

Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I lost the thread in the many posted but I remember there were those saying how Putin seemed like a bad ass compared to Obama.

Well I got one thing to say about Putin, screw Putin. Screw him and the horse he rode in on.

What gall he has to be bring the world to another cold war then look at OUR president with disdain. SCREW HIM!

Certainly everyone should know I have no love affair with Obama but that is for US in the USA. We can't be taking the side of shrimps like Putin. Bullies with a smug look as his country goes down the tubes and he threatens peace throughout the world.

Screw him, we can in-fight all we want about BS like Obama's Birth Certificate but when it comes to America there is no way we should even give a tyrant like Putin anything but contempt.
President Putin is short but still stands head and shoulders above presidunce obama. Putin is too kind to obama. He should have totally humiliated him in public. Not merely regarding him with the disdain he deserves. President Xi had President Putin at his right hand. obama was shoved off to the far side.
Right on cue - ^^^ a radical, anti-America, RW Pootarian ^^^.

Why don't you just move to Russia?

Believe me, ignorant fools like you would not be missed.
President Putin is short but still stands head and shoulders above presidunce obama. Putin is too kind to obama. He should have totally humiliated him in public. Not merely regarding him with the disdain he deserves. President Xi had President Putin at his right hand. obama was shoved off to the far side.

We are usually on the same page Katz, but on this issue there is only one side and it ain't the side of saying anything good about Putin.

What the hell do we want Obama to do? My opinion is that the disdain that Putin clearly shows is based mostly on racism.
Putin is taking advantage of our dysfunctional Congress and our discarding of our tradition of leaving politics at the waters edge and uniting when we are faced with crisis. He understands the limits of a US President and the US military without Congressional support. He also understands the power of propaganda when applied to a demographic that is susceptible to easy influence due to it's obsession with the emotional conduits of hate and fear. He isn't a genius. He is just an old KGB guy using traditional propaganda techniques on a demographic of poorly informed suckers. You can see it right here on these pages. Putin is invading his neighbor, threatening to invade our treaty allies, threatening our borders with nuclear weapons, and there are those here who cheer and congratulate him and judge him to be something other than vile madman while they denigrate and disparage their own President in the middle of a crisis.
Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.
Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.
I don't have to admit that. Congress could have shaped the US reactions in both Ukraine and Iraq/Syria with legislation. They shirked their responsibility and now the suckers are giving them a free ride and concentrating on Obama bashing. Obama bashing is more important than facing the reality of a useless and cowardly Congress.
Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.
I don't have to admit that. Congress could have shaped the US reactions in both Ukraine and Iraq/Syria with legislation. They shirked their responsibility and now the suckers are giving them a free ride and concentrating on Obama bashing. Obama bashing is more important than facing the reality of a useless and cowardly Congress.

You do realize who the commander in chief is right, who the leader is? Its crazy how far some of you people will go to carry Obama's water.
President Putin is short but still stands head and shoulders above presidunce obama. Putin is too kind to obama. He should have totally humiliated him in public. Not merely regarding him with the disdain he deserves. President Xi had President Putin at his right hand. obama was shoved off to the far side.

And this is what hating America sounds like.
Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.

Really? How would they have done that?

Please give precise details of the policies you would have wanted to see.

Also, can you give examples of other leaders who have 'mopped the floor' with Putin?
what I hate about putin the most is that he loves his country way more than obama loves his.

and by a lot
He is destroying his country. He has lost credibility and respect. Only a delusional and propagandized mind would not understand that. His love of himself far outweighs his love of his country.
Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.

Really? How would they have done that?

Please give precise details of the policies you would have wanted to see.

Also, can you give examples of other leaders who have 'mopped the floor' with Putin?

LOL Reagan mopped the floor with the entire Soviet empire!
Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.

Falling oil prices sanctions push Russia to brink of recession - The Globe and Mail

Russians buy dollars hoard cash on rouble fears Reuters

Dude you have to admit Obama is kind of fem, most prior presidents would mop the floor with the fool. As for Putin that commie will get his, but probably not until we elect a real leader, Obama is too naïve and conceited to deal with Putin.

Falling oil prices sanctions push Russia to brink of recession - The Globe and Mail

Russians buy dollars hoard cash on rouble fears Reuters


The earth rotates on its axis, oh wait dumb ass Obama didn't earn credit for that either. Go play with your Obama shrine.
President Putin is short but still stands head and shoulders above presidunce obama. Putin is too kind to obama. He should have totally humiliated him in public. Not merely regarding him with the disdain he deserves. President Xi had President Putin at his right hand. obama was shoved off to the far side.

And the Putin lovers stand up for their buddy Adolph Putin.
President Putin is short but still stands head and shoulders above presidunce obama. Putin is too kind to obama. He should have totally humiliated him in public. Not merely regarding him with the disdain he deserves. President Xi had President Putin at his right hand. obama was shoved off to the far side.

And this is what hating America sounds like.
obama is America? Really? I haven't heard that one since the French king lost his head.
President Putin is short but still stands head and shoulders above presidunce obama. Putin is too kind to obama. He should have totally humiliated him in public. Not merely regarding him with the disdain he deserves. President Xi had President Putin at his right hand. obama was shoved off to the far side.

And this is what hating America sounds like.
obama is America? Really? I haven't heard that one since the French king lost his head.

I guess you miss the days of Cowboy Bush in the WH? Yup, he gave the US a rep of "shoot first and ask questions later." Maybe if you send Putin some selfies, he will send you one of his shirtless photos?

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