
they don't have the time and energy with all the time spent working just to pay the bills.

True...ASSUMING that we were all on blu's planet, we'd still need to find the time and energy and resources to commit to his Utopia of Parenting.

if all of a parent or both parents time is consumed by working to pay bills then maybe the people should have waited before having kids. maybe they should have gone back to school to get a better education in order to have a higher paying job. they also could have lived frugally for a few years and saved for when the kid did come. if they come home exhausted after working 15 hours across three jobs then they probably aren't giving the kids the attention they deserve either.

they should take some personal responsibility and if they loved their kids they wouldn't put them through that shit
I'm certain that the FBI profiles people, and can make reasonable guesses about them, but given the context of the discussion about kids who may, or may not have a psychological disorder, your remaks are simply ridiculous.

think what you want, but in 50 years at the longest by age 4 or 5 a kids future choices, life styles, etc will be completely determined automatically by software and some mouse clicks. all that will be needed is normal monitoring by parents, day care, school, etc to put in the variables per kid

obviously if the kid goes heavy on drugs or if they have some overly traumatic experience the initial information will be wrong, but all that will have to be done is to change the variables to fit the traumatic experience

I think you have a dearth of knowledge about the whimsy of life. Whimsy, the curves life throws and the many, varied, and unpredictable reactions to those curve balls would crash your computer. If not, we should all take the nearest and highest bridge, because life just got too predictable to fully LIVE. I would rather die than live in such a world, or rather rage against such a machine until it was forced to terminate my "program."

You're program might work as a computer model, but practically applied, it simply sucks.

You just gotta burst his bubble, don'tcha?

Let the guy have a fantacy life: he's not gonna hurt anyone playing with his imagination.
they don't have the time and energy with all the time spent working just to pay the bills.

True...ASSUMING that we were all on blu's planet, we'd still need to find the time and energy and resources to commit to his Utopia of Parenting.

if all of a parent or both parents time is consumed by working to pay bills then maybe the people should have waited before having kids. maybe they should have gone back to school to get a better education in order to have a higher paying job. they also could have lived frugally for a few years and saved for when the kid did come. if they come home exhausted after working 15 hours across three jobs then they probably aren't giving the kids the attention they deserve either.

they should take some personal responsibility and if they loved their kids they wouldn't put them through that shit

Agreed, we should all have the ability to precisely predict our futures!!!:evil:

This "being human" shit is really unfair.:confused:
I'm certain that the FBI profiles people, and can make reasonable guesses about them, but given the context of the discussion about kids who may, or may not have a psychological disorder, your remaks are simply ridiculous.

think what you want, but in 50 years at the longest by age 4 or 5 a kids future choices, life styles, etc will be completely determined automatically by software and some mouse clicks. all that will be needed is normal monitoring by parents, day care, school, etc to put in the variables per kid

obviously if the kid goes heavy on drugs or if they have some overly traumatic experience the initial information will be wrong, but all that will have to be done is to change the variables to fit the traumatic experience

I think you have a dearth of knowledge about the whimsy of life. Whimsy, the curves life throws and the many, varied, and unpredictable reactions to those curve balls would crash your computer. If not, we should all take the nearest and highest bridge, because life just got too predictable to fully LIVE. I would rather die than live in such a world, or rather rage against such a machine until it was forced to terminate my "program."

You're program might work as a computer model, but practically applied, it simply sucks.

this makes a great hallmark card, but it simply isn't true. the only people with "free will" are those who are psychotic and since society can't deal with such variety it locks those people away.

the closest sane thing you get to free will is people who just say fuck it and go live out in the woods and/or explore the world living off the land. I am sure you know how most people on Earth deal with such people.....
I went to a Catholic school ( yes, it was in the stone age), believe me when the nun walked in the room with her ruler in her hand and usually smacked the loudest talker, nobody in the room had a attention deficit. The real cure for most of this bullshit is to give the disciplinary authority back to the classroom teacher where it belongs. No, I don't mean physical violence , I mean control. You can't teach in the midst of chaos. Pappadave. P.S. Of course, my parents wouldn't sue. Whenever I was dumb enough to tell my parents that the nun whacked me I usually got another whack from them for acting up in school.
Agreed, we should all have the ability to precisely predict our futures!!!:evil:

This "being human" shit is really unfair.:confused:

you don't need much prediction to realize that people who can't afford for themselves aren't going to afford a kid and/or be able to give that kid the attention he or she needs
I went to a Catholic school ( yes, it was in the stone age), believe me when the nun walked in the room with her ruler in her hand and usually smacked the loudest talker, nobody in the room had a attention deficit. The real cure for most of this bullshit is to give the disciplinary authority back to the classroom teacher where it belongs. No, I don't mean physical violence , I mean control. You can't teach in the midst of chaos. Pappadave. P.S. Of course, my parents wouldn't sue. Whenever I was dumb enough to tell my parents that the nun whacked me I usually got another whack from them for acting up in school.

so you learned discipline through force... the weakest way possible with no mental reasoning over punishments or behaviors
Jesus H. Christ on a pop-sickle stick. That is some draconian shit you're advocating. There are uneducated and perfectly responsible parents, highly educated irresponsible assholes, and every variation in between. .

okay? and as I said it should be personal responsibility based, and as i have said in past threads on this, fully uneducated people are simply not able to raise kids properly. third world countries are a great example of this. all it does is create generations of the same people with no societal advancements.

I also never said that all well off people are automatically good parents and its based on the responsibility level of the parent and their interest in acting as parents

You ALSO said that children should be taken away from parents, and that some should NOT be allowed to breed. How do you go about making those distinctions, WHO gets to, and what are your preventative measures??

You might, instead, increase and improve opportunity for economic advancement and educational attainment. Within a generation (maybe two where religion frowns upon "artificial" birth control) increased economic opportunity would also improve educational chances, and that higher education and economic activity would lower birth rates and improve the education of the general population producing children. THEIR children would then be at a place where your standards might actually have some credible possibility of compliance. Socioeconomically though, today, you're pissing up a rope and blaming the wrong people for not knowing what you know, and, not for nothing, but for knowing what you DON'T.

That would be:
Men plan; the gods laugh.

Not for nothing, that last little bit might never change,.
I went to a Catholic school ( yes, it was in the stone age), believe me when the nun walked in the room with her ruler in her hand and usually smacked the loudest talker, nobody in the room had a attention deficit. The real cure for most of this bullshit is to give the disciplinary authority back to the classroom teacher where it belongs. No, I don't mean physical violence , I mean control. You can't teach in the midst of chaos. Pappadave. P.S. Of course, my parents wouldn't sue. Whenever I was dumb enough to tell my parents that the nun whacked me I usually got another whack from them for acting up in school.

I've heard this many, many times.

You went to a PRIVATE school.

If there were any discipline problems that couldn't be dealt with with a ruler, the school would have expelled you.

Thus, I'm not surprised no one left in the room had an attention deficite.

BTW:The same can be said for military basic training.
they don't have the time and energy with all the time spent working just to pay the bills.

True...ASSUMING that we were all on blu's planet, we'd still need to find the time and energy and resources to commit to his Utopia of Parenting.

if all of a parent or both parents time is consumed by working to pay bills then maybe the people should have waited before having kids. maybe they should have gone back to school to get a better education in order to have a higher paying job. they also could have lived frugally for a few years and saved for when the kid did come. if they come home exhausted after working 15 hours across three jobs then they probably aren't giving the kids the attention they deserve either.

they should take some personal responsibility and if they loved their kids they wouldn't put them through that shit

Sweetheart, how old are you? Life does NOT conduct itself according to a planned out script. Life simply happens, and people adapt. Some adapt better than others, it is true, but it really is all done on the fly.
Jesus H. Christ on a pop-sickle stick. That is some draconian shit you're advocating. There are uneducated and perfectly responsible parents, highly educated irresponsible assholes, and every variation in between. .

okay? and as I said it should be personal responsibility based, and as i have said in past threads on this, fully uneducated people are simply not able to raise kids properly. third world countries are a great example of this. all it does is create generations of the same people with no societal advancements.

I also never said that all well off people are automatically good parents and its based on the responsibility level of the parent and their interest in acting as parents

You ALSO said that children should be taken away from parents, and that some should NOT be allowed to breed. How do you go about making those distinctions, WHO gets to, and what are your preventative measures??

You might, instead, increase and improve opportunity for economic advancement and educational attainment. Within a generation (maybe two where religion frowns upon "artificial" birth control) increased economic opportunity would also improve educational chances, and that higher education and economic activity would lower birth rates and improve the education of the general population producing children. THEIR children would then be at a place where your standards might actually have some credible possibility of compliance. Socioeconomically though, today, you're pissing up a rope and blaming the wrong people for not knowing what you know, and, not for nothing, but for knowing what you DON'T.

That would be:
Men plan; the gods laugh.

Not for nothing, that last little bit might never change,.

you could have the best schools, community centers, counseling programs, job opportunities, etc and a number of people will still be exactly how they are now.

about who/how/when, I am going to bed now, but tomorrow I will dig up the old thread on this as it has pages of hte same questions and answers we are doing
True...ASSUMING that we were all on blu's planet, we'd still need to find the time and energy and resources to commit to his Utopia of Parenting.

if all of a parent or both parents time is consumed by working to pay bills then maybe the people should have waited before having kids. maybe they should have gone back to school to get a better education in order to have a higher paying job. they also could have lived frugally for a few years and saved for when the kid did come. if they come home exhausted after working 15 hours across three jobs then they probably aren't giving the kids the attention they deserve either.

they should take some personal responsibility and if they loved their kids they wouldn't put them through that shit

Sweetheart, how old are you? Life does NOT conduct itself according to a planned out script. Life simply happens, and people adapt. Some adapt better than others, it is true, but it really is all done on the fly.

23, and life does not "simply happen", particularly childbirth with the exception of rape. if people want to fool around with sex and aren't able to support a child if/when that does happen then they should be held fully responsible for their choice and society should not have to burden their irresponsibility whether its through welfare programs or another fucked up kid running around.

if people were more responsible and planned their futures out better we wouldn't have deal with all the people that suck at adapting
okay really going to bed now, will check this thread when I wake up. been fun samson & barb
I went to a Catholic school ( yes, it was in the stone age), believe me when the nun walked in the room with her ruler in her hand and usually smacked the loudest talker, nobody in the room had a attention deficit. The real cure for most of this bullshit is to give the disciplinary authority back to the classroom teacher where it belongs. No, I don't mean physical violence , I mean control. You can't teach in the midst of chaos. Pappadave. P.S. Of course, my parents wouldn't sue. Whenever I was dumb enough to tell my parents that the nun whacked me I usually got another whack from them for acting up in school.

I never liked Catholic school, even though I never attended, My cousins did. They got in trouble in class (or the hallway!) for talking to each OTHER. My aunt, the sweetest woman in the world (and the provider of peanut butter and fluff, something my mother wouldn't hear of) had nothing wrong to say about the Catholic church, or nuns, doling out corporal punishment to her child. I told her that when I grew up, there would be hell to pay for such shit where mine were concerned, and that I couldn't understand such a good mommy would let someone else decide to put their hands on HER kids.

My family was crazier than shit house rats in some regards, but that kind of stuff was decided IN house, not by some random "authority."

That trust in the church, that abdication of parental authority is what allowed the abuse of children to go on for so long. Kids aren't going to tell you SQUAT if they figure they're going to get a second beating for it. They need to know their parents have their back when push comes to shove. And yes, even if they're wrong, they need to know that their mom and dad will help them set things right. That doesn't mean supporting bad behavior, but it does mean not allowing someone to abuse them because of their weak position.
okay? and as I said it should be personal responsibility based, and as i have said in past threads on this, fully uneducated people are simply not able to raise kids properly. third world countries are a great example of this. all it does is create generations of the same people with no societal advancements.

I also never said that all well off people are automatically good parents and its based on the responsibility level of the parent and their interest in acting as parents

You ALSO said that children should be taken away from parents, and that some should NOT be allowed to breed. How do you go about making those distinctions, WHO gets to, and what are your preventative measures??

You might, instead, increase and improve opportunity for economic advancement and educational attainment. Within a generation (maybe two where religion frowns upon "artificial" birth control) increased economic opportunity would also improve educational chances, and that higher education and economic activity would lower birth rates and improve the education of the general population producing children. THEIR children would then be at a place where your standards might actually have some credible possibility of compliance. Socioeconomically though, today, you're pissing up a rope and blaming the wrong people for not knowing what you know, and, not for nothing, but for knowing what you DON'T.

That would be:
Men plan; the gods laugh.

Not for nothing, that last little bit might never change,.

you could have the best schools, community centers, counseling programs, job opportunities, etc and a number of people will still be exactly how they are now.

about who/how/when, I am going to bed now, but tomorrow I will dig up the old thread on this as it has pages of hte same questions and answers we are doing

That number would be greatly reduced, and I suspect that you know it.
Sweetheart, how old are you? Life does NOT conduct itself according to a planned out script. Life simply happens, and people adapt. Some adapt better than others, it is true, but it really is all done on the fly.






What? You mapped out a plan and it worked flawlessly? If so, please write a book and share it with the rest of us mere mortals. :doubt:
Sweetheart, how old are you? Life does NOT conduct itself according to a planned out script. Life simply happens, and people adapt. Some adapt better than others, it is true, but it really is all done on the fly.






What? You mapped out a plan and it worked flawlessly? If so, please write a book and share it with the rest of us mere mortals. :doubt:


No, I'm keeping it secret.:eusa_shhh:

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