Punishment Of The Russian Collusion Conspirators


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

You really are crazy if you think any of this is going to happen. At this point, it is a banana republic dictatorship which must be overthrown. The fact is that Mueller found enough evidence of collusion to say that he could not exonerate Trump. It is a sad day when a investigation cannot clear a President of conspiring with a foreign enemy of the US. That is treason, you treasonous pig.
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

You really are crazy if you think any of this is going to happen. At this point, it is a banana republic dictatorship which must be overthrown. The fact is that Mueller found enough evidence of collusion to say that he could not exonerate Trump. It is a sad day when a investigation cannot clear a President of conspiring with a foreign enemy of the US. That is treason, you treasonous pig.
Moron what are you blabbering now? You Leftards are literally living in an alternate universe where up is down!

You totally missed the gist of Barr's summary of the Muller report. Mueller was QUOTED by Barr as saying "no evidence that Trump or anybody in his campaign colluded or conspired." And here is the kicker in all of this, another quote: "the Trump campaign REFUSED many offers by the Russians and their agents". These are basically direct quotes from the Mueller report, which will be seen and confirmed soon. Unless you want to make this INSANE claim that Barr is lying or making up those direct quotes, then one can safely conclude that there was zero, zip, nada, kaput evidence of collusion. This is the truth. Deal with it. The big lie has been exposed.
The idiots have convinced themselves that Mueller is a Russian agent.
Just like when they wanted Comey fired because of his statement about Hillary. Then when Trump finally fired his ass, the Left started braying like donkeys about "obstruction". These people are insane.
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request
They don't care about if Pres.Trump colluded with the Russians. They just making sure that Pres.Trump doesn't try to remove the sanctions that were placed on Russia. The whole thing was all about to convince the public that Russia interfered so that sanctions can be placed on them, to bring down their economy. The country of Russia has went totally producing organic food products. And the Globalist doesn't want the world to see how a country that doesn't uses their products, how healthy that they becomes. That the Globalist are afraid that Russia will become like a beacon of great health. That the world will see and will start to following after them. Before corporation's pesticides and etc. People were more healthy and witty at an very old age. They didn't need to be put into a rest home. They were able to live independent lives, all the way to the grave. But now, we even have 45 years old in rest homes.

What We Can Learn From the Remarkable Long-Living People of Abkhazia

Eating organic foods has been linked to a lower risk of cancer

Early Signs of Alzheimer's Found in Young Adults

There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

You really are crazy if you think any of this is going to happen. At this point, it is a banana republic dictatorship which must be overthrown. The fact is that Mueller found enough evidence of collusion to say that he could not exonerate Trump. It is a sad day when a investigation cannot clear a President of conspiring with a foreign enemy of the US. That is treason, you treasonous pig.
Moron what are you blabbering now? You Leftards are literally living in an alternate universe where up is down!

You totally missed the gist of Barr's summary of the Muller report. Mueller was QUOTED by Barr as saying "no evidence that Trump or anybody in his campaign colluded or conspired." And here is the kicker in all of this, another quote: "the Trump campaign REFUSED many offers by the Russians and their agents". These are basically direct quotes from the Mueller report, which will be seen and confirmed soon. Unless you want to make this INSANE claim that Barr is lying or making up those direct quotes, then one can safely conclude that there was zero, zip, nada, kaput evidence of collusion. This is the truth. Deal with it. The big lie has been exposed.

Barr is Trump's guy. Barr also quoted Mueller's report did not exonerate Trump. We know the Trump campaign was willing to collude as they agreed to meet with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. What went on was very clear. The Trump campaign knew Russia was helping and they decided to facilitate that help. Manafort gave polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian intelligence. At the end of the campaign, Russia used social media to buy ads in swing states. They were very likely determined by those campaign documents. Roger Stone knew Podesta's Russian hacked e-mails would be on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were put up and Stone said he had a backchannel. Then we have the perjury surrounding Russia by Trump aides.
On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Good luck with that. Maybe Fag LIndsey can lock himself up for telling McCain to give the Dossier to the FBI.
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

You really are crazy if you think any of this is going to happen. At this point, it is a banana republic dictatorship which must be overthrown. The fact is that Mueller found enough evidence of collusion to say that he could not exonerate Trump. It is a sad day when a investigation cannot clear a President of conspiring with a foreign enemy of the US. That is treason, you treasonous pig.
Moron what are you blabbering now? You Leftards are literally living in an alternate universe where up is down!

You totally missed the gist of Barr's summary of the Muller report. Mueller was QUOTED by Barr as saying "no evidence that Trump or anybody in his campaign colluded or conspired." And here is the kicker in all of this, another quote: "the Trump campaign REFUSED many offers by the Russians and their agents". These are basically direct quotes from the Mueller report, which will be seen and confirmed soon. Unless you want to make this INSANE claim that Barr is lying or making up those direct quotes, then one can safely conclude that there was zero, zip, nada, kaput evidence of collusion. This is the truth. Deal with it. The big lie has been exposed.

Barr is Trump's guy. Barr also quoted Mueller's report did not exonerate Trump. We know the Trump campaign was willing to collude as they agreed to meet with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. What went on was very clear. The Trump campaign knew Russia was helping and they decided to facilitate that help. Manafort gave polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian intelligence. At the end of the campaign, Russia used social media to buy ads in swing states. They were very likely determined by those campaign documents. Roger Stone knew Podesta's Russian hacked e-mails would be on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were put up and Stone said he had a backchannel. Then we have the perjury surrounding Russia by Trump aides.

You sure are a whinny little bitch.

Mueller's report, much to your disgust I'm sure, clears Trump and his people.

You go and get your coloring book, crayons and crying towel. Go to your safe place and vent your idiocy on anyone you find there.

The rest of us here have had about all we can stand of your whinny ass.
The idiots have convinced themselves that Mueller is a Russian agent.
Just like when they wanted Comey fired because of his statement about Hillary. Then when Trump finally fired his ass, the Left started braying like donkeys about "obstruction". These people are insane.

I wouldn't say insane as much as totally unattached to truth and reality. They are willing to say anything and everything that sounds good at the moment, regardless of what they said moments before or what the evidence really says.
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

Everyone involved in this coup attempt should be tried for treason and with proven guilt publicly hanged.

As for media... Crow its what's for dinner.
There were many of these. CNN and MSNBC are loaded with them. And the people who instigated them in the first place, probably don't know in what danger they are now in. Some of them, like Adam Schiff, Mark Warner, and Eric Swalwell are still going around blabbering about Trump.

They are like the Japanese soldier who was found hiding in a cave in 1974, refusing to believe that Japan had lost the war (29 years earlier). Well, the big hoax is now over and if any idiots want to continue to yammer about Trump they can do that, but they might be better off preparing to skip the country to some faraway land that has no extradition treaty with the US.

When the investigations of THEM reach their conclusion, they are likely to be indicted and arrested for the same treason charge (punishable by the death penalty), that they tried to pin on President Trump and his campaign members. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has announced that he’ll be making criminal referrals against FBI agents and DOJ officials, who participated in this attempted coup.

On the Senate side, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is resuming an investigation of potential surveillance abuse by the FBI, with an expansive request for records related to the bureau’s vetting of the Steele dossier.

It's quite possible that , we will learn that the Obama administration was spying on all 16 GOP candidates from the beginning of the 2016 primary race.

Let the Punishment of the Russian Collusion Conspirators Begin

Lindsey Graham Reboots FISA Abuse Investigation With Expansive DOJ Document Request

You really are crazy if you think any of this is going to happen. At this point, it is a banana republic dictatorship which must be overthrown. The fact is that Mueller found enough evidence of collusion to say that he could not exonerate Trump. It is a sad day when a investigation cannot clear a President of conspiring with a foreign enemy of the US. That is treason, you treasonous pig.
Moron what are you blabbering now? You Leftards are literally living in an alternate universe where up is down!

You totally missed the gist of Barr's summary of the Muller report. Mueller was QUOTED by Barr as saying "no evidence that Trump or anybody in his campaign colluded or conspired." And here is the kicker in all of this, another quote: "the Trump campaign REFUSED many offers by the Russians and their agents". These are basically direct quotes from the Mueller report, which will be seen and confirmed soon. Unless you want to make this INSANE claim that Barr is lying or making up those direct quotes, then one can safely conclude that there was zero, zip, nada, kaput evidence of collusion. This is the truth. Deal with it. The big lie has been exposed.

Barr is Trump's guy. Barr also quoted Mueller's report did not exonerate Trump. We know the Trump campaign was willing to collude as they agreed to meet with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. What went on was very clear. The Trump campaign knew Russia was helping and they decided to facilitate that help. Manafort gave polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian intelligence. At the end of the campaign, Russia used social media to buy ads in swing states. They were very likely determined by those campaign documents. Roger Stone knew Podesta's Russian hacked e-mails would be on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were put up and Stone said he had a backchannel. Then we have the perjury surrounding Russia by Trump aides.
So are you claiming that Barr has lied and misquoted the Mueller report, knowing well that it will be reviewed by congress and he may also appear? Mueller totally exonerated Trump and his campaign for collusion, and on obstruction he found no evidence. In this country you are innocent until evidence can prove you are guilty. Nobody is above, or below the law.
The idiots have convinced themselves that Mueller is a Russian agent.
Just like when they wanted Comey fired because of his statement about Hillary. Then when Trump finally fired his ass, the Left started braying like donkeys about "obstruction". These people are insane.

I wouldn't say insane as much as totally unattached to truth and reality. They are willing to say anything and everything that sounds good at the moment, regardless of what they said moments before or what the evidence really says.
Sounds like your average day of "reporting" by the desperadoes at CNN or MSNBC
You really are crazy if you think any of this is going to happen. At this point, it is a banana republic dictatorship which must be overthrown. The fact is that Mueller found enough evidence of collusion to say that he could not exonerate Trump. It is a sad day when a investigation cannot clear a President of conspiring with a foreign enemy of the US. That is treason, you treasonous pig.
We pretty much know how the traitors are, and yes they are about to be investigated and probably indicted.

We are now hearing scared Democrats saying that we now know there wasn't any collusion by the Trump campaign, but it's understandable why people might have thought there was. An obvious attempt to deflect culpability, by hiding inside the box of criminal intent (or alleged lack of it) A flimsy defense, which probably won't fly.

You ought to be careful what YOU say too. Just being only a blogger on a computer forum doesn't mean YOU'RE scott free, and couldn't be charged too. :blahblah:
Barr is Trump's guy. Barr also quoted Mueller's report did not exonerate Trump. We know the Trump campaign was willing to collude as they agreed to meet with a Russian national to get dirt on Clinton. What went on was very clear. The Trump campaign knew Russia was helping and they decided to facilitate that help. Manafort gave polling data and other campaign documents to a Russian associate with ties to Russian intelligence. At the end of the campaign, Russia used social media to buy ads in swing states. They were very likely determined by those campaign documents. Roger Stone knew Podesta's Russian hacked e-mails would be on WikiLeaks BEFORE they were put up and Stone said he had a backchannel. Then we have the perjury surrounding Russia by Trump aides.
You've already lost, and you don't know it. Is there a doctor in the house ?

They don't care about if Pres.Trump colluded with the Russians. They just making sure that Pres.Trump doesn't try to remove the sanctions that were placed on Russia. The whole thing was all about to convince the public that Russia interfered so that sanctions can be placed on them, to bring down their economy. The country of Russia has went totally producing organic food products. And the Globalist doesn't want the world to see how a country that doesn't uses their products, how healthy that they becomes. That the Globalist are afraid that Russia will become like a beacon of great health. That the world will see and will start to following after them. Before corporation's pesticides and etc. People were more healthy and witty at an very old age. They didn't need to be put into a rest home. They were able to live independent lives, all the way to the grave. But now, we even have 45 years old in rest homes.

What We Can Learn From the Remarkable Long-Living People of Abkhazia

Eating organic foods has been linked to a lower risk of cancer

Early Signs of Alzheimer's Found in Young Adults

Too bad the really healthy foods are more expensive, and most stores don't sell them.

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