Chris Wallace Does not Understand the Office of Prosecutor


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
He makes this point to Kelly Anne Conway that Muler did not exonereate the President on the obstruction charge.

But thaat is not what Prosecutors do, dude.

They either indict or do not indict, they cannot exonerate anyone.

FNC's Wallace to Conway: Trump Claim of Total Exoneration: 'Just Isn't True' | Breitbart

Wallace asked, “Now the special counsel cleared the president on collusion, absolutely no question about it. But he especially did not clear him on the question of obstruction, so why is the president telling Americans something that is not true?”...

This is Barr summarizing the special counsel, ‘For each of the relevant actions investigated, the reports they found evidence on both sides of the question, the special counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime obstruction, it also does not exonerate him.’ So when the president says that its total exoneration on obstruction, Kellyanne, that’s just not true.”
To say that there is not enough evidence to indict, which is a pretty low bar since a prosecutor can basically get an indictment on a ham sandwich, that is about as close as it EVER comes to being exonerated by a prosecutor, Chrissy.
He makes this point to Kelly Anne Conway that Muler did not exonereate the President on the obstruction charge.

But thaat is not what Prosecutors do, dude.

They either indict or do not indict, they cannot exonerate anyone.

FNC's Wallace to Conway: Trump Claim of Total Exoneration: 'Just Isn't True' | Breitbart

Wallace asked, “Now the special counsel cleared the president on collusion, absolutely no question about it. But he especially did not clear him on the question of obstruction, so why is the president telling Americans something that is not true?”...

This is Barr summarizing the special counsel, ‘For each of the relevant actions investigated, the reports they found evidence on both sides of the question, the special counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime obstruction, it also does not exonerate him.’ So when the president says that its total exoneration on obstruction, Kellyanne, that’s just not true.”
To say that there is not enough evidence to indict, which is a pretty low bar since a prosecutor can basically get an indictment on a ham sandwich, that is about as close as it EVER comes to being exonerated by a prosecutor, Chrissy.

Mueller was hired to launch a independent investigation of the matter. His report contains all the information that was obtained. That was his main job. Since the DOJ believes a sitting President cannot be indicted, that means nothing.

Chris Wallace is a real journalist unlike the Trump sycophants who normally work at Fox. He was 100% right. Clearly Mueller found evidence that Trump did collude with the Russians. That is a sad state of affairs when there is evidence that a President colluded with a evil empire like Russia.
This is such a stupid, ignorant and desperate argument the Left is now making. More like grasping for straws.

In this country you are innocent until found guilty. If Mueller could not find evidence of collusion or obstruction (and believe me, if he had found even a shred of evidence for either, he would have defintely charged by now, based on what he did to Maniford, Flynn, and Stone) then you are exonerated. Period. That is how our system is supposed to work.
He makes this point to Kelly Anne Conway that Muler did not exonereate the President on the obstruction charge.

But thaat is not what Prosecutors do, dude.

They either indict or do not indict, they cannot exonerate anyone.

FNC's Wallace to Conway: Trump Claim of Total Exoneration: 'Just Isn't True' | Breitbart

Wallace asked, “Now the special counsel cleared the president on collusion, absolutely no question about it. But he especially did not clear him on the question of obstruction, so why is the president telling Americans something that is not true?”...

This is Barr summarizing the special counsel, ‘For each of the relevant actions investigated, the reports they found evidence on both sides of the question, the special counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime obstruction, it also does not exonerate him.’ So when the president says that its total exoneration on obstruction, Kellyanne, that’s just not true.”
To say that there is not enough evidence to indict, which is a pretty low bar since a prosecutor can basically get an indictment on a ham sandwich, that is about as close as it EVER comes to being exonerated by a prosecutor, Chrissy.

Mueller was hired to launch a independent investigation of the matter. His report contains all the information that was obtained. That was his main job. Since the DOJ believes a sitting President cannot be indicted, that means nothing.

Chris Wallace is a real journalist unlike the Trump sycophants who normally work at Fox. He was 100% right. Clearly Mueller found evidence that Trump did collude with the Russians. That is a sad state of affairs when there is evidence that a President colluded with a evil empire like Russia.
Actually that is your pathetic fantasy, Muller was quoted as finding Trump totally innocent of collusion. Mueller was even quoted as "not even considering whether a president can be indicted" when he came to the iconclusion that there was no conspiracy to collude.
Chris Wallace is a real journalist unlike the Trump sycophants who normally work at Fox. He was 100% right. Clearly Mueller found evidence that Trump did collude with the Russians. That is a sad state of affairs when there is evidence that a President colluded with a evil empire like Russia.
Actually that is your pathetic fantasy, Muller was quoted as finding Trump totally innocent of collusion. Mueller was even quoted as "not even considering whether a president can be indicted" when he came to the conclusion that there was no conspiracy to collude.

News Head: 'In other news Robert the Mule Mueller released a report stating that there is no evidence the Trump administration colluded with the Russians.'

Liberals: 'So, Trump did collude with the Russians!'

Conservatives: 'No, Mueller exonerated Trump on collusion, obstruction, tax evasion and Original Sin, he is emaculate, a God.'

DNC: 'Of course Trump colluded with Russia, we knew it was true aas soon as we made it all up in the Steel dossier.'

RNC: 'Well, guilty or not, donations are coming in pretty good.'

Marxists: 'It is impossible for Trump have not colluded since he leads a broken and corrupt system that is corrupted by racism, sectarianism, ethnicism, genderism, bullyism, and ismism.!'

Libertarians: 'We warned everybody about all this decades ago when Ron Paul gave a spee...'

Everybody else: 'SHUT THE HELL UP!'
He makes this point to Kelly Anne Conway that Muler did not exonereate the President on the obstruction charge.

But thaat is not what Prosecutors do, dude.

They either indict or do not indict, they cannot exonerate anyone.

FNC's Wallace to Conway: Trump Claim of Total Exoneration: 'Just Isn't True' | Breitbart

Wallace asked, “Now the special counsel cleared the president on collusion, absolutely no question about it. But he especially did not clear him on the question of obstruction, so why is the president telling Americans something that is not true?”...

This is Barr summarizing the special counsel, ‘For each of the relevant actions investigated, the reports they found evidence on both sides of the question, the special counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime obstruction, it also does not exonerate him.’ So when the president says that its total exoneration on obstruction, Kellyanne, that’s just not true.”
To say that there is not enough evidence to indict, which is a pretty low bar since a prosecutor can basically get an indictment on a ham sandwich, that is about as close as it EVER comes to being exonerated by a prosecutor, Chrissy.

Mueller was hired to launch a independent investigation of the matter. His report contains all the information that was obtained. That was his main job. Since the DOJ believes a sitting President cannot be indicted, that means nothing.

Chris Wallace is a real journalist unlike the Trump sycophants who normally work at Fox. He was 100% right. Clearly Mueller found evidence that Trump did collude with the Russians. That is a sad state of affairs when there is evidence that a President colluded with a evil empire like Russia.

He makes this point to Kelly Anne Conway that Muler did not exonereate the President on the obstruction charge.

But thaat is not what Prosecutors do, dude.

They either indict or do not indict, they cannot exonerate anyone.

FNC's Wallace to Conway: Trump Claim of Total Exoneration: 'Just Isn't True' | Breitbart

Wallace asked, “Now the special counsel cleared the president on collusion, absolutely no question about it. But he especially did not clear him on the question of obstruction, so why is the president telling Americans something that is not true?”...

This is Barr summarizing the special counsel, ‘For each of the relevant actions investigated, the reports they found evidence on both sides of the question, the special counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime obstruction, it also does not exonerate him.’ So when the president says that its total exoneration on obstruction, Kellyanne, that’s just not true.”
To say that there is not enough evidence to indict, which is a pretty low bar since a prosecutor can basically get an indictment on a ham sandwich, that is about as close as it EVER comes to being exonerated by a prosecutor, Chrissy.

Chris Wallace ain’t a real news guy. All he is, is his daddy’s name. That’s about it.
Mueller has no balls. He knew his appointment was illegitimate from the start, yet he refused to shut it down. When he has an opportunity to speak truth, he defers at the very end, taking the cowardly way out.

Hello, Mueller, you had an entire stacked deck on your Investigation team. People like Strozk, Page, McCabe, Preet Bhara, Weismann, and Baker were on your team. You even had an illegitimate FISA Warrant on an American Citizen and spied on him 24-7 and what did you find from that? ..........................................................




And not only could you not find Russian Collusion armed with Investigators that Hated Trump, you also could not find Obstruction.

Yet, your yellow bellied ass did not have the courage to state The Obvious?

Why Mueller, would you end your career with a BIG WTF?

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