Question For All You Male Leftists That Still Believe Trannys Are Real Women

The ONLY logical option is a third NON GENDER bathroom, and bathrooms that are gender specific, not feelings based.
Logical maybe, but not practical.

Of course it's practical. MOST public buildings have multiple bathrooms already (and by public I mean government owned, private businesses should be free to set their own policies) just take down the gender sign from one or two bathrooms and make them gender neutral, bam done.
And so your stance of a third restroom is the closest to a non-discriminatory solution to the situation.

You and I bump heads a lot, but when you're're right. And in this case...I think you have presented the best solution to this issue.

Well done, O'Reilly!
The ONLY logical option is a third NON GENDER bathroom, and bathrooms that are gender specific, not feelings based.
Logical maybe, but not practical.

Of course it's practical. MOST public buildings have multiple bathrooms already (and by public I mean government owned, private businesses should be free to set their own policies) just take down the gender sign from one or two bathrooms and make them gender neutral, bam done.
I'd guess many National Parks, post offices, military barracks, etc., will require an additional facility to be constructed. Do you really think our Congress will increase taxes to pay for all that construction? I for one don't want my taxes spent this way.
You're correct, the laws saying you must allow "trannies" to use whichever bathroom they want are solutions in search of a problem.

Among other things.

Did the Charlotte law even mention restrooms or was it just enacted to prevent general discrimination and the state legislature then decided democracy in America was not such a good thing.

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