
These stupid assholes will believe anything!!!
Photo from the satire site "The Daily Squib"

Yeah, the photos so phony even the news media aired them.









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The way we got in this mess is because Democrooks and Republicrats got into bed and fucked the entire country.

You do not compromise with rapist or muggers. You shoot them in the face. The Democrooks are fucking muggers and perverts. Their entire agenda is to bring down the United States and turn it into a turd world country. Sick and tired of being told we need to elect a politician to reach across the aisle & come up with some bullshit compromise that creates more problems.

Kasich will do nothing to undo the damage done by the meat puppet faggot and his sycophants. He will do nothing to roll back the insane policies of the regressive left and will allow the treasonous libturd sociopaths to incrementally advance their agenda. Perhaps just a little more slowly than Hitlery will, but you can bet your ass the left will still get everything it wants and the rest of us will suffer for it.

Ted Cruz is the only politician that is going to undo the damage, reverse the insanity, and get the country back on the path to prosperity and global dominance we enjoyed prior to the Moonbat Messiah's regime. All of the Trumptard propaganda about Cruz being a Canadian or fucking around on his wife is just as much bullshit as his own brand of vacuous "hopey changey" platitudes.

Dump is just another messianic empty suit with hordes of zealots. He does actually have some accomplishments he can point to unlike the meat puppet queer, but he's also been part of the problem in that he has helped create the DC corruptocracy. He isn't going to do anything to unfuck the system he helped create and that has enriched him and people like him.

The only sane and rational choice is Ted Cruz. The democrooks and RINOs will continue to drive towards the cliff, and Dump will steer us into an asylum.

Kasich is slightly further right than Bush43.
43 was/is full blown progressive...

Agit8r is slightly to the right of Hitler.

He's still a bed wetting moonbat.

I would't call 43 a full blown regressive. He left our guns alone. He was/is a globalist though. K-snitch is certainly worse than 43, that's why he's a bottom feeder.
Why don't you come down from meme mountain and spend some time with the adults.

Because you libtards only seem to only respond emotionally with pictures through the media and make judgement based on what you see by ignoring all of the facts, instead of adult logic. Perception is reality.





Emotional? I'm not the one who appears to be desperately googling for just the right bumper sticker and can't decide on one so go with 10. Sometimes less is more.

If not so emotional, why so desperate to get the last word and make a comeback?



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