Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And the beat goes on.

Here is how the chess matches have turned out so far in the Putin/Obama competition.
Chess Match 1 - Consider the pattern of Washington actions against Russia. First Washington supported the overthrow of the legitimate but pro Russian government of Ukraine. The goal was three fold, first to control and cut off Russian gas exports to Europe through Ukraine, second to force Russia to vacate their warm water naval base in Crimea or else act militarily against Ukraine and create the fear of a Russian threat against all of Europe. This would force Europe to depend more on NATO that is an extension of the American military power in Europe. Putin's response was checkmate, as he wisely didn't take the bait and this plan failed to create the desired Russian military threat to strengthen NATO and US leadership in Europe against Russia.

Chess Match 2 - The second attempt was to overthrow Assad allowing ISIS to do the dirty work thus opening up a Qatar gas pipeline to Europe again competing with and ending European dependence on Russian gas. This would have meant curtailing much of the Russian gas profits, taxes and government revenues. Again surprisingly Putin acted to defend Syria and Assad from ISIS and again Putin checkmated Washington.

Chess Match 3 - We are now in the middle of the third chess game between Putin & Obama. This game is the reason for Washington's destruction and desolation of much of the Middle East. Again remember Washington's foreign policy objectives are to control Middle East energy resources and force Russia to stand down against American global hegemony.

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama | Zero Hedge
And the beat goes on.

Here is how the chess matches have turned out so far in the Putin/Obama competition.
Chess Match 1 - Consider the pattern of Washington actions against Russia. First Washington supported the overthrow of the legitimate but pro Russian government of Ukraine. The goal was three fold, first to control and cut off Russian gas exports to Europe through Ukraine, second to force Russia to vacate their warm water naval base in Crimea or else act militarily against Ukraine and create the fear of a Russian threat against all of Europe. This would force Europe to depend more on NATO that is an extension of the American military power in Europe. Putin's response was checkmate, as he wisely didn't take the bait and this plan failed to create the desired Russian military threat to strengthen NATO and US leadership in Europe against Russia.

Chess Match 2 - The second attempt was to overthrow Assad allowing ISIS to do the dirty work thus opening up a Qatar gas pipeline to Europe again competing with and ending European dependence on Russian gas. This would have meant curtailing much of the Russian gas profits, taxes and government revenues. Again surprisingly Putin acted to defend Syria and Assad from ISIS and again Putin checkmated Washington.

Chess Match 3 - We are now in the middle of the third chess game between Putin & Obama. This game is the reason for Washington's destruction and desolation of much of the Middle East. Again remember Washington's foreign policy objectives are to control Middle East energy resources and force Russia to stand down against American global hegemony.

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama | Zero Hedge

The author forgot about the greatest chest match when Obama was going to bomb libya over WMDs.
Nothing brings more joy to the average nutbag than the prospect of our president having difficulty. This characteristic is so pervasive that these douchebags make up shit to throw at the dude.
And the beat goes on.

Here is how the chess matches have turned out so far in the Putin/Obama competition.
Chess Match 1 - Consider the pattern of Washington actions against Russia. First Washington supported the overthrow of the legitimate but pro Russian government of Ukraine. The goal was three fold, first to control and cut off Russian gas exports to Europe through Ukraine, second to force Russia to vacate their warm water naval base in Crimea or else act militarily against Ukraine and create the fear of a Russian threat against all of Europe. This would force Europe to depend more on NATO that is an extension of the American military power in Europe. Putin's response was checkmate, as he wisely didn't take the bait and this plan failed to create the desired Russian military threat to strengthen NATO and US leadership in Europe against Russia.

Chess Match 2 - The second attempt was to overthrow Assad allowing ISIS to do the dirty work thus opening up a Qatar gas pipeline to Europe again competing with and ending European dependence on Russian gas. This would have meant curtailing much of the Russian gas profits, taxes and government revenues. Again surprisingly Putin acted to defend Syria and Assad from ISIS and again Putin checkmated Washington.

Chess Match 3 - We are now in the middle of the third chess game between Putin & Obama. This game is the reason for Washington's destruction and desolation of much of the Middle East. Again remember Washington's foreign policy objectives are to control Middle East energy resources and force Russia to stand down against American global hegemony.

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama | Zero Hedge

The author forgot about the greatest chest match when Obama was going to bomb libya over WMDs.
When did that happen?
In more news from last fall


Demoralized Obama natsec team grumbles: He’s too weak and passive towards Putin

Current and former Obama officials say the president’s reluctance to respond more assertively against Putin is signaling U.S. weakness and indecision. “We’re just so reactive,” said one senior administration official. “There’s just this tendency to wait” and see what steps other actors take…
Sources familiar with administration deliberations said that Obama’s West Wing inner circle serves as a brick wall against dissenting views. The president’s most senior advisers — including National Security Adviser Susan Rice and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough — reflect the president’s wariness of escalated U.S. action related to Syria or Russia and, officials fear, fail to push Obama to question his own deeply rooted assumptions…
A former Cold War nuclear deterrence expert, Defense Secretary Ash Carter has fretted that the U.S. isn’t standing up firmly to Putin’s provocations. And CIA Director John Brennan has complained that Putin is bombing Syrian rebel fighters covertly backed by his agency with seeming impunity.
“The optics are that we’re backing off,” said a former Obama official who handled foreign policy issues. “It’s not like we can’t exert pressure on these guys, but we act like we’re totally impotent.”

Demoralized Obama natsec team grumbles: He’s too weak and passive towards Putin
Putin was an international badass when he was rolling in Petrobucks

Made him bold enough to invade Ukraine and say what ya gunna do about it Obama?

Obama put together international sanctions that are crippling Russia at a time their oil bucks are one third what they were a few years ago. There was a time, Putin could have relied on his new friends in the west to help him out .....those friends are gone

Obama sits back and laughs with the strongest economy on earth
well that is what happens when you give them

an "overcharge" button instead of a "reset" button

Putin was an international badass when he was rolling in Petrobucks

Made him bold enough to invade Ukraine and say what ya gunna do about it Obama?

Obama put together international sanctions that are crippling Russia at a time their oil bucks are one third what they were a few years ago. There was a time, Putin could have relied on his new friends in the west to help him out .....those friends are gone

Obama sits back and laughs with the strongest economy on earth

And we all sit back and laugh at O for doing contortions and trying to lie and convince everyone that this horrid economy is great.
Putin was an international badass when he was rolling in Petrobucks

Made him bold enough to invade Ukraine and say what ya gunna do about it Obama?

Obama put together international sanctions that are crippling Russia at a time their oil bucks are one third what they were a few years ago. There was a time, Putin could have relied on his new friends in the west to help him out .....those friends are gone

Obama sits back and laughs with the strongest economy on earth

I wouldnt put to much stock in strongest econ on the world bit,,.....maybe better than theirs but we have lots of weakness to be exploited.....for instance what would happen if China and Russia declared their currency was backed by gold? We know they both have been stockpiling massive reserves and there is reason to be believe we have zilch
Putin was an international badass when he was rolling in Petrobucks

Made him bold enough to invade Ukraine and say what ya gunna do about it Obama?

Obama put together international sanctions that are crippling Russia at a time their oil bucks are one third what they were a few years ago. There was a time, Putin could have relied on his new friends in the west to help him out .....those friends are gone

Obama sits back and laughs with the strongest economy on earth

And we all sit back and laugh at O for doing contortions and trying to lie and convince everyone that this horrid economy is great.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on earth. You are welcome to point out one doing better

As for Republican poster boy Putin, his economy is crumbling, Ruble is worthless, people are getting pissed

Just like having a Republican President
well that is what happens when you give them

an "overcharge" button instead of a "reset" button


Putin was offered an opportunity to reset relations with the west.....looks like he blew it.

well he knew he was dealing with a bunch of clowns at best

as anyone would think after pulling such a boneheaded mistake
Mr Putin could use his "reset" these days instead of sanctions from the west

No wonder he is a conservative poster boy
And the beat goes on.

Here is how the chess matches have turned out so far in the Putin/Obama competition.
Chess Match 1 - Consider the pattern of Washington actions against Russia. First Washington supported the overthrow of the legitimate but pro Russian government of Ukraine. The goal was three fold, first to control and cut off Russian gas exports to Europe through Ukraine, second to force Russia to vacate their warm water naval base in Crimea or else act militarily against Ukraine and create the fear of a Russian threat against all of Europe. This would force Europe to depend more on NATO that is an extension of the American military power in Europe. Putin's response was checkmate, as he wisely didn't take the bait and this plan failed to create the desired Russian military threat to strengthen NATO and US leadership in Europe against Russia.

Chess Match 2 - The second attempt was to overthrow Assad allowing ISIS to do the dirty work thus opening up a Qatar gas pipeline to Europe again competing with and ending European dependence on Russian gas. This would have meant curtailing much of the Russian gas profits, taxes and government revenues. Again surprisingly Putin acted to defend Syria and Assad from ISIS and again Putin checkmated Washington.

Chess Match 3 - We are now in the middle of the third chess game between Putin & Obama. This game is the reason for Washington's destruction and desolation of much of the Middle East. Again remember Washington's foreign policy objectives are to control Middle East energy resources and force Russia to stand down against American global hegemony.

Putin Is Winning The Final Chess Match With Obama | Zero Hedge

The author forgot about the greatest chest match when Obama was going to bomb libya over WMDs.
When did that happen?

Me sleepy this morning on the way to church...meant Syria.

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