of transgenders want only to live in peace. But you'd lock up anyone you believe has a mental illness regardless of whether they are dangerous or not? That is so absurd I think even you don't believe what you wrote.

Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially
  2. : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Definition of obsession
  1. : a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal
  2. : someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently
You'd prefer they didn't pick the most qualified candidate if it that person happened to be a transgender?
Yes. A tranny is only qualified for a straight jacket and a padded room.
I suspect the vast majority of transgenders want only to live in peace. But you'd lock up anyone you believe has a mental illness regardless of whether they are dangerous or not? That is so absurd I think even you don't believe what you wrote.

Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially
  2. : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Definition of obsession
  1. : a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal
  2. : someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently
The reason why I would want them in mental institutions is they need help to snap out of their delusions. They are not fit for society and leadership roles while in their delusions.

I think the psychiatrists and surgeons who perform the operations should be in prison for life for taking advantage of these sick people for a profit. That kind of usery is not justifiable.
You'd prefer they didn't pick the most qualified candidate if it that person happened to be a transgender?
Yes. A tranny is only qualified for a straight jacket and a padded room.
I suspect the vast majority of transgenders want only to live in peace. But you'd lock up anyone you believe has a mental illness regardless of whether they are dangerous or not? That is so absurd I think even you don't believe what you wrote.

Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially
  2. : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Definition of obsession
  1. : a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal
  2. : someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently
I don't care about being called a bigot. Leftists are bigotted towards big whoop.
The reason why I would want them in mental institutions is they need help to snap out of their delusions. They are not fit for society and leadership roles while in their delusions.
So you'd lock up everyone who doesn't think like you do? What a wonderful world that would be (although taxes might be high).

You seem to think you are somehow qualified to diagnose and treat mental illness. Do you have some kind of training? If not some might say you suffer from delusions and should be locked up.
The reason why I would want them in mental institutions is they need help to snap out of their delusions. They are not fit for society and leadership roles while in their delusions.
So you'd lock up everyone who doesn't think like you do? What a wonderful world that would be (although taxes might be high).

You seem to think you are somehow qualified to diagnose and treat mental illness. Do you have some kind of training? If not some might say you suffer from delusions and should be locked up.
Nice giant leap from what I actually said. I didn't say lock everyone up who doesn't think like me, did I?

If you want to have a discussion, cool....but don't just make up shit.
The reason why I would want them in mental institutions is they need help to snap out of their delusions. They are not fit for society and leadership roles while in their delusions.
So you'd lock up everyone who doesn't think like you do? What a wonderful world that would be (although taxes might be high).

You seem to think you are somehow qualified to diagnose and treat mental illness. Do you have some kind of training? If not some might say you suffer from delusions and should be locked up.
Nice giant leap from what I actually said. I didn't say lock everyone up who doesn't think like me, did I?

If you want to have a discussion, cool....but don't just make up shit.
My apologies but it seemed to be what you implied. Where did I go awry? Is it only transgender people you'd institutionalize or are there others? Gays? Drag Queens? S&M? Fetishists?

You said they are deluded, is that your opinion or is that the consensus of the medical profession? You said they are not fit for society, is that your opinion or is that the consensus of the medical profession? Since you haven't claimed to be a medical profession nor provided any links where the medical community shares your diagnoses, I can only assume these are your opinions.
I have a question specifically for the male leftists who say trannys are really women.

Would you date one and would you have sex with one?

If not, I doubt your sincerity.
I'm willing to say no to both.

What do you mean by "really women"? If you mean do they have the biology of a women then the answer is obviously no. If you mean do they honestly think of themselves as women then the answer is certainly yes. As far as I'm concerned, if you honestly think of yourself as woman you should use the woman's restroom. If you think of yourself as man and want to use the woman's restroom to watch girls pee you're a pervert and should not be allowed in.
It's really not complicated nor is it a big deal.

And my question would be, how do you tell which is which? If a 6'5" 300 black man with a beard down to his belly says " I feel like a woman" and uses the women's restroom, how do you determine whether he really FEELS like a female, or whether he's just a perv? The answer, obviously, is that you have no idea except to take his word for it.

I totally get what you are saying, but in terms of PUBLIC bathrooms, ALL citizens have the right to equal protection of the law. You can not have "separate but equal" that is solid doctrine in our legal system. A bathroom law that ensures one group of people can be comfortable in a pubic bathroom while another group does NOT have the protection to be comfortable is in fact a policy of separate but equal.

The ONLY logical option is a third NON GENDER bathroom, and bathrooms that are gender specific, not feelings based.
You don't understand the impact of supporting a movement like this. It doesn't just affect the individuals...obviously. We wouldn't be having this convoy if that were the case.

If transgender individuals make it everyone's business or Obama...which is the case at the moment...decides to make it everyone's business...then we have the right to object.
I don't think your objections make sense but I'd fight for your right to raise them. I guess I don't see the impact and in fact I don't think it should be anyone's business if that person in women's clothes in the ladies room has a Y chromosome or not.

Again, you are not understanding the impact of this. In both the Charlotte law, and in the decree from on high at the White House, there is ZERO requirements for a guy to be dressed in girl's clothes to use the girl's restroom. A big burly lumberjack with a huge beard in flannel and jeans could say "yep, I feel like a woman today" and use the girl's restroom.
Again, you are not understanding the impact of this. In both the Charlotte law, and in the decree from on high at the White House, there is ZERO requirements for a guy to be dressed in girl's clothes to use the girl's restroom. A big burly lumberjack with a huge beard in flannel and jeans could say "yep, I feel like a woman today" and use the girl's restroom.
Depending on what state you live in, your lumberjack doesn't have to feel like a woman to use the girl's restroom. Many states don't have specific laws governing the use of restrooms so he is usually doing nothing illegal. If there are complaints, he may be charged with a public nuisance crime.

This is why many people believe his law is only meant to discriminate against a small group of people who already suffer plenty of abuse. Furthermore, it is a solution in search of a problem.
Again, you are not understanding the impact of this. In both the Charlotte law, and in the decree from on high at the White House, there is ZERO requirements for a guy to be dressed in girl's clothes to use the girl's restroom. A big burly lumberjack with a huge beard in flannel and jeans could say "yep, I feel like a woman today" and use the girl's restroom.
Depending on what state you live in, your lumberjack doesn't have to feel like a woman to use the girl's restroom. Many states don't have specific laws governing the use of restrooms so he is usually doing nothing illegal. If there are complaints, he may be charged with a public nuisance crime.

This is why many people believe his law is only meant to discriminate against a small group of people who already suffer plenty of abuse. Furthermore, it is a solution in search of a problem.

You're correct, the laws saying you must allow "trannies" to use whichever bathroom they want are solutions in search of a problem.

Among other things.
The ONLY logical option is a third NON GENDER bathroom, and bathrooms that are gender specific, not feelings based.
Logical maybe, but not practical.

Of course it's practical. MOST public buildings have multiple bathrooms already (and by public I mean government owned, private businesses should be free to set their own policies) just take down the gender sign from one or two bathrooms and make them gender neutral, bam done.

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