Proud to be American?

Are you proud to be an American?

  • Yes I am proud of my president and the law enforcement officers

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Pride is an emotion that should be reserved for personal accomplishment.

Being lucky enough to have been born in America is not a personal accomplishment.
Maybe it would be better if we were stoning our women and supporting racism like the rest of the world :rolleyes:
hm, which part of the world?

What? Where are black people treated better? Where are gay people treated better? I'll wait.
Thanks for waiting, as I read this last night I decided to instead imbed an answer into my latest speech here, I made it bold for you, then you can read around it:

As we compare ourselves with much of the rest of the world, we may feel BLESSED to be living in such a prosperous nation. That is until we do some of our own research and realize that behind the SCENES, all those nations are being controlled by the same people who control America: USSR was presented to us as an enemy - Stalin, it is written in history books used to rob banks to fund his communist Leninist revolution, but the REALITY is that Stalin and Lenin's revolution was actually BACKED by international bankers, just like they backed the new Kiev junta in Ukraine, just like they back terrorists and rebels in Syria, and in OTHER parts of the world. The last thing they want is peaceful and united world, but by controlling the mass media, they put out gossip theories about them seeking to create a New World Order. If a one world government is to be created, then they would have no places in the world left to hide in - they are a small minority, they would lose control of the government, they would be fully exposed, and humanity would ensure that they have no place on earth to REGROUP: their whole success exists due to their ability to travel from nation to nation, creating and destroying kingdoms, just like a gardener with his fields.

THEY DISCOURAGE US by writing up all sorts of idiotic versions of religions, such as the return of Jesus Christ to fix things, sometime in the next hundred years or so, after the brutal dictator, after we are dead and gone, and then we can have our heaven in the sky. They discourage us by telling us garbage about how the only way to change anything in politics is through a bloody revolution - did anything change in Syria, in Ukraine, in Egypt, in Greece through their bloody revolutions? NO. They discourage us by introducing money in politics - how can any candidate who has real ideas need money, especially today, in the age of internet? Any politician or movement that claims to need money to fight establishment is simply attempting to play the same game as establishment, they are all DISTRACTORS. They control the opposition by leading it, by creating and hijacking anti establishment demonstrations, movements, rallies: how was it that on January 24th, 2012, ALL the major networks had an ex federal reserve bank chairman Herman Cain give a tea party response to Obama's state of the Union address? a movement that was started out with intent to AUDIT federal reserve! What could be a better way to discourage people? Occupy wall street movement started out with IDENTICAL intentions as the tea party did - as an ANTI GOVERNMENT SPENDING movement. But before we knew it, there were 20 different branches, 30 different web sites with different versions of what the movement actually stands for, each in need of your donations, actions, participations, demonstrations, listening to their lectures AND....people GAVE UP.

But if there was to rise ONE LEADER against the establishment to clear up all the confusion, to make things simple for the people, to give a clear direction, THEN - the same media that keeps speaking out against establishment to gain your trust, who plays the government watch dogs, would attempt to portray that leader as a DICTATOR, they would compare him to Adolf Hitler. Well if I am Adolf Hitler, then I must ask: WHOM does the US government owe money to? who would be IGNORANT ENOUGH to lend money to the US government? Oh, the international bankers. And on behalf of Dr. Evil, AKA Adolf Hitler, I must say that my grand mother, who was 17 years old at the time Germany invaded Lithuania, explained to us that German soldiers treated her and all the other people MUCH BETTER than the US allies called the Red Army. She told me that German soldiers knocked on her door one morning, asked if she had any eggs, she got some eggs, and the German soldiers gave her chocolate in return. and then they asked my grand mother if they pick some apples from her tree, and they were careful not to pick too much. But this is NOT how Russian and American historians portrayed Germans. And my grand mother told me that when RUSSIAN red army entered Lithuania, things were quite DIFFERENT - THEY were destroying everything in their way.

And so what are we supposed to believe: Hollywood movies, Soviet propaganda? Of COURSE, Americans and Russians who had their relatives fighting against Dr. Evil, who landed in Normandy beaches, feel TOO PROUD to let go of their illusions, after all, they flew to the MOON together. But if Vladimir Putin is really having such conflicts with American leaders, who call him a dictator, who slap sanctions on him, why would he not slap sanctions back on the money printing business of international bankers by throwing them out of his nation? THESE CONFLICTS ARE FAKED. And what is the PURPOSE to fake such conflicts as the cold war? - so that when the people in America complain about capitalism being the cause of rising inequality, the political pundits can point to Russia and say - do you want THAT? And so the people shut up and take it. They create all these idiotic regimes around the world, and then if someone criticizes America, they bring up "where in the world are black people treated better, where are gay people treated better?"

ILLUSION IS CREATED in nations all around the world, that America stands for DEMOCRACY, against DICTATORSHIPS - but many people still fail to see that Adolf Hitler actually WAS democratically elected by the people. COMMUNISTS on the other hand, Americas' ally of the world war, when it mattered MOST, were NOT elected by the people but came to power through a bloody revolution backed by international bankers who took over America in 1913. Just 4 years BEFORE.

But there are these INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE, who are so nice, such gentlemen, they can do all sorts of favors. And it is HARD to argue with these people, they would quickly get appalled and insulted if you mention to them certain kinds of truths which we are not supposed to be discussing. But let us imagine a world WITHOUT such gentleman, a world where we can respect ALL our neighbors, we may think but many people are so ignorant, so stupid, how can they ever be respected? But WHO CREATES THESE PEOPLE?! it is the SYSTEM that creates them, the WELFARE SYSTEM which OPPRESSES the working class, SUPPRESSES the truth, BANS people like me from political forums. Take away WELFARE, and the ignorance will disappear within ONE GENERATION. And people on Welfare may say WAIT A MINUTE, I thought you were on OUR side - yes I AM on your side: WHY IS IT that YOU, are desperate for government assistance? because government WANTS you to be dependent on them, WHAT drives UP the cost of HOUSING, cost of FOOD, cost of your monthly BILLS? Our hijacked government which primarily serves the welfare class of BILLIONAIRES - OF COURSE it is absurd to even THINK about surviving on $8 an hour, without any kind of government assistance, but we have to understand that in a nation like Philippines, for $8 an hour we could be living like KINGS. And that is exactly how international bankers PROFIT from division of nations. And they create these illusions that they are attempting to create a one world government - NO. do not fall for their deceptions. one world government is in OUR interest, the WORKING CLASS people's interest. And do not believe for one minute, that the people who control puppet circus in Philippines are not the same who control the puppet circus in America.

IMAGINE...YOU ARE LIVING ON $5 AN HOUR. Your television, telephone, internet, which was invented by YOUR tax dollars, made available through satellites, paid initially for YOUR tax dollars is FREE. You need service you pay for the service. Of course companies who provide these so called services would at first attempt to DISRUPT the services in every way, but TODAY we have technology to DEAL with these criminals, they ALREADY have hidden cameras spying on US - and these hoodlums who would be caught cutting people's lines, would be placed to provide free services to those communities for the next 10 years - WE DO NOT NEED TO LIVE UNDER FEAR, if we are REALLY the land of the free and the brave.

Corporations such as electric, gas and oil companies, who used American troops to secure their oil fields in Iraq, NOT FOR AMERICA, but for THEMSELVES, many American troops and their families may feel uncomfortable to ADMIT that they fought not for America, but for international elites, but they CAN NOT deny, that they were sponsored by American TAX PAYERS - THEREFOR, Instead of government taxing corporations such as gas, oil, electrical companies, Let those corporations tax our government INSTEAD. but the PROFITEERS must be the PEOPLE, who FOUGHT for those oil companies, who DIED for those oil companies.

When this will be the case, people on welfare will be able NOT ONLY to SURVIVE on $5 an hour, but they will be able to also take care of their parents and their GRAND parents for that salary, and those who will have ambition to make more money, will be able to EASILY start their own business without any soviet style OPPRESSION, because there will not be any idiotic government regulators who were placed there to serve the welfare class of billionaires acting as liberals. It is VERY IGNORANT to believe that communists back in Soviet Union times, really cared about the people - they primarily cared about THEMSELVES, they had their own special STORES, and they never really gave up their POWER. They are all the same criminal industry and they DO include the so called REPUBLICANS.

So when you hear people criticizing either a republican or a democrat OR Vladimir Putin in Russia, REMEMBER - those people are very likely either ignorant, OR they are distractors, and THAT is who is allowed on the main stream media - ignorant people to be used as DISTRACTORS: it is NOT a lie that republicans are corrupt. it is also not a lie that DEMOCRATS are corrupt. It is also not a lie that Vladimir PUTIN is corrupt. The establishment media does not lie nearly as much as they are ACCUSED of lying - it is not the LIES that are deceiving us, it is HALF truths

People who are allowed to speak on television defend America, because for THEM it is SECURITY, RETIREMENT, they can go vacation in other parts of the world like Philippines, and live like KINGS there, because American dollar goes much FURTHER THERE than it does in AMERICA. I VACATIONED among those types of people, I know them very WELL. There is a class of these type of people, and they make up about 10 or 15%, clearly a MINORITY. But by being the ones who are allowed a voice on TELEVISION, they can create an illusion that they ARE America. And the MASSES, the MAJORITY of Americans, who live from paycheck to paycheck, who can barely afford to go out to eat, sit in front of their TELEVISION and watch the ILLUSION. And if they are doing a little bit better than their NEIGHBOR, they think they have it MADE - praise the LORD Jesus Christ. But the REALITY for the masses of Americans is that we are stuck with cheap foreign labor, we are left to deal with falling dollar, which buys us less and less, which leaves us more and more dependent on government hand outs - and so if we just blame the poor people on welfare, we are being hypocritical, we must UNDERSTAND our fellow country men and seek to work together rather than voting for two independent parties.

And if there are THOUSANDS of political experts like me, WHAT GOOD do any of us do for the NATION, if the nation is already AWARE about the corruption of the two party system? even if there are just TWO of us, ONE must LEAD, one must FOLLOW, other way he is a DISTRACTOR. ONLY ONE person can lead, two or MORE people, can only create DIVISION. THAT is the PROBLEM in America today - people do not KNOW whom to VOTE for - the ESTABLISHMENT makes THEIR choice VERY CLEAR, the left and the right is very well united whom they publicize and criticize from the very beginning. But HOW are the voters supposed to KNOW, if they should vote for the green party, the tea party, pizza party, the libertarian party, constitution party, independent party, occupy wall street party, stop Hillary Clinton 2016 party, Rand Paul, or Allen West party - it is EASY to blame the VOTERS, but I must admit that I am ALSO CLUELESS whom to vote for. THAT IS WHY, last year i decided to take a BOLD step, delete most of my friends and family members from my Facebook account, and present myself as the world LEADER, because it is EMBARRASSING to do so when you are a NOBODY, if my movement takes off THEN it's OK, I will no longer look like a nut case. But if there are any OTHER leaders out there, I can be contacted, let us talk, maybe you can be a better leader than me, and then I will be happy to follow, but I have not ran into any such people as of yet - they all seem to be on TELEVISION and too big to reach - and they have their own fake conferences, where only their own people can ask them questions to which they already have prepared their answers.
Your selection choices smoke the vein. Need 'I love my country but am ashamed of our President'.

I know, but elections did not place ME on a ballot, so I'm not placing that option on a ballot - it reflects the system better.
I don't know if this is a comedy show or if this is real? in America this could be real. Americans must be proud of their president and their law enforcement and the way they treat their retired people and veterans: - Calif. Cop Turns Aggressive on Crash Victim in name of "Safety"

It might have been different if the building had not been in danger of collapsing.
Are you serious? [/bump]

Of course. I have all kinds of sympathy for the man in the car. I would not leave at all if it exposed my dog to risk. I'd bite the cops hand off before I left my dog. That said, the building was in danger of collapsing on both cop, man and dog. Had the building not presented a danger, the cop would likely not have been so zealous in trying to effect a "rescue". The answer is, do not give the police a duty to rescue people in hazardous situations and punish them when they don't do it.
Why only "proud"? I thank God for being born in the greatest nation ever known, and owe a debt to all who died, were injured, and those who struggled for our liberties, outside of combat also.
WOW! No Americans are proud of their nation, their leaders, their law enforcement. this says something. In the next elections I will put myself up against my dogs, win elections, and become a leader of America - considering that Americans hate their own leader, they will probably accept me as the new one - that is what they did in Ukraine recently.
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What a lousy poll.... Why not just note ," This poll is slanted toward the views of scum sucking liberals?"
WOW! No Americans are proud of their nation, their leaders, their law enforcement. this says something. In the next elections I will put myself up against my dogs, win elections, and become a leader of America - considering that Americans hate their own leader, they will probably accept me as the new one - that is what they did in Ukraine recently.
No...just nobody is interested in a troll poll.
A half intelligent person would KNOW that he will not be aware if the person he is serving is a CIA or FBI agent.

You made a big mistake in your self quote.
Hitler was NOT democratically elected. 1932 were two elections.
The first in July ended with 37% for the Nazis and no success.
The second in November 1932 was necessary because the fucking self centered other parties were not able to sustain a stable government. It ended actually with losses for the Nazis who got only 33%.
But the other fucking democrats were not able to constitute a government, so President Hindenburg, an already quite senile old man that time, appointed Hitler as chancellor.

And, as I mentioned in another post, it is still not very clear who outside German had his bloody fingers in that game. Especially bloody financial fingers.
Idiotic thread. The government is NOT the country. I am proud of America and ashamed over the current federal government.
A half intelligent person would KNOW that he will not be aware if the person he is serving is a CIA or FBI agent.

An even more informed and well read person will recognise it as having been posted at a cafe at last summer's Olympic games.
Fortunately I do not bother to inform myself with nonsense issues such as sign postings in some cafes of some Olympic games - those who are glued to the news get informed, I read what matters on internet.

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