Prove to me that race exists.


I think the real questions are:
- how do we define "Race"?...variation in genome or skin color or culture?
- If we choose a definition of "race" many different races will there be?...if we go with genome each one of us is by definition a race.
- If we go by skin color, there will still be many millions of different wife and I will be different races even though we are both caucasian by birth.
- If we go by culture, Americans and Europeans will be different races (of course we'd have to define "culture")

From the tone of this thread I'd guess folks are talking about grouping large groups of folks together based on general skin color, then drawing conclusions based on skin coloration.
The only thing that is a circular argument is if you have any intelligence. There is no race. Its a social construct. A word made up to describe regional variations in physical appearance in the species homo sapien sapiens. You mentioned DNA but your brain is enveloped in a haze of misunderstanding if you don't realize that same DNA shows everyone came from Black people in Africa. In some cases, such as yours, the regional variation in western Europe actually experienced a period of devolution as a result of being trapped by the ice age and cut off from the rest of humanity.

Whites tend to be more hairy, prone to atypical levels of aggression and violence, and suffer from genetic weakness brought on by inbreeding during this ice age. As long as whites can breed with other humans and produce offspring they are not so different that they are a different race per say. Race is only used to explain why you lack the ability to produce enough melanin to protect yourself from skin cancer while a person of African ancestry is much more efficient at this.

Is that the best you can do? Lack of melanin makes whites vulnerable to skin cancer in a sunny climate. Too much melanin makes blacks vulnerable to rickets in a darker climate. So what?
The only thing that is a circular argument is if you have any intelligence. There is no race. Its a social construct. A word made up to describe regional variations in physical appearance in the species homo sapien sapiens. You mentioned DNA but your brain is enveloped in a haze of misunderstanding if you don't realize that same DNA shows everyone came from Black people in Africa. In some cases, such as yours, the regional variation in western Europe actually experienced a period of devolution as a result of being trapped by the ice age and cut off from the rest of humanity.

Whites tend to be more hairy, prone to atypical levels of aggression and violence, and suffer from genetic weakness brought on by inbreeding during this ice age. As long as whites can breed with other humans and produce offspring they are not so different that they are a different race per say. Race is only used to explain why you lack the ability to produce enough melanin to protect yourself from skin cancer while a person of African ancestry is much more efficient at this.

Is that the best you can do? Lack of melanin makes whites vulnerable to skin cancer in a sunny climate. Too much melanin makes blacks vulnerable to rickets in a darker climate. So what?

What are you talking about? The best I can do? This was not a game. Those are facts. Is this your way of telling me you got your feelings hurt? Since most Black people dont live in the dark I dont particularly worry about rickets. The sun shines everyday. I bet you would get skin cancer before I got rickets.
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What are you talking about? The best I can do? This was not a game. Those are facts. Is this your way of telling me you got your feelings hurt? Since most Black people dont live in the dark I dont particularly worry about rickets. The sun shines everyday. I bet you would get skin cancer before I got rickets.

What matters is not that blacks are immune to skin cancer. What matters is that on the average they are considerably less intelligent than whites and Asians, and more prone to crime, illegitimacy, and venereal diseases. These differences are so characteristic that they are probably biological.
What are you talking about? The best I can do? This was not a game. Those are facts. Is this your way of telling me you got your feelings hurt? Since most Black people dont live in the dark I dont particularly worry about rickets. The sun shines everyday. I bet you would get skin cancer before I got rickets.

What matters is not that blacks are immune to skin cancer. What matters is that on the average they are considerably less intelligent than whites and Asians, and more prone to crime, illegitimacy, and venereal diseases. These differences are so characteristic that they are probably biological.

Blacks are not immune to skin cancer retard.

What matters is the little world you have built is based fantasy. Let me enlighten you. Blacks are just as smart and probably smarter than any other race on the planet. We are the ones that taught you how to read and write. You wouldn't be here unless homo sapiens sapiens first developed in Africa. Whites are more prone crime, illegitimacy, venereal diseases, genetic flaws, and lack of intelligence. in addition you are the most destructive branch of the human family to every infest the earth.
What matters is the little world you have built is based fantasy. Let me enlighten you. Blacks are just as smart and probably smarter than any other race on the planet. We are the ones that taught you how to read and write. You wouldn't be here unless homo sapiens sapiens first developed in Africa. Whites are more prone crime, illegitimacy, venereal diseases, genetic flaws, and lack of intelligence. in addition you are the most destructive branch of the human family to every infest the earth.

Writing began five thousand years ago in the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both of these were Caucasian civilizations. The race of the Egyptians was attested to, not only by the mummies they left, but by paintings. They painted themselves with light skin. They painted Negroes with dark skin.

Your other assertions are too preposterous for me to respond to. Maybe someone else has the time and inclination.
What matters is the little world you have built is based fantasy. Let me enlighten you. Blacks are just as smart and probably smarter than any other race on the planet. We are the ones that taught you how to read and write. You wouldn't be here unless homo sapiens sapiens first developed in Africa. Whites are more prone crime, illegitimacy, venereal diseases, genetic flaws, and lack of intelligence. in addition you are the most destructive branch of the human family to every infest the earth.

Writing began five thousand years ago in the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both of these were Caucasian civilizations. The race of the Egyptians was attested to, not only by the mummies they left, but by paintings. They painted themselves with light skin. They painted Negroes with dark skin.

Your other assertions are too preposterous for me to respond to. Maybe someone else has the time and inclination.

Your assertion that Egyptians were white is hilarious. Can you prove that? Show me even 1 mummy DNA ID'd as a white boy. I have DNA evidence that says otherwise. You do realize not all Black people are literally Black right? I also have white historians from Greece saying the Egyptians were Black. Lets see what you got monkey boy. I doubt you will answer this. :lol:
The European Union Times Jun 7th, 2010

Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.

The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission...

So much for the Afro-centrists and others who have derided the very obvious northwestern European appearance of a large number of the pharonic mummies. I
King Tut?s DNA is Western European |
The European Union Times Jun 7th, 2010

Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.

The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission...

So much for the Afro-centrists and others who have derided the very obvious northwestern European appearance of a large number of the pharonic mummies. I
King Tut?s DNA is Western European |

The company that claimed they isolated the DNA literally got their findings from a Discovery Channel show. Springing this on you inbred racists never gets old. Like most retards you fell for it hook line and sinker. :lol:

King Tut Related to Half of European Men? Maybe Not | Personal Genomics | Tutankhamen's Relatives

Swiss genomics company iGENEA has launched a Tutankhamen DNA project based on what they say are genetic markers that appeared on a computer screen during a Discovery Channel special on the famous pharaoh's genetic lineage.

Tut was Black. He died from Sickle cell not to mention his DNA was finally released as being Black. Sorry guy.

The King Tut Gene

Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other markers it has a sparse distribution outside Africa with a worldwide average frequency of 4%. Still, Africans and African-influenced populations (1 in about 10) are about twice or three times as likely to have it as non-Africans.

Legendary pharaoh Tutankhamun was probably killed by the genetic blood disorder sickle cell disease, German scientists said Wednesday, rejecting earlier research that suggested he died of malaria.
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Still not seeing any proof.

Here is something for you to see:

[ame=""]DC Carribean Day Fight(Howard University) - YouTube[/ame]

This is the kind of scene you frequently get when a large number of Negroes gather. These people do not even seem to be angry. They are enjoying this. When whites and Orientals gather we seldom if ever behave this way.

Boolshat,and you know it .Turning cars over setting them on fire you behave worst.
Why is this so important? How will this discussion help anyone or anything?

It helps racists confront their lack of intelligence. At the very least it gives them pause on their moronic postings. If you notice monkey man has disappeared to lick his wounds.

This may not help intelligent people but I have to wonder why was it so important for hollywood to convince people the Egyptians were white when facts show they were Black.
What are you talking about? The best I can do? This was not a game. Those are facts. Is this your way of telling me you got your feelings hurt? Since most Black people dont live in the dark I dont particularly worry about rickets. The sun shines everyday. I bet you would get skin cancer before I got rickets.

What matters is not that blacks are immune to skin cancer. What matters is that on the average they are considerably less intelligent than whites and Asians, and more prone to crime, illegitimacy, and venereal diseases. These differences are so characteristic that they are probably biological.
You know the stupidest group of people on the planet?

How stupid is Libtard Media? Answer: Extremely!

On one hand, Libtard Media supposedly doesn't believe that "race" exists and demands some "irrefutable evidence" be made to prove that it does exist. :cuckoo:

still waiting for irrefutable evidence that race exists.

On the other hand, Libtard Media plays the race-card like a typical shit-for-brains liberal. :cuckoo:

If you criticize President Obama, you are a racist. It is impossible to criticize him without being a racist, as criticism of President Obama is inherently racist in and of itself.
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Well, conservatards, go on. Do it.

Conservitards, WOW, that is harsh and mean spirited. OK, I challenge you to prove YOU exist. I hate to split hairs and stuff. Are YOU real? Prove it using the same standards YOU expect from the rest of us. Race. DNA, and science and global warming and evolution and internal combustion...What PROOF would you validate? What, you get the luxury of picking and choosing the facts? Because the truth is...Name-calling jerks don't get to dictate the truth.
Well, conservatards, go on. Do it.

If one wishes to be scientist and gain more knowledge one must be willing to accept the evidence of one eyes. If something can be seen , measured and verified it exist. It makes no difference if you don’t wish believe it.

And I am no conservative.

Exactly. If race doesn't exist, maybe it should be explained to forensic anthropologists that can determine the race of an individual with just the bones. But, what do they know?


Yes. Jews consider themselves that they are the Prime race of the world.
If race does not exist, why should we give special preferences in hiring and university admissions to the non race of Negroes?
Well, conservatards, go on. Do it.
Maybe a reply from a Facist will do. I wrote two replies. called, "Maddow and LiberalMedia, Race exists." The better one ended up in the USMB Badlands. What I had to write isn't really bad. It's just too truthful fpr people around here to handle. If you really want to know if race exists, go to the badlands section and look at "Maddow and LiberalMedia, Race Exists." If you dare.
Well, conservatards, go on. Do it.

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