Q:How badly is govt-sponsored education failing? A: A significant number are voting for a socialist!

All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

by Robert Fulghum
Most of what I really need
To know about how to live
And what to do and how to be
I learned in kindergarten.
Wisdom was not at the top
Of the graduate school mountain,
But there in the sandpile at Sunday school.

These are the things I learned:

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life -
Learn some and think some
And draw and paint and sing and dance
And play and work everyday some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world,
Watch out for traffic,
Hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
There's not much that bothers me more than the misinformed opinion that government-sponsored schools are brainwashing camps. If teaching decency, fairness and tolerance are wrong, if teaching history from BOTH the winning and losing sides is wrong, if teaching kids not to bully the gay kid, or the fat kid or the not-so-smart kid is wrong, then something is wrong with what we call 'right.'

In my experience, many critics of school curriculum haven't even read or listened to what is being taught, just as individuals screeching about certain books being taught have frequently not read them. I actually know about the common core curriculum, and it doesn't anywhere specify textbooks or math methods or what content has to be taught. It's all about higher expectations for higher-level thinking skills to prepare students for an increasingly changing world. Curriculums, text books and the standardized assessments are entirely chosen at the state and local levels.

There is nothing wrong with the Three-R's; they're fundamental. But even in IceWeasel's day, we were taught the values of our teachers and our society the way kids everywhere always are. He just didn't notice. Education CAN be brainwashing, but common core standards encourage kids to analyze the 'facts' they're given and to think for themselves. I don't actually care if common core is adopted in all states, and I predict there will be other "common cores" in the future. What I do care about is people learning about what they're trashing before they open their mouths.​
There's not much that bothers me more than the misinformed opinion that government-sponsored schools are brainwashing camps. If teaching decency, fairness and tolerance are wrong, if teaching history from BOTH the winning and losing sides is wrong, if teaching kids not to bully the gay kid, or the fat kid or the not-so-smart kid is wrong, then something is wrong with what we call 'right.'

In my experience, many critics of school curriculum haven't even read or listened to what is being taught, just as individuals screeching about certain books being taught have frequently not read them. I actually know about the common core curriculum, and it doesn't anywhere specify textbooks or math methods or what content has to be taught. It's all about higher expectations for higher-level thinking skills to prepare students for an increasingly changing world. Curriculums, text books and the standardized assessments are entirely chosen at the state and local levels.

There is nothing wrong with the Three-R's; they're fundamental. But even in IceWeasel's day, we were taught the values of our teachers and our society the way kids everywhere always are. He just didn't notice. Education CAN be brainwashing, but common core standards encourage kids to analyze the 'facts' they're given and to think for themselves. I don't actually care if common core is adopted in all states, and I predict there will be other "common cores" in the future. What I do care about is people learning about what they're trashing before they open their mouths.​
You just said what the problem was then you turned around and blamed people for being ignorant! Shame on you. People don't send their children to go to church. Schools should be focusing on academics, not social order and morality.

You are a lying smarmy asshole. I went to many schools, what do you mean I didn't notice? Your head is buried so far up your condescending ass you have no clue what the real world is. The FACT is that the further we have gone down this road the farther the US falls in academic standards. Good job oldlady (lady? lol at that part) and the libs, you are turning us into a nation of touchy feely ignorants that can't compete on the world stage.

There's not much that bothers me more than the misinformed opinion that government-sponsored schools are brainwashing camps. If teaching decency, fairness and tolerance are wrong, if teaching history from BOTH the winning and losing sides is wrong, if teaching kids not to bully the gay kid, or the fat kid or the not-so-smart kid is wrong, then something is wrong with what we call 'right.'

In my experience, many critics of school curriculum haven't even read or listened to what is being taught, just as individuals screeching about certain books being taught have frequently not read them. I actually know about the common core curriculum, and it doesn't anywhere specify textbooks or math methods or what content has to be taught. It's all about higher expectations for higher-level thinking skills to prepare students for an increasingly changing world. Curriculums, text books and the standardized assessments are entirely chosen at the state and local levels.

There is nothing wrong with the Three-R's; they're fundamental. But even in IceWeasel's day, we were taught the values of our teachers and our society the way kids everywhere always are. He just didn't notice. Education CAN be brainwashing, but common core standards encourage kids to analyze the 'facts' they're given and to think for themselves. I don't actually care if common core is adopted in all states, and I predict there will be other "common cores" in the future. What I do care about is people learning about what they're trashing before they open their mouths.​
You just said what the problem was then you turned around and blamed people for being ignorant! Shame on you. People don't send their children to go to church. Schools should be focusing on academics, not social order and morality.

You are a lying smarmy asshole. I went to many schools, what do you mean I didn't notice? Your head is buried so far up your condescending ass you have no clue what the real world is. The FACT is that the further we have gone down this road the farther the US falls in academic standards. Good job oldlady (lady? lol at that part) and the libs, you are turning us into a nation of touchy feely ignorants that can't compete on the world stage.

That is part of what the emphasis on more flexible thinking skills/common core standards is about. I'd give a nickel to know what REALLY gets you so ticked off about education. Not even the Dick and Jane readers could put someone into this much of a froth.
There's not much that bothers me more than the misinformed opinion that government-sponsored schools are brainwashing camps. If teaching decency, fairness and tolerance are wrong, if teaching history from BOTH the winning and losing sides is wrong, if teaching kids not to bully the gay kid, or the fat kid or the not-so-smart kid is wrong, then something is wrong with what we call 'right.'

In my experience, many critics of school curriculum haven't even read or listened to what is being taught, just as individuals screeching about certain books being taught have frequently not read them. I actually know about the common core curriculum, and it doesn't anywhere specify textbooks or math methods or what content has to be taught. It's all about higher expectations for higher-level thinking skills to prepare students for an increasingly changing world. Curriculums, text books and the standardized assessments are entirely chosen at the state and local levels.

There is nothing wrong with the Three-R's; they're fundamental. But even in IceWeasel's day, we were taught the values of our teachers and our society the way kids everywhere always are. He just didn't notice. Education CAN be brainwashing, but common core standards encourage kids to analyze the 'facts' they're given and to think for themselves. I don't actually care if common core is adopted in all states, and I predict there will be other "common cores" in the future. What I do care about is people learning about what they're trashing before they open their mouths.​
You just said what the problem was then you turned around and blamed people for being ignorant! Shame on you. People don't send their children to go to church. Schools should be focusing on academics, not social order and morality.

You are a lying smarmy asshole. I went to many schools, what do you mean I didn't notice? Your head is buried so far up your condescending ass you have no clue what the real world is. The FACT is that the further we have gone down this road the farther the US falls in academic standards. Good job oldlady (lady? lol at that part) and the libs, you are turning us into a nation of touchy feely ignorants that can't compete on the world stage.

That is part of what the emphasis on more flexible thinking skills/common core standards is about. I'd give a nickel to know what REALLY gets you so ticked off about education. Not even the Dick and Jane readers could put someone into this much of a froth.
You are an insulting asshole. I will insult you in turn. You are constantly telling me how inferior, backwards and emotional I am so I will continue to to point out that you are full of shit and wrong on every level. I said exactly what's wrong, when you see the word academics you apparently see blood red. Sorry, but your type is responsible for the above chart, not me.
All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

by Robert Fulghum
Most of what I really need
To know about how to live
And what to do and how to be
I learned in kindergarten.
Wisdom was not at the top
Of the graduate school mountain,
But there in the sandpile at Sunday school.

These are the things I learned:

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life -
Learn some and think some
And draw and paint and sing and dance
And play and work everyday some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world,
Watch out for traffic,
Hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
There's not much that bothers me more than the misinformed opinion that government-sponsored schools are brainwashing camps. If teaching decency, fairness and tolerance are wrong, if teaching history from BOTH the winning and losing sides is wrong, if teaching kids not to bully the gay kid, or the fat kid or the not-so-smart kid is wrong, then something is wrong with what we call 'right.'

In my experience, many critics of school curriculum haven't even read or listened to what is being taught, just as individuals screeching about certain books being taught have frequently not read them. I actually know about the common core curriculum, and it doesn't anywhere specify textbooks or math methods or what content has to be taught. It's all about higher expectations for higher-level thinking skills to prepare students for an increasingly changing world. Curriculums, text books and the standardized assessments are entirely chosen at the state and local levels.

There is nothing wrong with the Three-R's; they're fundamental. But even in IceWeasel's day, we were taught the values of our teachers and our society the way kids everywhere always are. He just didn't notice. Education CAN be brainwashing, but common core standards encourage kids to analyze the 'facts' they're given and to think for themselves. I don't actually care if common core is adopted in all states, and I predict there will be other "common cores" in the future. What I do care about is people learning about what they're trashing before they open their mouths.​

All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

by Robert Fulghum
Most of what I really need
To know about how to live
And what to do and how to be
I learned in kindergarten.
Wisdom was not at the top
Of the graduate school mountain,
But there in the sandpile at Sunday school.

These are the things I learned:

Share everything.
Play fair.
Don't hit people.
Put things back where you found them.
Clean up your own mess.
Don't take things that aren't yours.
Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

Wash your hands before you eat.
Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
Live a balanced life -
Learn some and think some
And draw and paint and sing and dance
And play and work everyday some.
Take a nap every afternoon.
When you go out into the world,
Watch out for traffic,
Hold hands and stick together.
Be aware of wonder.
There's not much that bothers me more than the misinformed opinion that government-sponsored schools are brainwashing camps. If teaching decency, fairness and tolerance are wrong, if teaching history from BOTH the winning and losing sides is wrong, if teaching kids not to bully the gay kid, or the fat kid or the not-so-smart kid is wrong, then something is wrong with what we call 'right.'

In my experience, many critics of school curriculum haven't even read or listened to what is being taught, just as individuals screeching about certain books being taught have frequently not read them. I actually know about the common core curriculum, and it doesn't anywhere specify textbooks or math methods or what content has to be taught. It's all about higher expectations for higher-level thinking skills to prepare students for an increasingly changing world. Curriculums, text books and the standardized assessments are entirely chosen at the state and local levels.

There is nothing wrong with the Three-R's; they're fundamental. But even in IceWeasel's day, we were taught the values of our teachers and our society the way kids everywhere always are. He just didn't notice. Education CAN be brainwashing, but common core standards encourage kids to analyze the 'facts' they're given and to think for themselves. I don't actually care if common core is adopted in all states, and I predict there will be other "common cores" in the future. What I do care about is people learning about what they're trashing before they open their mouths.​

Government schools are nothing like you describe. They are brainwashing mills where students are taught that American is evil.
There is no better indication of the utter failure of the U.S. govt-sponsored educational system, than this: In a country that was founded on personal responsibility and charity, limited government, hard work and taking the consequences of your own success and failure, help from friends and family... a significant number of people are now voting for an admitted socialist (Bernie Sanders) and various other wannabees who won't admit they are socialists (Hillary, Bloomberg et. al.).

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

The only remaining question is:

Is this really a failure as I describe here? Or is it exactly what the people behind this downhill trend, intended all along?
Well you right wingers keep cutting the budget for public education and eliminating things like CIVICS CLASSES === because you DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES TO PAY THE TEACHERS so now you get what you paid for --- ignorant citizens.
There is no better indication of the utter failure of the U.S. govt-sponsored educational system, than this: In a country that was founded on personal responsibility and charity, limited government, hard work and taking the consequences of your own success and failure, help from friends and family... a significant number of people are now voting for an admitted socialist (Bernie Sanders) and various other wannabees who won't admit they are socialists (Hillary, Bloomberg et. al.).

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

The only remaining question is:

Is this really a failure as I describe here? Or is it exactly what the people behind this downhill trend, intended all along?
Well you right wingers keep cutting the budget for public education and eliminating things like CIVICS CLASSES === because you DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES TO PAY THE TEACHERS so now you get what you paid for --- ignorant citizens.



A number have said: people like socialist programs but fear the word socialism.
They should. Socialism turns you into a ward of the state. I'd rather be dead. Our country was founded because of MUCH less than that. Now the nation is full of spineless dependents that can't get enough government titty.
Thanks to your corrupt GOP great recession, duh, dupe. AND its pander to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Dupe dupe dupe. Like a retarded broken record. The GOP didn't cause the recession, you liberals have nothing but lies to offer. The GOP isn't in the White House and the trends have worsened. That speaks to the lucid mind but your corrupt brain can't handle the truth.
Only you dupes DON'T know that Boooshie cronies and regulators etc caused the depression DUH.
A number have said: people like socialist programs but fear the word socialism.
They should. Socialism turns you into a ward of the state. I'd rather be dead. Our country was founded because of MUCH less than that. Now the nation is full of spineless dependents that can't get enough government titty.
Thanks to your corrupt GOP great recession, duh, dupe. AND its pander to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Dupe dupe dupe. Like a retarded broken record. The GOP didn't cause the recession, you liberals have nothing but lies to offer. The GOP isn't in the White House and the trends have worsened. That speaks to the lucid mind but your corrupt brain can't handle the truth.
It would help if the New BS GOP allowed any solutions beside cutting taxes on the richest and giant corporations, stupid. lol
There is no better indication of the utter failure of the U.S. govt-sponsored educational system, than this: In a country that was founded on personal responsibility and charity, limited government, hard work and taking the consequences of your own success and failure, help from friends and family... a significant number of people are now voting for an admitted socialist (Bernie Sanders) and various other wannabees who won't admit they are socialists (Hillary, Bloomberg et. al.).

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

The only remaining question is:

Is this really a failure as I describe here? Or is it exactly what the people behind this downhill trend, intended all along?
Well you right wingers keep cutting the budget for public education and eliminating things like CIVICS CLASSES === because you DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES TO PAY THE TEACHERS so now you get what you paid for --- ignorant citizens.


A number have said: people like socialist programs but fear the word socialism.
They should. Socialism turns you into a ward of the state. I'd rather be dead. Our country was founded because of MUCH less than that. Now the nation is full of spineless dependents that can't get enough government titty.
Thanks to your corrupt GOP great recession, duh, dupe. AND its pander to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Dupe dupe dupe. Like a retarded broken record. The GOP didn't cause the recession, you liberals have nothing but lies to offer. The GOP isn't in the White House and the trends have worsened. That speaks to the lucid mind but your corrupt brain can't handle the truth.
It would help if the New BS GOP allowed any solutions beside cutting taxes on the richest and giant corporations, stupid. lol
You call it BS when businesses are flocking out of the US due to the insane corporate tax rate? Profits are evil so we must punish them? Who's titty are you going to suck off of when they all left Dodge?
Well you right wingers keep cutting the budget for public education and eliminating things like CIVICS CLASSES === because you DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES TO PAY THE TEACHERS so now you get what you paid for --- ignorant citizens.
It hasn't been going down here, you speak from ignorance. Public-ed is very top heavy in bureaucracy, the teachers aren't the ones sucking the blood from us. We pay way way more than other countries for education and get way way less for results. Idiots like you blame that on the GOP, you have no thought process, only feelings.
A number have said: people like socialist programs but fear the word socialism.
They should. Socialism turns you into a ward of the state. I'd rather be dead. Our country was founded because of MUCH less than that. Now the nation is full of spineless dependents that can't get enough government titty.
Thanks to your corrupt GOP great recession, duh, dupe. AND its pander to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Dupe dupe dupe. Like a retarded broken record. The GOP didn't cause the recession, you liberals have nothing but lies to offer. The GOP isn't in the White House and the trends have worsened. That speaks to the lucid mind but your corrupt brain can't handle the truth.
It would help if the New BS GOP allowed any solutions beside cutting taxes on the richest and giant corporations, stupid. lol
You call it BS when businesses are flocking out of the US due to the insane corporate tax rate? Profits are evil so we must punish them? Who's titty are you going to suck off of when they all left Dodge?
Total bs, dupe. What corps ACTUALLY pay is 12%, DUPE, AND THE BIGGEST ONES LEAST OF ALL.
There is no better indication of the utter failure of the U.S. govt-sponsored educational system, than this: In a country that was founded on personal responsibility and charity, limited government, hard work and taking the consequences of your own success and failure, help from friends and family... a significant number of people are now voting for an admitted socialist (Bernie Sanders) and various other wannabees who won't admit they are socialists (Hillary, Bloomberg et. al.).

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

The only remaining question is:

Is this really a failure as I describe here? Or is it exactly what the people behind this downhill trend, intended all along?
Well you right wingers keep cutting the budget for public education and eliminating things like CIVICS CLASSES === because you DON'T WANT TO PAY TAXES TO PAY THE TEACHERS so now you get what you paid for --- ignorant citizens.


WTH is that, idiot? Link?
They should. Socialism turns you into a ward of the state. I'd rather be dead. Our country was founded because of MUCH less than that. Now the nation is full of spineless dependents that can't get enough government titty.
Thanks to your corrupt GOP great recession, duh, dupe. AND its pander to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Dupe dupe dupe. Like a retarded broken record. The GOP didn't cause the recession, you liberals have nothing but lies to offer. The GOP isn't in the White House and the trends have worsened. That speaks to the lucid mind but your corrupt brain can't handle the truth.
It would help if the New BS GOP allowed any solutions beside cutting taxes on the richest and giant corporations, stupid. lol
You call it BS when businesses are flocking out of the US due to the insane corporate tax rate? Profits are evil so we must punish them? Who's titty are you going to suck off of when they all left Dodge?
Total bs, dupe. What corps ACTUALLY pay is 12%, DUPE, AND THE BIGGEST ONES LEAST OF ALL.
If they are big enough and donate to the right politicians, like GE & obama.
Thanks to your corrupt GOP great recession, duh, dupe. AND its pander to the greedy idiot rich for 30 years, dupe.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Dupe dupe dupe. Like a retarded broken record. The GOP didn't cause the recession, you liberals have nothing but lies to offer. The GOP isn't in the White House and the trends have worsened. That speaks to the lucid mind but your corrupt brain can't handle the truth.
It would help if the New BS GOP allowed any solutions beside cutting taxes on the richest and giant corporations, stupid. lol
You call it BS when businesses are flocking out of the US due to the insane corporate tax rate? Profits are evil so we must punish them? Who's titty are you going to suck off of when they all left Dodge?
Total bs, dupe. What corps ACTUALLY pay is 12%, DUPE, AND THE BIGGEST ONES LEAST OF ALL.
If they are big enough and donate to the right politicians, like GE & obama.
Lobbyists are in charge now in DC. Wonder which party defends them...duh.
Lobbyists are in charge now in DC. Wonder which party defends them...duh.
Ummm. The Liberals celebrated for YEARS that it doesn't matter what WE Conservatives want because they said "we have your kids!".

You got what you wanted now don't try to weasel out of the responsibility that goes with it.
So conservatives cry for limited government and there in America's 50 state governments are 13000 or so school district governments. Are most of those 13,000 plus school governments conservative or liberal, do people even know they can vote for those governments, and have some control over education close to home. Do people know their states have almost complete over education?

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