Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
That’s been, for many years, the default position of politicians of both parties. No matter what your views were on the issues of the moment, everyone could agree that America was No. 1. Patriotism and pride weren’t partisan.

New polling numbers from Gallup suggest that view is no longer ubiquitous – or even close – among the people they represent.

Just over 4 in 10 Americans (42%) said they were “extremely proud” to be an American, the lowest number to say so since Gallup began asking the question in 2001. The total of people saying they were “extremely” or “very” proud to be an American – 63% – was also the lowest ever measured by Gallup.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
Not an original idea (the test), but I love it. Actually, it should be required at the time of voter registration.

While I don't believe in being proud of things that you had nothing to do with, if you are a GOOD American - obey the laws, respect authority, join the Army, pay your taxes - you can be proud of that.

I am.

Parenthetically, much of what the Leftist whiners complain about is nonsense. America was never an "imperialist" country. As pointed out by General Colin Powell, all we ever asked of the countries we "invaded" was a piece of land to bury our dead soldiers.
I will always be proud of America.
It is, and may always be the greatest experiment in human history.
America changed the whole world for the better.
It crushed and ruined tyranny, royalty and unescapable poverty throughout western society.
It is the most diverse nation on earth.
But, alas, yes. It is evaporating before our very eyes. Our entire education system is poisoning our youth against us. Most kids graduate high school and believe America is mostly bad. America was built on slavery and evil men. Racism, sexism, misogyny is everywhere.
Being proud of America is now taboo. To wear an American flag on your shirt means you are a racist, certainly white supremacist. And possibly transphobic.

I am so glad I was raised when I was.
I can see why the fascists here are so upset. "Love it or leave it" was their selling point, a justification for brownshirt violence. And now they've lost that.

On the plus side for them, it does give them an excuse to whine and proclaim their victimhood, as you saw them do here.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...
Put it into the Constitution but until then fuck yous.
I see you studied Maoism.
Because I pointed out how upset you got over being unable to excuse brownshirt violence?

Come on. 'Fess up. You're just upset because I revealed your motivations.

Conservatives love America like a mommy, and mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America more like a spouse. We think there's room for improvement, even if it does annoy the spouse.
It crushed and ruined tyranny, royalty and unescapable poverty throughout western society.
The weakest defence of a generalisation I have ever seen . Particularly when none of those three reasons is easy to support .Or, putting it less charitably , when they are nonsense .
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Because I pointed out how upset you got over being unable to excuse brownshirt violence?

Come on. 'Fess up. You're just upset because I revealed your motivations.

Conservatives love America like a mommy, and mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America more like a spouse. We think there's room for improvement, even if it does annoy the spouse.
Because you accuse you adversary of exactly what you do.
This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...

Well your proposal would certainly save us a fortune in bennies we pay to those special needs people. Strip them of their citizenship. Where should we deport the Down's Syndrome kids to? I mean I suppose we could just set them adrift in rafts and see where they end up, but the optics might be a little challenging to manage.
I can see why the fascists here are so upset. "Love it or leave it" was their selling point, a justification for brownshirt violence. And now they've lost that.

On the plus side for them, it does give them an excuse to whine and proclaim their victimhood, as you saw them do here.
Are you proud to be an American? If not why?
Because I pointed out how upset you got over being unable to excuse brownshirt violence?

Come on. 'Fess up. You're just upset because I revealed your motivations.

Conservatives love America like a mommy, and mommy can do no wrong. Liberals love America more like a spouse. We think there's room for improvement, even if it does annoy the spouse.
Spouses get murdered too....Is that what you want to do?

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