Q3 GDP Growth Pushed Up to 2.7%

When the Northeast is in flood stage, then personal consumption spending tends to drop. When the Farm Belt is in dought, then virtually all spending stops. That is two major diasters, one a lingering and on-going disaster. The drought was all third quarter long.

That aside, how my own post became interpreted, somehow full of Conservative talking points, and then everyone else is posting conservative: Suggests a kind of parrot-poster, babbling about for food.

We see this a lot, on Venice Beach, in California. Some of them actually even have feathers. . .different from the ones who mainly wear. . .the feathers.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Warrior, Runny-Nose-Wiping-Face-In-Shirt-Sleeve: Now even seeking brand new vision, for new-brand name--like many at RNC(?)!)
As shown above, Sandy did not hit until the fourth quarter. So 3 quarter personal consumption drops did not occur due to the storm. Or even in a small part. It's the quarter.

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